Saskatchewan Sky

just a preview of love,
chip off
an edge of
chip an edge off
and opening
multiple eyes
toward spring.
They-lovers, find themselves
near evening bush fire-
great seal fish and open lake,
cuddle together-
so wonderful there-
where she comes from,
where did she go to
from here.

Michael Lee Johnson lived ten years in Canada during the Vietnam era. Today he is a poet in the greater Chicagoland area, IL.  Michael is an internationally published poet in 44 countries, several published poetry books, nominated for 5 Pushcart Prize awards and 6 Best of the Net nominations. He is editor-in-chief of 3 poetry anthologies, all available on Amazon, and has several poetry books and chapbooks. He has over 536 published poems. Michael Lee is the administrator of 6 Facebook Poetry groups.  He now has over 264 poetry videos on YouTube.   Member Illinois State Poetry Society. poetry 2015 videos on YouTube. Michael Lee can be reached at Read other articles by Michael Lee, or visit Michael Lee's website.