an explanation re:Hana
MEme idea call self descent Hungarian Polish Yiddish mate birth talk move dream continuous till death they did part. Sudden alive me young; new century. Education channels public school television. Calvinist Consumerist American MEme. Media stealth blitz ravishing The Word. Images more potent than, more lively than, more sticky than. Manufactured overseas protect American myth-MEme material of music cinema. Copy, right?
MEme holographic. Cell bodies of Politic. Mourn loss of me to ME. Duplicitous Power outsourced The Myth Machine to Time. Later to replace erase us: nothing, silence, void. Remember I remember me in motion. Doing being aware of doing being Time (“what happened?”). Proof of me alive self separate from ME Body Politic. Goose-stepping yes-Man ME on loan from Time to Time. THE BODY POLITIC equates me with ME and your drooling kin in Idaho or Buffalo or anywhere someone somewhere calls “here now,” capitol of work, death, taxes. Citizen ME immortal. Oh poor me (i call myself), drama without narrative thrust forward.
Primary ME defined by Time, The Man, HIS-story. Poor secondary me supine on lawns and beaches of my young. Sentimental dissipation. Scatter, scatter mortal earth me of the dead skin sunburn to wild west winds of changed climate typhoons.
March on, march on, self-less, expendable ME immortal. Billions of me for every ME enables ME murderous to death march MEme. Slaughter devour disperse till nothing left of me but ME