The first time we held hands…
forget the rockets and all that,
they were there a-plenty,
but, something deeper ‘Switched’
and then ‘Locked-Into-Place’.
The first kiss… was a waterfall,
a gigantic happening.
The second kiss, I blacked-out.
The third, oh my, the third…
and I was killed (I mean ‘Filled’)
with a murderous rage,
whilst compassion eeechoooed
around the walls of my Soul,
all at the exact same time…
I understood mothers lifting
up buses from injured children.
That’s how you know
when it’s ‘Real Love’…
you are upon a Precipice,
and it doesn’t get anymore
‘Joyful’ or ‘Dangerous’…
you are Cringing, and Drowning
within the Overwhelming,
Gut-wrenching, beautifully-insane
Majestic, Upper-cut Impact of it all…
and there is Nothing you can do about it!