Israel’s Attempted Genocide Must Fail

Lessons from genocide in "Canada"

The Zionist Project is to eradicate all Palestinians who make claim to a home in Palestine. The Zionist Project is exactly what Israel has been doing since its artificial creation.

The Zionist Project is planned incremental dispossession and an on-going attempted genocide, and this has been repeatedly and explicitly expressed by its architects and executioners. The Zionist Project as attempted genocide is also expressly cheered-on by many Israeli citizens and by members of the Zionist diaspora of all religions.

The Israeli apartheid is not meant as a sustained apartheid. It is an increment in an attempted genocide that accompanies a vast racist pillaging of land and resources (water, gas).

The attempted Israeli genocide, in its on-going mid-phase, is not unlike the now-accomplished Canadian genocide against First Peoples. First there were population displacements, then exterminations, then land treaties, then reservations, then forced cultural assimilation for any survivors, then cultural normalization of the crimes, and never any possibility of return or reparations.

A main difference is that Canada’s genocide is virtually complete, whereas Israel’s attempted genocide is in full swing and unfolding militarily before the world, in a time of instant and distributed electronic publishing, and in a time when other genocides have been named, exposed, condemned, and studied and understood. ((A Little Matter of Genocide – Holocaust and Denial in the Americas 1492 to the Present by Ward Churchill, City Lights Books, San Francisco, 1997.))

Another difference is that Canadian politicians are — these days, in the end-game of the Canadian genocide — lying cover-up artists, whereas Israeli politicians are straight-up, and are supported by an overtly and enthusiastically racist population.

By comparison, Canadian citizens are racist in condoning their state’s violence (both domestic and international) but they practice language-cleansing to hide their true racism from themselves. (There is even a pseudo-intellectual legalistic framework to help accomplish this known as “critical race theory” ((Hierarchy and Free Expression in the Fight Against Racism by Denis G. Rancourt, Stairway Press, Mount Vernon, WA, 2013.)) — The aftermath of a genocide is always a bit tricky, with wanting a “safe” mental-environment for the children and all, and for the professionals that continue to advance and maintain the exploitative system.)

Yet another difference is that Israel was created and is supported by the super-genocidal states (USA, Britain, et al.) in order to prevent and police-against any unified emergence of the Muslim World in the resource-rich and geopolitically central Middle East. Then again, Canada was entirely supported by Britain during the most brutal period of its genocide, and this was in-part to counter USA emergence and domination on the North American continent.

An analysis of Israel’s on-going attempted genocide is informed by the social history of Canada’s genocide, and this model should be predictive.

If Israel’s attempted genocide is allowed to ripen to completion, then Israelis will cleanse their history and their language and thoughts, in the post-genocide period. We must not get there. The overt racism-of-expression of Israeli society and of the Zionist diaspora is an unmistakable indicator that the attempted genocide is in mid-project, as was the case in Canada during the overtly racist campaigns to take the territory.

Language and silence are both indicators of intention, but racist language is not the cause of the genocidal thrust. The cause is a lust for power and resources actuated by global and regional dominance hierarchies that are very real entities in themselves: The top layer probably being the global exploitation project of the American Empire, driven by its military economy and its control of global economic instruments.

I personally do not believe that Israel is the tail that wags the USA dog, but there is certainly a large degree of that going on. ((The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by Mearsheimer, John J. and Walt, Stephen; New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.)), ((The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein, Verso, NY, 2000.)) The Zionist diaspora derives power and influence from supporting the Zionist Project, from its support for Israel’s genocide. ((The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein, Verso, NY, 2000.))

The Zionist Project must now be stopped. This genocide must be stopped in its tracks, if it’s the last significant geopolitical accomplishment of the global civil society. The tide is turning. We see real political movement in the UK itself. Western World civil society must not be irrelevant and ineffective. We owe that to ourselves.

The only effective barrier against the Zionist Project at the moment is the remarkable Palestinian resistance itself. And Israel is doing everything it can to isolate, divide, erode, and destroy that resistance. The Palestinian resistance is phenomenal. Against all odds, Palestine has repeatedly found ways to assert itself, despite the tremendous pressures to make it abandon.

The World civil society must actuate arguably-the-first stoppage of a nation-scale genocide pursued by a colonial invader.

There can be peace and coexistence but Israel is hell-bent on its Zionist Project, and those Muslim countries with corrupt leaders are participating in the Israeli genocide rather than impeding it. Therefore, the only chance for Palestinian survival, at this time, is increased armed Palestinian resistance. And that is something Western civil society had better understand before it’s too late, if it wants to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. ((“Rockets from Gaza are morally justified and are not contrary to international law” by Denis G. Rancourt, Activist Teacher, July 24, 2014.))

If Israel cannot be discouraged, and since it cannot be disarmed, then Palestine must be armed sufficiently to effectively discourage the on-going Israeli genocide. Can Israel be discouraged from pursuing its vicious plan? It’s time to test that question while supporting that Palestine be enabled to defend itself.

Israel must live and thrive without Zionism and thus without its apartheid/genocide project, and Judaism must thrive in Israel and in the World, but the Zionist project must die. Until that can be feasible, Israel must be ostracized, isolated, boycotted, and shunned. World civil society can achieve this if it gets serious and starts by rejecting the Zionist diaspora wherever it acts. Jews that abandon and reject the Israeli genocide must be loved, and Zionists of all religions must be constrained from supporting the Israel genocide.

In Canada, Stephen Harper is the “Prime Minister of Canada for Israel”. Israel’s regional violence keeps the price of oil high and the tar sands exploitable and profitable to the US masters of the Canadian economy.

The Canadian Israel lobby is an arm of US imperialism and has taken over as arguably the most influential superstructure acting on Canadian politics. Trudeau ((“Justin Trudeau: ‘We have Israel’s back’“, Carey Miller YouTube Channel, published April 6, 2014.)) and Mulcair are vying to be more Zionist than Harper. It’s disgusting and humiliating for Canadians.

Virtually no Canadian members of parliament have condemned Israel for its grotesque massacre. Those who speak out condone and normalize the genocide. The Canadian mainstream media is largely poisoned by the same Zionism. ((“CBC-Ottawa’s biased reporting of a pro-Palestine rally — Not good” by Denis G. Rancourt, Activist Teacher, July 27, 2014.))

In Canada’s capital Ottawa, the university presidents of the two largest universities in the city are both staunch Zionists that make artificial academic ties with Israel and suppress student movements for justice for Palestinians.

This has all gone too far. It’s time to roll back Zionism in Canada and everywhere. Palestinians are doing the remarkable. The least we can do for ourselves is to cut back Zionists in our own countries.

Denis G. Rancourt is a former tenured full professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is a researcher for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association. He has published more than 100 articles in leading scientific journals, on physics and environmental science. He is the author of the book Hierarchy and Free Expression in the Fight Against Racism. Denis can be reached at Read other articles by Denis.