Down with NRA
sponsoring murder in our schools
Down with NRA
hacks saying guns are just ‘tools’
Down with NRA
mass murders nearly everyday
Down with NRA
banking on bullets which ricochet
Down with NRA
‘cause death is in their DNA
Down with NRA
and laws of green papier-mâché
Down with NRA
with shopworn loops of SOS
Down with NRA
senators spewing bull-mess
Down with NRA
lying thugs who window dress
Down with NRA
shills in the corporate press
Down with NRA
calculating crimson largess
Down with NRA
deadly virus and infection
Down with NRA
masking itself “self-protection”
Down with NRA
dark days in its setting sun
Down with NRA
mantra, “good guy with a gun”
Down with NRA
and their pale, cold, dead hands
Down with NRA
Rise up—taking fighting stands!
• Poet’s Note: Inspired by great Jazz guitarist Bobby Broom’s “Penny Saved”