not quite yet

from the dark shadows
of current events
an increasingly rare
light shown bright
from hallowed halls
of the Supreme Court.

a miracle almost,
a joyous moment
one that should
curdle the breath
of Prez Cheeto
for just a little while.

discrimination against
orientation protected
by Federal Law, the
headlines scream,
as streets still boil
from the murder
of George Floyd.

i feel pride in the moment,
but that too shall pass.
moments such as these
are brief as the death dealers
in Congress and the White House
work feverishly to
push us back down,
lock us away,
by any and all

discrimination is a virus
that hibernates until
madness takes grip
and unleashes its
vile coil
once again.

Jack Henry is a writer/editor based in Southern California. Recent publications can be found in Raven’s Cage, Horror Sleaze Trash, Red Fez, Rusty Truck, Dope Fiend Daily, Smoking Typewriter, Fearless, among others, He is also editor of Heroin Love Songs and 1870 Press. A new book, Driving W/Crazy, will be available in the Fall of 2020 from Punk Hostage Press. Read other articles by Jack.