Inextinguishable thirst is constantly renewed torture
— Émile Durkheim, Suicide: A Study in Sociology, 1897
It was revealed to you,
as a child, by [Them]
… you learnt to
It was joyful,
after travelling inwards,
to, temporarily, let-go
of the bar holding you
firmly in place…
for a mere split second
… and feel the Edge
of that rushing Abyss
… before clutching back
at your intrinsic support.
In adolescence…
you often strayed too far,
a form of ‘Self Harm’
… to Splinter,
Displace, Corner-Shift.
Drugs are Gateways only,
the real Travelling
is done [Mentally] on foot.
is a sledgehammer
… Graft, of Substance,
is done in the Furnace Room
… but, it’s knowing
how to get there
Intact yet Abstract and Fluid.
True ‘Ambition’ is
‘Solitary Confinement’…
no one gets it, nor cares,
they ‘Milk’ Energy
and Enthusiasm
… and do nothing with it.
You must ‘Shatter’
to ‘Realign’… Stronger
… the Soul is pliable,
whilst the Target is Absolute
… and only You understand,
or know where You are Going.