I. Summer afternoon,
a blackbird sings its heart out;
sirens wailing loud.
II. The television blares-
I sit there nauseous,
an ice pack on my head.
III. Fields of golden death;
paddy rots, the sickle rusts,
Trident stands erect.
IV. Farmer, will your tears
be enough, for when they own
all of the water?
V. Run Faroukh, run!
Run in circles, because
hate never ends.
VI. Mountain made of ice-
it trickles down in droplets
that hiss on parched rocks.
VII. Today we are starved,
tomorrow we will be dead;
we are fed just lies.
VIII. I rejoice for them-
the poets at the gallows;
but I fear for us.
IX. What choice do we have?
Conscience, conscience! I don’t want
no blood on my hands.