civil lying and pocket lining
by Robert Filos / February 17th, 2019
continental darkness shakes the senses
light landings carried persons and gold
held in diamond coated galleons run low
civil lying and pocket lining is progress
let the blood drip from their wallets and
out their eyes and ears to this hour dread
curse the day and people who profited
raping the people and the land ghastly
dark and lovely once and again I pray
Robert Filos is an author of poetry and short stories that combine beauty and wit while highlighting social justice issues. Published worldwide his poetry received over 40,000 views in 2017. Born and raised in The Bronx, he now resides in the South Carolina Low-country with his wife and children.
He can be reached at
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This article was posted on Sunday, February 17th, 2019 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.