
I am grateful
That you chose me.

Grateful that you are just,
True, reliable, honest and sincere.

If it were to be bought,
I could not afford even the least.

But you chose me,
Freely gave me the talent,
May I use it honourably
To your glory and call.

Many are called,
But few are chosen,
You called me
And still chose me.

I am grateful
Grateful beyond words
Far beyond gifts,
Gifts that I cannot offer.

Let this oil run deep
And anoint the earth,
Let this talent go wide
And capture the earth,
For the giver
For His sole aim,
Let it not be a curse
Rather blessings upon blessings,
From generations to generations
World without end, amen.

Ngozi Olivia Osuoha is a Nigerian poet/writer/thinker who has published over 180 poems in over 13 countries and featured in over 25 international anthologies. Her three poetry books and a coauthored poetry book are available on Amazon. Read other articles by Ngozi Olivia.