The Fukushima disaster is radiantly exposed in the Pacific Ocean, but as for people behind the disaster, it is treated like the Manhattan Project, circa 1942… Top Secret!
Still, “It’s against international law to dump radioactivity into the sea, but that is precisely what is happening on a daily basis,” according to Dr. Keith Baverstock, former regional adviser for Radiation and Public Health, World Health Organization (“WHO”), speaker at the Citizen-Scientist International Symposium on Radiation Protection, October 23, 2015.
As intimated by Dr. Baverstock, inexplicably Fukushima is immune to international law, standards, and conventions, and nobody cares enough to do anything about it.
Surely, nobody intentionally caused the disaster behind the meltdown, similar to a chain reaction of falling dominoes: an earthquake, tsunami, massive flooding, black-outs, loss of power, hydrogen explosions, nuclear meltdown, and four years of highly radioactive water spewing into the Pacific Ocean, and who knows what else or where else?
But, “cause” is not the issue with Fukushima. The issue is whether nuclear power is a satisfactory source of energy, whether it is safe. In that regard, Angela Merkel (61), PhD physics, University of Leipzig and current chancellor of Germany is shutting down all nuclear reactors because of the Fukushima incident. Germany favors renewable sources of energy like solar and wind. Meanwhile, Japan’s PM Abe (61), a graduate in political science from Seikei University, is reopening nuclear power plants as quickly as possible, proving that politics overrides science.
In stark contrast to the German chancellor’s take on nuclear power, the pro-nuke crowd claims highly radioactive water, which has been flowing out of the Fukushima complex like crazy for four years straight, becomes so diluted within the vastness of the Pacific Ocean that there is nothing to worry about. But, their cleverness merely prompts a raised eyebrow amongst people who closely follow the Fukushima scenario.
As it happens, buried within Fukushima’s complexities the public encounters an enigma, as expressed by Dr. Baverstock, “I’m really appalled at the way the international system has failed… Quite frankly, we don’t get anything through the media… There is no general understanding of the situation here in Europe, because the media are not putting this view forward. In fact, I think many people would be very surprised that it was still a matter for discussion. They would be even more surprised to learn that it’s still an ongoing accident, and that it hasn’t terminated yet… and they would be more surprised to learn that nobody knows how to stop it.”
“Nobody knows how to stop it,” is the storyline in the aftermath of Fukushima.
In point of fact, who can know, who can even follow Fukushima? After all, it’s well known that the Abe administration established a very tight news blackout and instituted severe secrecy laws to prevent a flow of truthfulness. Not only that, but by all appearances, there is a hushed, secretive international protocol amongst the world’s brotherhood of nations to downplay and ignore one of the biggest catastrophic events in recent history, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, or in short, turn a blind eye to a very, very ugly situation. Nevertheless, it will not go away! As far as that goes, it may never go away!
The drama behind Japan enacting a state secrecy law in the immediate wake of nuclear meltdown only serves to highlight suspicions about how bad the situation really is. If not for Japan passing an unconstitutional secrecy law (the new secrecy law clearly violates Japan’s constitution), allowing politicians carte blanche authority to determine what’s a state secret and determine which perceived violators should go to prison for up to 10 years, then outsiders would not have such strong inclinations leading to suspicion, distrust, as well as profound disbelief in the Abe administration, which essentially and obscenely flips the bird to any and all.
In fact, information about the meltdown is controlled via biased sources. According to Dr. Baverstock, it is imperative for “the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) to have its role clarified. It cannot continue to be the promoter of nuclear power and the organization that is involved for safety. So, the failure of the IAEA to respond in this particular instance is very good ammunition to move towards getting that view heard at the UN General Assembly, and that will be something which politicians have to do… There are some politicians who are sympathetic to the view expressed here.”
According to Dr. Baverstock, there is an urgent need for a proper risk assessment of Fukushima, and he believes there should be pressure to get that achieved by an independent organization. All of which must be taken up at a worldwide forum like the UN. After all, by default, the international community is involved whenever and wherever the world at large is exposed to dangerous radiation. How could it be any other way?
Well, reprehensibly it can be another way as, for example, Fukushima.
After all, a mysterious apathy surrounds the events at Fukushima. Eerily, the ongoing nuclear meltdown, which is as hot as a pistol, has been relegated to second fiddle status in the public eye. In turn, the vacuum of transparency leads to all sorts of conspiratorial theories, inundating the Internet and serving to radicalize opinion. Thereby, Abe’s administration comes across as scheming schlemiels.
Of course, it is only too self-evident that PM Abe is preparing for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and posturing to re-open nuke facilities. As of October 22nd, twenty-one of Japan’s forty-three operable reactors are undergoing NRA safety reviews. Already, Kyushu EPC’s Sendai 2 nuclear power plant restarted last week, supplying electricity to the grid. Nowadays, it’s almost as if nothing bad happened.
But, wait a moment! Where’s the corium?
Corium is a lava-like radioactive hot molten mix of a nuclear reactor core formed during a meltdown. The corium is missing at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant No. 2. Nobody knows where it is. Nobody knows! Better yet, or rather worse yet, finding No.2’s melted core is an ongoing challenge of enormous, humongous proportions, kinda like hovering at the edge of a Black Hole. What’s next?
As the situation now stands, what if the corium leaked or leaks into the ground beneath the reactor’s final cement & steel containment vessel, the last line of defense? Answer: Nobody knows because it has never happened before, but the smell test says it can’t be good; in fact, it’s gotta be awful, really awful and deadly out of control, impossible to stop.
Tragically, nobody knows what to do. They really don’t.
Still, here’s what sources claim probably happens when a nuclear meltdown hits pay dirt, immersing into Earth: Some isotopes uncontrollably spread erratically, for example, Cesiun-137, which is deadly toxic to all life forms, and only one of many dangerous isotopes, is water-soluble and makes its way into soils and waters and quickly becomes ubiquitous in the ecosystem; that’s what happens, “ubiquitous in the ecosystem.”
Thereafter, assuming a situation similar to Chernobyl (1986), an exclusion zone is established to keep everybody out due to excessive levels of radiation. But, questions like how big of an exclusion zone and how prolific the underground hot radioactive corium reacts nobody knows how to answer. When Ihor Gramotkin, director of the Chernobyl Power Plant was asked how soon the Chernobyl reactor site would be inhabitable again, he replied: “At least 20,000 years.” ((Eben Harrell, “Apocalypse Today: Visiting Chernobyl, 25 Years Later,” Time Magazine, April 26, 2011.))
Nevertheless, the Abe government is already moving people back into some of the four-year-old exclusion zones of Fukushima.
Meanwhile, the pro-nuke school of thought should contemplate: Two hundred U.S. sailors of the USS Reagan have a pending lawsuit against TEPCO et al claiming that young sailors are already experiencing leukemia, ulcers, gall bladder removals, brain cancer, brain tumors, testicular cancer, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, thyroid illness, stomach ailments and other complaints unusual in such young adults.
The sailors participated in “Operation Tomodachi,” providing humanitarian relief after the March 11th, 2011 Fukushima disaster based upon assurances that radiation levels were okay.
According to plaintiffs’ attorneys, more sailors are in the process of coming on board as a tempest of nuclear radiation aftereffects spreads thru the ranks.
Then, it’s little wonder that Einstein prophetically stated: “The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.”
Unparalleled catastrophes, indeed!