Big Guy

We watch as black waves swallow
countries, their sovereign colors on the map
offensive, security threats of course.
They must be invaded or destroyed
by Agency-managed revolt.

We recall how it all developed:
Unoccupied land! great for cattle.
Of course, it’s just I take it.
Then our spheres of influence
and the oil and rubber claims.

Whatever the big guy says
most countries quickly obey —
once in a while one does not
but something always happens:
unrest rages, a coup follows,
drones take out the troublemakers.

Robert A. Davies has published in recent years largely online. He has been writing poems seriously since 1969. He has published Timber, Tracks in Oregon, Melons and Mendelssohn, and Bluff Hollow. He was co-editor of Mr. Cogito for about 20 years. He has recently appeared in Dissident Voice and Windfall He can be reached at: Read other articles by Robert A..