Labor for Sale
by Adam Levon Brown / May 1st, 2016
Steel and glass
automaton fitted
with fiberglass dreams
Billows out economic
slaves in the name
of green backs
and consumption
Broken backs
and cracked hopes
gives rise to bitter mornings
Scramble for food
and coffee and then
the drive to that unholy
graveyard where the real
you goes to die
Old, grime-ridden toys
dot your basement,
reminiscent of a time
when life didn’t
have you in a vice
around the throat
Another day, another
dead dream within
the pile of refuse
that was once called
Adam Levon Brown is a published author, poet, amateur photographer, and cat lover. He is owner of Madness Muse Press; a micro-press that publishes dark poetry, and a book reviewer for Five 2 One Magazine. He has over 100 poems published in 9 different countries. He has been published in venues such as Burningword Literary Journal, Corvus Review, and Yellow Chair Review. Adam can be contacted via his website at where he offers free poetry resources. Also see his press at Read other articles by Adam Levon.
This article was posted on Sunday, May 1st, 2016 at 8:03am and is filed under Poetry.