HEAVY; not like thunderclouds,
no, they pass in due course…
this is more,
dead, and rotting cattle carcasses
piling the roadway
in whichever way you turn to face.
The obnoxious Summer sun
answering the question mark
of your frowning, disbelieving features,
with plague-heatwaves
the volume and weight
of Anvil Sucker-punches.
Don’t you dare try crawling away
from the pressure
which God has sentenced you to,
or we’ll nail your other wriggling foot
to the motorway of your unravelling mind.
Besides, The Bulldozer’s a-coming,
metal to the screeching, grinding floor…
and the silent, quick scythe of The Reaper
is a mercy you’ve yet to deserve or earn.
The Bulldozer
(Written For The 2019 UK’s Mental Health Awareness Week, May 13th To 19th)