COVID could take us all tomorrow, and yet we act, mostly as usual.
Are we so easily sated? Ask we so little of life?
A docile flock indeed!
The time is now to burst asunder all chains that bind us!
Say what must be said. Do what must be done.
Pick a side. Take a stand.
Kiss the morning sun. Howl at the moon.
Non, je ne regrette rien.
Non, rien de rien.
The record shows, I took the blows.
And dreamed the impossible dream.
Is that a dagger I see before me? Handle toward my hand?
I shall renounce it!
I shall hear the people sing, if only in their hearts!
See the blue shores of paradise, if only in your eyes!
I shall know the limits of joy in this life, such was the secret promise to my heart.
And the eons shall know, that on this day; we cast down the heavy gaze of expectation, and took our destinies in hand.
That tomorrow morning, we set off; to capture, the right, the beautiful, the just.