Impervious, Mate

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.
— Old business proverb recited by Winston Churchill in a speech at the Shepherd’s Bush Empire, London, 3 December 1923.

First, you need to know exactly
where you are going,
even if you are unsure
of the way to actually get there
… then focus, completely!
There are many pathways,
dead-ends, and false starts
… they are just Tests,
and as you well know,
a ‘Test’ is simply something
that can be beaten, overcome,
and finally Won.
The ‘Idiots’ making noise,
are not your ‘People’
they’re ‘Losers’
behaving like ‘Losers’,
and trying to stop someone else
from reaching a Light
which they, themselves,
are never going to know
… fuck ‘em, sidestep ‘em,
and just keep Soldiering On.
Have your own ‘Back’,
be your own ‘Rock’,
you’re not just strong enough
for all of ‘This’
you were made for all of This!
Pipedreams and illusions
are the terrain of daydreamers
… the Work
that you’re jackhammering
out of that unique Soul
is the stuff of Grafters…
now, reach, and keep reaching
until the Impossible
actually proves itself Tangible.

Paul Tristram is a widely published Welsh writer who deals in the Lowlife, Outsider, and Outlaw genres.  He wrote his first poem as a teenager following his release from the (Infamous) Borstal ‘HMP Portland’, and he has been creating Literary Terrorism ever since.  His novel ‘Crazy Like Emotion’ is available to purchase right here . Also his collection of shorter fiction Kicking Back Drunk ‘Round The Candletree Graves' is available to purchase at Both books are published by Close To The Bone Publishing. Read other articles by Paul, or visit Paul's website.