Hurricane Husband

Hurricane husband
battered at the door of my heart
With his wild wind words that
sliced and diced at 100 miles an hour
to strip my soul bare
His voice forced my eyes closed
to protect them from the splinters and slivers
that cause my psyche to shiver
in the corner of my brain
In his wind tunnel world
where those words
stretched the skin back from my face
I lived with gale force words
left our relationship
barren of any life
Listless and breathless I waited
on the roof of my soul
waved my white flag
and wondered
where is my rescue crew?

As a surviver of domestic abuse, Thasia Anne is currently a case manager helping homeless women, and writes poetry in the role of community advocate. She has been published in numerous Anthologies and currently has three books of poetry published through Alien Buddha Press, which are available on Read other articles by Thasia Anne.