Thoreau-bots (fake news)

The word went out through the underground
Thoreau-bots were being sent out with the sole purpose to commit acts of civil disobedience:

Injustice? Thoreau-bots broadcast Phil Ochs “Ballad of Medgar Evers”
as they join the gathering crowds

Hunger? Thoreau-bots acquire food and distribute to the needy
as they broadcast Harry Chapin’s “The Shortest Story” amid the masses

Cracks in the wall of separation?
Thoreau-bots will repair the breach and quell anxiety
while broadcasting John Lennon’s “Imagine”

Hatred? Thoreau-bots will not hate the hater –
they will offer compassion, understanding and empathy
as they softly play Walela’s “Amazing Grace”

Thoreau-bots fake news

Paul Cech has been writing poetry since 1970. Several of his poems have been published as Saturday Poems in the Pittsburgh- Post Gazette and the Thomas Merton Center of Pittsburgh has published several of his poems in NewPeople. Read other articles by Paul.