Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Why do you wear such nice fur –
are you a lamb of God?
Do you also dress as Little Red Riding Hood’s grandma,
‘neath the bed’s foreboding covers?
Who will you eat? Where, when, how?
What will you say after you eat –
that it tasted delicious
and is nationally nourishing?
Will people believe you then?

Do you also own a fine roasting oven,
deep in the Black Forest,
where you sit in wait for
hungry children to cook?
After eating them, what you say
to the public –
do they still believe you then?

What do you use for eating –
ketchup, butter, salt?
What tastes best when contorting
lives with gleaming knives,
like ants trampled under feet?

As a prolific author from the Boston area, Peter F. Crowley writes in various forms, including short fiction, op-eds, poetry and academic essays. In 2020, his poetry book Those Who Hold Up the Earth was published by Kelsay Books and received impressive reviews by Kirkus Review, the New Age and two local Boston-area newspapers. His writing can be found in Middle East Monitor, Znet, 34th Parallel, Pif Magazine, Galway Review, Digging the Fat, Adelaide’s Short Story and Poetry Award anthologies (finalist in both) and The Opiate. His books That Night and Other Stories (CAAB Publishing) and Empire’s End (Alien Buddha Press) were released during the week of Friday the 13th in October 2023. Read other articles by Peter F..