She’s, amongst other things, an Empath…
I took her to a Ruined Prison
where we had a New Moon fumble
up against the back wall
of the, dilapidated, Condemned Cell.
I smash apart a chain-link
with a righteous hammer of Justice
each and every morning
straight after I break my fast…
it’s far superior to meditation,
or punching idiots (Just about).
“My mother wants to Smudge you,
she’s of a mind
that the orange blotches
which speckle your
mostly violet aura…
are in fact Porthole Scabs.
You’re like a cat
(Which explains your eyes)
you’ve got a foot in each World.”
It’s fascinating, but I find
that the more I learn,
and I’m absolutely bursting with it
at the present moment,
the less I have to explain myself…
and frowning’s simply an analysing smile.