Sorry ‘Bout That

Really. That we blew up
your family eating dinner
last night. And we’re sorry
we killed your grandpa

and grandma driving
for groceries this morning.
Really. Really. Really.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

And we’re awfully sorry
we incinerated that elementary
school just when those lovely
children were about to leave
for the day. Heck, a couple
more minutes and the place
would’ve been empty.
Imagine that.

Sorry ’bout that. Really
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

It’s a beautiful day, though.
Look at that blue sky and those
majestic mountains!

Anyway, we’re doing this for you,
ya know. For the greater good,
for decency and the future,
for freedom and democracy.

Really, we’re not kidding.
Really. Really. Really.

Paul Lojeski's poetry has appeared in journals and online. He’s also the author of the satiric novel, The Reverend Jimmy Pup. He lives with his wife and daughter in Port Jefferson, NY. Read other articles by Paul.