Wealth Expanding Fascists

(You'll do anything for love- of the rich)

The redeemer butcher

Since you don’t mind
they deign to grind
your agéd, ill and blind
Take your parents
and their friends
the rich are hungry too
Close your business
Shut your schools
Follow Facebook
and Twitter rules
Oh, behind your mask
for vaccine wait
while you and yours
can suffocate
It matters neither
how nor when
your remains
are found and then
off they go
and no one knows
how they’ll cook
your ears and nose
You were fooled
by all their lies ((Note: A Portuguese appellate court overturned quarantine orders issued by health authorities based on so-called PCR tests, citing the scientific information that these tests are not accurate and adequate basis for diagnosing a Covid-19 illness. Since all the statistics about “case” numbers are based on the PCR, the Court essentially recognised that there is no medical basis for the published Covid-19 statistics. This ruling has been ignored by mass media and Government- both continue the panic deceit.))
never used
your brain or eyes.
Since you don’t mind
they deign to grind
too late to save
your freedom, you’ll find.


Riqueza que engorda fascistas
(Farás tudo por amor – dos ricos)

Já que não te importas
eles dignam-se moer
o teu idoso, doente e cego
Leva os teus pais
e os seus amigos
os ricos também estão com fome
Encerra o teu negócio
Fecha as escolas
Segue o Facebook
e as regras do Twitter
Oh, por trás da tua máscara
pela vacina espera
enquanto tu e os teus
podem sufocar
Não importa nem
como nem quando
os teus restos
serão encontrados e então
la vao eles
e ninguém sabe
como irão cozinhar
as tuas orelhas e nariz
Foste enganado
pelas mentiras deles
nunca usaste
a tua cabeça nem os olhos.
Já que não te importas
eles dignam-se moer
tarde demais para salvar
a liberdade, verás.

T.P. Wilkinson, Dr. rer. pol. writes, teaches History and English, directs theatre and coaches cricket between the cradles of Heine and Saramago. He is author of Unbecoming American: A War Memoir and also Church Clothes, Land, Mission and the End of Apartheid in South Africa. Read other articles by T.P..