Abandon Hope
by Chani Zwibel / June 24th, 2018
Borders, hellish gates, become a brutal curtain,
Leaving only merciless cruelty certain.
Lamp doused out, no flame, just ashes.
Silence as the angel overhead passes.
Once, we were a city on a hill,
Now we’re a sinkhole none can fill.
Once a beacon in the night,
Now a prison locked up tight.
When will the lights go on again?
When the sword is made null by the pen.
Chani Zwibel is a graduate of Agnes Scott College, a poet, wife and dog-mom who was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but now dwells in Marietta, Georgia. She enjoys writing poetry after nature walks and daydreaming.
Read other articles by Chani.
This article was posted on Sunday, June 24th, 2018 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.