Gnawing at my Nano-seconds

Are conundrums
Of searching for non-existent cheap flights,
Getting airlines to follow the t and cs of contracts
signed with some sort of vague authorities
regarding passenger ‘rights.’

Trying to locate a fast food place
which caters to multiple allergies,
whilst idly dreaming of schemes that actually
make some money online before they dissipate
in front of the huge amounts of boring work involved
before even a single dollar materializes as ‘profit.’

‘It’s your shortcoming,’ say all the New Age sites
‘that you can’t manifest abundance,
give us enough cash in any currency,
do our course, you’ll be blooming,’
or some such vaguely rosy promise.

‘It’s not our fault you got all these silly allergies,’
say the food conglomerates,
‘we just spray whatever, and change genes of plants.
Harmless enough activities? Right?’

‘And don’t even think of looking in our direction,’
intone Pharma Collective.
‘Besides, no one will publish your rant,
for don’t you know, our mega bosses
own all these media outlets anyway,
so we’re forever safe and sound
under their global umbrella’.

Sultana Raza has a Master of Arts in English Literature. Her poems have appeared in 25+ Journals, including Caduceus (Ed. Yale University), Columbia Journal, and The New Verse News. More poems have appeared in Gramma, Enclave, Entropy, Poetry24, The Society of Classical Poetry, Bewildering Stories, spillwords, Tuck, and The Peacock Journal. Her fiction has been published online (Coldnoon Journal), and received an Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train Review (USA). Her 100+ articles (on art, film, and humanitarian issues) have appeared in English and French. She has presented her fiction and poetry in Creative Writing Panels in international conferences in the US and Europe, where she’s also presented papers on Romanticism (Keats) and Fantasy (Tolkien). Read other articles by Sultana.