Lofty Even After Annihilation
by Scott Thomas Outlar / August 5th, 2018
There is no what if
or would have/could have/should have
that can hold us back
or keep us down
if only our eyes
remain focused
on the future
Frogs will never have wings
and that’s why
they land
hard on earth
every time
they leap
But we are both
angel and animal
and so it is our spirits
that ascend
in flight
not our bodies
not this flesh
not our bones
Scott Thomas Outlar is a lover of truth and enjoys researching
philosophy, psychology, politics, spirituality, and any other facet of
consciousness in the pursuit of reaching a higher state of vibration.
He also enjoys writing rants, poems, essays, short stories, and
prose-fusion screeds covering such subjects.
Scott Thomas can be reached at You can also watch and/or subscribe to his
YouTube Channel.
Read other articles by Scott Thomas, or
visit Scott Thomas's website.
This article was posted on Sunday, August 5th, 2018 at 8:03am and is filed under Poetry.