
I live at the top floor,
in a flat with a view
to a perfect car park.

I take white little stones
and place them, like pills,
in straight lines on my desk.

Through a hole in the sky,
I watch the beheadings
going on in the city
and point a fully-loaded gun
against the world.

My earth rests, suspended
between wild heavens
and landscaped gardens.

The sun hangs loose
above silent bell ropes
as if nothing has happened.

Maria Stadnicka is a writer, freelance journalist and lecturer. Winner of 12 Romanian National Poetry prizes, she worked as a radio and TV broadcaster. She has lived in Gloucestershire, England since 2003. Published poetry collections: O-Zone Friendly, A Short Story about War, Imperfect. Further details about Maria's work and portfolio available on her website www.mariastadnicka.com Read other articles by Maria.