The Green Man sits waiting at t’other end
… where ‘Decay’ germinates ‘Rebirth’,
and Winter’s ‘Slant’ leaves your walk.
There is shelf-life to everything,
yet, a perpetual cycle of ‘Dawn’ and ‘Dusk’
which watermarks the Soul as it grows.
I would sometimes wish away Today
for Tomorrow… but, never for Yesterday
… I’ve already wrung that cloth dry.
Choosing to focus upon the Season’s robin
and pied-wagtail over the carrion birds
… shows your mind’s already moving on.
All new beginnings are Magical…
when it comes to emotions and the heart…
be a Lighthouse to others who need it
… but, never internally to isolate yourself,
unless you are carving Art Sculptures
betwixt memory-echoes and fading ghosts.
Movement is within us, constantly…
when I pause and silence… I feel a train
… and the seconds are working for minutes
who, in turn, are shovelling coal for the hours
… and thus, the only thing alterable is speed,
direction, and the enthusiasm to master Change.