I am the Earth

I am the earth,
I support your fertile fields.

I am the earth,
I offer you places of protection.

I am the earth,
I caress you when your end arrives.

I am the earth,
I have witnessed storms and floods.

I am silent while I witness destruction,
but my tears are shed over what has been lost.

Now, I am rapidly being depleted
as greed decimates what I have left to offer.

I am the earth,
and I am struggling to stay alive.

Your trash fills my crevasses,
your poisons fill my streams.

I am earth
and we have long traveled together,

but now, the voyage is reaching its end.

John Collins ia a retired pharmacist from the coastal Virginia area, now living in Central Virginia. His work has appeared in the Dissident Voice, Merak, Fourth and Sycamore, Aurorus and Blossoms, Pangolin Review and Galway Reiew. Read other articles by John.