January 2019
- The “Kosher Nostra” Nation
January 17th, 2019 by Greg Maybury - Remembrance: The Dehumanised Human
January 17th, 2019 by Media Lens - Trump, Bolton and the Syrian Confusion
January 17th, 2019 by Binoy Kampmark - Israel and the Golan Heights: A Wider Geopolitical Game
January 17th, 2019 by James O'Neill - Long Live the Armed Struggle!
Part Two of book review, and ... The Revolution Will Not Be Televised or plugged onto Twitter, or in the Streets with Your Placards, or Sending in 'Save the Whale' Postcards
January 16th, 2019 by Paul Haeder - Glossip v. Gross: the Eighth Amendment and the Torture Court of the United States
January 16th, 2019 by Edward J. Martin - Uniting For A Green New Deal
January 16th, 2019 by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers - Surgical Totalitarianism
January 16th, 2019 by Dan Corjescu - The Moral Travesty of Israel Seeking Arab, Iranian Money for its Alleged Nakba
January 15th, 2019 by Ramzy Baroud - Gilets Jaunes: Catalyst for a Global Movement?
January 14th, 2019 by Gilbert Mercier - Give Children the Vote, Strengthen Democracy
January 14th, 2019 by Graham Peebles - The Chickens Come Home to Roost
... in Syria
January 14th, 2019 by Gary Leupp - The Persecuted
January 14th, 2019 by T. Mayheart Dardar - Cuba: Trump Turns the Vise
January 14th, 2019 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin - Why is Japan So Bitter About Unstoppable Rise of China
January 14th, 2019 by Andre Vltchek - The Government Shutdown Makes You Think About Socialism
January 13th, 2019 by Charles Andrews - Israeli Politics is Being Dragged into the Grubby Realm of Reality TV
As Benjamin Netanyahu demands a televised showdown with his corruption accusers and Roseanne Barr prepares to address the Knesset, the poverty of public discourse has never been more apparent
January 13th, 2019 by Jonathan Cook - Updating Some U.S. Political Prisoners January 2019
January 13th, 2019 by J.B. Gerald - Fight for Promised Peace Dividend
Interview with author John Rachel
January 13th, 2019 by Ron Ridenour - Why Are the Media So Eager to Declare Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Dead?
January 13th, 2019 by Gareth Porter - Capitalist Agriculture: Putting Soil on a Diet of Snake Oil and Doughnuts
January 13th, 2019 by Colin Todhunter - In The Eye of the Beholder: USA History of Imprisoning Women Politicals
Part One of review and discussion of Linda G. Ford's Women Politicals in America: Jailed Dissenters from Mother Jones to Lynne Stewart
January 13th, 2019 by Paul Haeder - The Illusion of the Rich: an Island of Prosperity surrounded by Misery and Suffering
An interview with Brazilian Dominican Frei Betto: Part 1
January 12th, 2019 by T.P. Wilkinson - Americans Need a Congress that Represents Americans
January 11th, 2019 by Paul Craig Roberts - The “Unpeople” of South Korea
Idiocy and Violence of Immigration
January 10th, 2019 by Reza Aziz - The War on Populism
January 10th, 2019 by C.J. Hopkins - Anti-BDS Bill Defeated
January 9th, 2019 by Gilad Atzmon - When Bolsonaro and Netanyahu Are “Brothers”: Why Brazil Should Shun the Israeli Model
January 9th, 2019 by Ramzy Baroud - Justin Trudeau’s High-mindedness
January 9th, 2019 by Yves Engler - What Are We Working For “At Eternity’s Gate”?
January 9th, 2019 by Edward Curtin