The Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united corporation that is America, and to the oligarchy for which it stands,
two nations, divided by greed, with liberty and justice for the rich

Greed fills the veins of the uncaring ruling class
need fills the pockets of the desperate, sickened mass

Law is a construct of the powerful, and not of just ideals
rich men get away with bloody murder while the trapped poor men steal

and get locked up for a decade with no chance of parole
This country has lost its liberty, its ideals, and its soul

soldiers march to the death ring of long forgotten freedom
the war hawks are trapped in bubbles of self-imposed fiendom

Adam Levon Brown is a published author, poet, amateur photographer, and cat lover. He is owner of Madness Muse Press; a micro-press that publishes dark poetry, and a book reviewer for Five 2 One Magazine. He has over 100 poems published in 9 different countries. He has been published in venues such as Burningword Literary Journal, Corvus Review, and Yellow Chair Review. Adam can be contacted via his website at where he offers free poetry resources. Also see his press at Read other articles by Adam Levon.