Leftovers and Takeaways
by Natasha Deonarain / March 1st, 2020
Take away the agenda
Take away the exchange
Take away our climate
Take away its change
Take away abortion
Take away the rights
Take away the terrorist
Take away the fights
Take away university
Take away their thugs
Take away this perversity
Take away its drugs
Take away the racist
Take away the race
Take away the color
Take away our hate
Take away pretending
Take away our cake
Take away our ending and please—
Take away our fate
Natasha Deonarain's first chapbook, 50 Etudes for Piano, will be published by Assure Press. She has been selected for the 2020 Three Sisters Award by NELLE magazine. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Inflectionist Review, Rogue Agent Journal, The RavensPerch and Door is Ajar among others.
Read other articles by Natasha.
This article was posted on Sunday, March 1st, 2020 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.