“… that was the top right front tooth.
The chin-gash was ‘Naivety’
which rhymes with Stupidity
… we live and burn, then learn.
Yeah, 18 months ‘Streetwalking’
… and I’ve only just found my feet.
Stay away from ‘Sweet Old Men’,
they’re wearing disguises…
and are crueler than the young lads,
who are violent-as-fuck,
only it’s obvious and predictable,
you can work with that, and avoid it,
the codgers trap/corner you… BANG!
… you’ll never forget their ‘Filth’.
The ones who want to help, befriend,
or protect you…
will chain you to a fucking radiator,
if you’re dipshit enough to follow ‘em.
Enjoy the middle-aged broken-hearted
who want to cry on your shoulder,
and men who view you indifferently,
and use you like a coin slot machine
… that’s all straightforward business.
‘Promises’ and ‘Chat-Up Lines’
are Warning Signs…
and always ask at least two questions,
about any fucking subject at all…
if there’s ‘Anger’ there, you’ll hear it.”