Proposal for a Self-Help Book: So You Want to Have a Democracy?

“Billions are going to zillionaires under the guise of pandemic relief”, in”Crumbs for the Hungry, Windfalls for the Rich”

— Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times, May 24, 2020

Americans never did learn to think
As “WE the People,” preferring the
Rugged, ruthless individualism, of their
Frontier days, never catching on to what
Democracy is, beyond the word, whose
“History has yet to be written,” ((Walt Whitman, “Democratic Vistas” ((1871) reprinted in “Democratic Vistas, and Other Papers,” HardPress Publishing, no date, p. 37.))
For a real, or a people’s democracy, not
One as tool of the market, production of
Goods must be for use more than for profit,
People give to the society according to
Their ability and are rewarded according
To their needs, workers collectively own a
Share, have a voice in managing their
Industries. When conditions are met,
Citizens can begin to think of their society
As their community and have say in making
It a decent and just one, one where equality
Climbs on to the podium of democracy to stand
With fraternity and liberty for all.

George Salamon lives in St. Louis, MO, where he did not grow up. Read other articles by George.