Rioting brings out justified resistance in people but the worst in humanity
— Paul Tristram, March 2021
That’s right, I’ve gone and “quoted” myself,
because I couldn’t find anyone else
with a balanced enough opinion on the subject
… everyone’s either yelling
“A.C.A.B.” and “Smash The State!”
or “Give The Despicable Rabble Rousing Scum
The Water Cannons And Rubber Bullets!”
To get straight to the point of the argument
‘A Fine or up to 10 Years in Jail [Seriously?]
for being too ‘Noisy’ or for being ‘Annoying’
whilst taking part in [the Right] to Protest
is just taking the piss to the point of Control.
If your ‘Overstep Your [Legal] Boundaries’
become ‘Overzealous’ or ‘Heavy-Handed’
in your task of Protecting the General Public…
people will Complain, and they’ll do it Loudly.
And, seeing as your Prisons are already Full,
you’d best get the ‘Droogs’ and ‘Proles’ busy
building new ones, you’re going to need ‘em.