America’s War on Libya

Since WW II alone, America waged direct and proxy wars against Korea, Southeast Asia, Central and South American countries, African ones, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and now Egypt and Libya. One down, one to go, besides dozens of attempted and successful coups, as well as numerous other interventions to control world markets, resources and people. Imperial America doesn’t sleep. It plots, deciding where next to strike.

Despite popular passion for democratic change, uprisings in Egypt and Libya were externally orchestrated, funded and armed by Washington to replace one despot with another. Democracy won’t be tolerated. It’s never been at home.

America’s media go along, especially when Washington goes to war or plans one. In the lead: The New York Times, the nation’s equivalent of an official information and propaganda ministry, posing as independent journalism.

It’s February 28 editorial headlined, “Qaddafi’s Crimes and Fantasies” made baseless accusations, then called on the International Criminal Court to investigate potential war crimes. Indeed it should – against America and Western co-conspirators, not Libya, for instigating regional aggression, a reality The Times ignored, besides previously against Afghanistan, Iraq, and other US targets.

On March 4, writer David Kirkpatrick headlined, “Qaddafi Brutalizes Foes, Armed or Defenseless,” saying:

Gaddafi attacked “unarmed protesters….His militia’s actions seemed likely to stir renewed debate over international intervention to limit his use of military power against his own citizens, possibly by imposing a no-flight zone.” If established, it’s an act of war ahead of aggressive air attacks against a defenseless country, America’s latest imperial target.

Kirkpatrick’s article read more like bad fiction than real journalism, borrowing a page from now disgraced former Times writer Judith Miller, who functioned as a Pentagon press agent, promoting America’s planned Iraq conquest and occupation. Now it’s Libya, struggling to defend itself against naked aggression, covert so far but not for long, claiming “humanitarian intervention.”

US warships are now positioned in the Mediterranean close by. About 1,200 Marines went to Greece for “Operation Libya.” “Rebels” are being sent military and other supplies. Armed intervention is coming, colonial subjugation planned. Libya’s “humanitarian crisis” was made in the USA. The pattern by now is familiar, used against many past targets.

On March 4, hinting about what’s already begun, Obama said:

So what I want to make sure of is that the United States has full capacity to act potentially rapidly if the situation deteriorated in such a way that you had a humanitarian crisis on our hands, or a situation in which civilians were – defenseless civilians were finding themselves trapped and in great danger.

He already called on Gaddafi to step down. Among his options, he included a no-fly zone, saying:

I don’t want us hamstrung. I want us to be making our decision based on what’s going to be best for the Libyan people in consultation with the international community.

In Geneva, Hillary Clinton called intervention “an option we are actively considering,” referring to a no-fly zone and other measures. Stiff economic sanctions were also imposed, effective 8:00 PM EST February 25.”

The die is cast. Colonizing Libya is planned to exploit its vast energy reserves, other resources, and people, doing what’s best for Washington, not Libyans, what’s always top priority.

Major Media Suppressed Independent Voices

On August 13, 2011, Fidel Castro will be 85. An elder statesman, he remains active, thoughtful and incisive, now writing commentaries on world issues. On March 3, the Havana Times headlined, “Fidel Castro Forecasts War on Libya,” publishing his full article in English.

Until America intervened, Libya “occupie(d) the first spot on the Human Development Index for Africa,” including the continent’s highest life expectancy. Authorities gave special attention to health care and education. Poverty is low. “The cultural level of the population is without a doubt the highest. The population wasn’t lacking food and essential social services.” Employment was plentiful, including for “hundreds of thousands of workers from Egypt, Tunisia, China and other countries (to) carry out ambitious plans for production and social development.”

America plans naked aggression to halt them. “The colossal campaign of lies, unleashed by the mass media,” distorts reality on the ground, including by Al Jazeera. Its daily commentaries feature misinformation and distortions based on unverified reports, including about alleged bombings that Russian satellite imagery proved untrue. Nonetheless, Gaddafi is falsely called an aggressor, not victim, his regional despot status notwithstanding.

Telesur Journalists Targeted

Reporting from Libya, Pan American broadcaster Telesur’s Jordan Rodriguez said members of his team were threatened, assaulted, and arrested for trying to report events accurately, including about pro-Gaddafi rallies in Tripoli’s Green Square.

Prior to Mubarak’s ouster, Egypt’s military junta detained and interrogated its Cairo team, preventing them from reporting the same way. Other independent journalists were also accosted. Dozens of incidents were reported.

Telesur’s Rodrigo Hernandez said he and his colleagues were bullied face down on the pavement, left there for hours, then “forced into an armored police vehicle, with armed personnel inside, and blindfolded,” en route to a military barracks for questioning.

They were also threatened with imprisonment, deportation, or “something much worse” if they kept reporting and were detained again. Similar tactics are ongoing in Libya to prevent accurate reports coming out. Imperial Washington wants none of its plans exposed.

Accurate Independent Journalism

Keith Harmon Snow is an independent journalist, war correspondent, human rights investigator, photographer, lecturer, and longtime observer of African country events. On March 1, his article titled, “Petroleum & Empire in North Africa: Muammar Gaddafi Accused of Genocide? NATO Invasion Underway” provided detailed Libyan information. Access it through the following link:

Key points he stressed included:

— In 2004, America’s sanctions were dropped “in exchange for Gaddafi’s (limited) collaboration, (paving) the way for a new era of US-Libyan bilateral trade.” America’s main interest is Libya’s vast oil, gas and other mineral reserves. The Oil and Gas Journal estimates 46.4 billion barrels of oil and around 55 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, producing 95% of Libya’s 2010 export earnings. Its petrodollars “were reportedly invested in US Equity and Big Banks, including JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and others, and into (companies) like the Carlyle Group, one of America’s most seedy arms dealers.”

— the CIA “long wanted” Gaddafi removed and replaced.” In 1986, Reagan-ordered air strikes tried to kill him. His infant daughter was murdered instead. “The CIA (downed) Pan Am 103,” not Gaddafi who had nothing to do with it.

— Libya’s “opposition” includes “unspecified, unnamed, unidenfied ‘rebels’ of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL). These are not innocent ‘pro-democracy’ protesters….” They seemingly “appeared out of thin air.” Who they are isn’t explained. NFSL, in fact, was established in 1981 by Sudan’s Colonel Jaafer Nimieri, a US puppet dictator from 1971 – 1985.

— For decades, CIA front groups have been operating in Libya, “backing armed insurgents and interventions” portrayed as “pro-democracy” movements.

— Western media is reporting misinformation about events on the ground, including alleged bombings, massacres, and possible nerve gas used. None of it is credible. Libya, in fact, is being attacked. It’s responding in self-defense.

— Vicious propaganda is being used to enlist support for imperial intervention. “US troops have already moved ashore….joining the ‘opposition….The US, France and Britain have already set up Bases in Libya.” British and American Special Forces are operating out of Benghazi and Tobruck. Other covert US forces have been on the ground for weeks. Nothing humanitarian is planned.

— More than oil and gas is wanted. So are valued mineral deposits. “Libya has a huge land mass with massive untapped mineral potential (including uranium),” besides known energy resources.

— Accusing Gaddafi of genocide is malicious and untrue, like other major media fabrications. Their “disinformation frenzy and hysteria knows no bounds.” No verifiable evidence exists, but there’s plenty proving US genocides in Iraq, Afghanistan, and earlier in other targeted countries, causing many millions of deaths for decades. Western media air brushed them out, including The New York Times, America’s lead propaganda instrument.

In “Libya, Getting it Right: A Revolutionary Pan-African Perspective,” Gerald Perreira wrote:

The conflict in Libya is not a revolution, but a counter-revolution. (It’s) fundamentally a battle between Pan-African forces on the one hand, who are dedicated to the realization of Qaddafi’s vision of a united Africa, and reactionary racist Libyan Arab forces who reject (his) vision of Libya as part of a United Africa.

For those of us who have lived and worked in Libya, there are many complexities to the current situation that have been completely overlooked by the Western media and ‘Westoxicated’ analysts who have nothing other than a Eurocentric perspective to draw on….Libya’s system and the battle now taking place on its soil, stands completely outside the Western imagination.

As a result, all Western government and media reports lack credibility. They’re malicious imperial agitprop, including from top officials, BBC and Al Jazeera, each with its own agenda, all serving Western interests, harmful to Libyans.

A Final Comment

Ongoing events in Libya are familiar. Like many of his past counterparts, Gaddafi’s been targeted for removal. For weeks or much longer, covert CIA and Special Forces operatives recruited, funded and armed so-called “opposition forces.” They, not Gaddafi, instigated violence, heading for civil war. He responded in self-defense. Doing less would be irresponsible.

Western media portray instigators as victims, saying Gaddafi’s waging war on his people. America and Western nations are called white knights, offering “humanitarian intervention” when, if fact, imperial colonization is planned. The longer violence continues, the more false media reports will exaggerate it, enlisting support for another nation to be destroyed to save it.

Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Pakistanis, and many other oppressed people understand, victimized by imperial aggression, occupation, exploitation, immiseration, and regular drone attacks murdering innocent men, women and children called militants.

The latest in Afghanistan were nine young children, aged seven to 12, gathering wood in the mountains near their village. They were murdered in cold blood, what’s escalating in Libya, being softened up in preparation for colonization and greater harshness.

Stephen Lendman wrote How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War. Contact him at: Also visit his blog site and listen to The Global Research News Hour on Mondays from 11AM-1PM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests. All programs are archived for easy listening. Read other articles by Stephen.

34 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. brianct said on March 6th, 2011 at 1:39pm #

    another great truthful piece… The lies that are being spread about gadaffi and Libya are infectnig the alternative media, suich as intifada palestine, to whose editor ive sent the following:
    Hello Intifada palestine,
    I see you’ve posted an article on Libya:

    The capture of a paranoid dictator was the pretext for the American invasion of Iraq; will history repeat itself in Libya?
    And in return the west and the American Zionist axis supported those rules knowing they were either corrupt dictatorships like that of Mubarak of Egypt or corrupt and psychologically disturbed like that of Gaddafi of Libya – an obvious case of paranoia with delusions of Grandeur.
    To be honest the Arab people are to be mostly blamed for how brutal and corrupt these autocratic regimes have grown to be

    Really, this is so pathetic…Gadafi paranoid? That may be because Libya is under attack by the same forces for decades: the jihadist terror group LIFG and the CIA backed NFSL:

    The Ezzat article is remarkable for its obtuseness and rancorous biliousness, to what is happening in Libya let alone what Gadaffi is really like. Here are some alternative views of Gadafi and the current armed insurgency in Libya:

    0. ‘”This man (Gaddafi) helped us at a time when we were all alone, when those (Britain and the US) who say we should not come here (Libya) were helping the enemy.”
    Nelson Mandela, 1997?

    1. ‘Strangely enough, calls for military intervention to stop non-existing, unverified atrocities are only growing stronger.
    Benghazi army base utterly annihilated by “unarmed” protesters.

    The reality now appears that the “protesters” are actually heavily armed insurgents who obliterated entire sections of steel-reinforced concrete walls of a Benghazi army base, then seized heavy artillery and armored vehicles before shoring up armed rebels in nearby towns and cities. The New York Times reported that weapons were coming in across the Egyptian border, while US and UK government mouthpieces called for providing additional arms and training for the rebels. The New York Times’ latest piece, “Libyan Rebels Said to Debate Seeking U.N. Airstrikes” features images of insurgents receiving military training, further suggesting the unrest is the result of a yet another NFSL military operation rather than a “spontaneous” protest turned violent

    ‘The conflict in Libya is not a revolution, but a counter-revolution. The struggle “is fundamentally a battle between Pan-African forces on the one hand, who are dedicated to the realization of Qaddafi’s vision of a united Africa, and reactionary racist Libyan Arab forces who reject Qaddafi’s vision of Libya as part of a united Africa.” The so-called Black African “mercenaries” are misnamed. “As a result of Libya’s support for liberation movements throughout Africa and the world, international battalions were formed” which are part of the Libyan armed forces.

    3. ‘
    Last year, Gadaffi apologized for the long history of Arab slave trade of black Africans, an issue that many other rulers prefer to ignore. His full words were as following:
    “I regret the behavior of the Arabs… They brought African children to North Africa, they made them slaves, they sold them like animals, and they took them as slaves and traded them in a shameful way. I regret and I am ashamed when we remember these practices. I apologize for this,”
    The European Union on the other hand refuses to apologize for what has been done. Formal apologizing is blocked by Britain, the Netherlands (I’m so proud), Portugal, and Spain. Of course these also happen to be the nations that share the greatest responsibility for what has happened over the centuries. The European Union bureaucrats miss the genuineness the world needs in confronting this history’

    4. Airstrikes in Libya did not take place” – Russian military — RT

    Russian military, monitoring the unrest in Libya via satellite, says airstrikes on Benghazi did not take place

    The reports of Libya mobilizing its air force against its own people spread quickly around the world. However, Russia’s military chiefs say they have been monitoring from space – and the pictures tell a different story.
    ¬According to Al Jazeera and BBC, on February 22 Libyan government inflicted airstrikes on Benghazi – the country’s largest city – and on the capital Tripoli. However, the Russian military, monitoring the unrest via satellite from the very beginning, says nothing of the sort was going on on the ground.
    At this point, the Russian military is saying that, as far as they are concerned, the attacks some media were reporting have never occurred.
    The same sources in Russia’s military establishment say they are also monitoring the situation around Libya’s oil pumping facilities.
    Etc etc
    The MSM and now much of the alternative press are in lockstep on Libya, which is remarkable, as the reality is very different. However, there are alternative views that Intifada Palestine would do well to consider. The above are some of them.

  2. David Silver said on March 6th, 2011 at 4:06pm #

    A very needed analysis especially when many who consider themselves Lef
    equate events in Egypt and now Libya comparing a people’s revolt with
    counter revolution

  3. jayn0t said on March 6th, 2011 at 4:13pm #

    The author is right to point out that Western regimes have killed a lot more people than Gaddafi. But that doesn’t justify falling into the old ‘anti-imperialist’ black hole. The commentator who says “US and UK government mouthpieces called for providing additional arms and training” misses the point that they haven’t actually done so. The West has been even more incoherent, and less competent and conspiratorial, than after September 11th.. A UK military mission to contact the rebels has just ended in failure – unless the fiasco is part of a conspiracy to make it look as though the rebels have rejected foreign intervention, when in fact they are part of it. The NY Times says the rebels are ‘said’ to ‘debate’ seeking UN airstrikes against Gaddafi’s forces, which are killing them. ‘Said’ to ‘debate’ seeking Western support. Hardly evidence for anti-imperialist ‘theory’.

  4. Don Hawkins said on March 6th, 2011 at 4:52pm #

    BRENT CRUDE FUTR (USD/bbl.) 116.210 0.240 0.21% 19:27
    GAS OIL FUT (ICE) (USD/MT) 975.000 6.000 0.62% 19:29
    HEATING OIL FUTR (USd/gal.) 309.130 0.200 0.06% 19:29
    NATURAL GAS FUTR (USD/MMBtu) 3.770 -0.039 -1.02% 19:24
    GASOLINE RBOB FUT (USd/gal.) 305.440 0.800 0.26% 19:30
    WTI CRUDE FUTURE (USD/bbl.) 105.110 0.690 0.66% 19:31

  5. lulu said on March 7th, 2011 at 12:44am #

    It is peaceful if the war is reduced by people.

  6. MichaelKenny said on March 7th, 2011 at 4:08am #

    Mr Lendman can always be trusted to give us the latest Israel Lobby propaganda, which is what makes his articles interesting. Clearly, the Lobby is in total panic! The hysteria is palpable: uprisings externally orchestrated, aggression “covert so far but not for long”, colonial subjugation planned”, Obama hints “about what’s already begun”, Libya is to be colonised “to exploit its vast energy reserves” ! Etc.,etc.!
    The Lobby’s problem is simple: The American Empire has to be omnipotent, invincible and eternal because if it isn’t , Israel won’t win. And the iron rule of the American internet is that Israel always wins! Like a Hollywood script, that pre-determined ending is written first and the facts are then twisted to fit in with it.
    But the long line of hysterical diatribes with which we’ve been served tells us that Israel and its supporters think that Israel is NOT winning! Now, isn’t that good news!

  7. michel.vanroll said on March 7th, 2011 at 6:29am #

    “MichaelKenny “AND “3bancan”: are you both kidding? Upon this time, on this very opportunity, and for my part – I feel the latter exchange of posts – in the way you both are turning it on, quite displaced. Mr “Kenny”: elsewhere in another thread of discussion on this actual forum, you have clearly reported Russians telling ‘nothing to see’ (searching for evidence of bombing) when observing Lybian sky from outer space. Are you but able to imagine : for the average russian citizen, just as for russian leaders, the only prospect of being the future victim of a possible terrorist attack on the way to work everyday wouldn’t be decisive in the final choice to be blind or not, when confronted to any evidence of bombardment by a distant Libyan national army, on its own nationals..?

  8. Luis Cayetano said on March 7th, 2011 at 6:36am #

    Another article with a thoroughly ludicrous premise. Several reasons for this:

    We’re to believe that the CIA ”orchestrates” events in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere (perhaps also Bahrain, with its major US naval base, and Saudi Arabia, Washington’s strongest ally next to Israel) in order to overthrow pro-US dictators (or, in the case of Gaddafi, not pro-US). How do they do this? By whipping up protests and mass agitation against dictators on the basis of their corruption and collaboration with US imperialism (in other words, on the basis of why they were favoured by the US to begin with). It would be like the USSR whipping up protests against the Polish regime in order to kick out the ruling generals, but doing so on the basis of the general’s corruption and co-towing to Soviet domination. I would have been embarrassed for the KGB. The CIA are a lot of things, but they aren’t utter imbeciles.

    If the CIA can ”orchestrate” things with such exquisite precision, why not just instigate a military coup rather than going for the one ”option” that most strongly risks the loss< of American control? Why bring everyone out on the streets when the job could be done much more economically by a few generals and a commando battalion, in the process perhaps also preempting the street protests which the CIA supposedly orchestrated (in fact, it didn’t even predict them, but maybe that’s just part of their propaganda as well. If it had predicted them, that would be taken as evidence that they were behind them. In other words, no matter what the facts, EVERYTHING will be taken as further ”evidence” that the CIA is behind this and that. This is a clear sign that one is operating under a non-scientific set of guidelines). This should be easy if they have even a thimble-full of the competence and omnipotence that many of you ascribe to them. But no, they instead do something incomprehensible and go for the option that at least partially empowers the oppressed of these countries i.e. those sectors who naturally hold the biggest grudge against US imperialism and its lackeys and who are concomitantly the biggest sources of anxiety for US imperialism and its lackeys. Again, it would be like the Soviets agitating Polish Catholic nationalists against their Communist Party rulers in order to cling onto Poland. Elementary logic militates against this.

    Another fact that puts the lie to the ”CIA controls the protest movement” is that Israel has displayed clear anxiety over the events. Not elation, but anxiety. They have had to be reassured by the Egyptian military that the treaty is still on. If the Israelis weren’t genuinely concerned about the events, they wouldn’t do their darndest to come out as anti-democratic douches who support Mubarak. They would instead feel at liberty to embrace the protests and say, in effect, ”We too support the rights and aspirations of the Egyptian people”, while receiving a tacit wink from the Egyptian high command that all is well. But this, too, can be shoehorned into the unfalsifiable hypothesis that everything is intricately controlled, with every gear and pulley in place.

    ”Just another piece by the zionazi blatherer and postborn liar MichaelKenny… ”

    No an argument. I’ve reported you for multiple violations of the etiquette guidelines on this website.

  9. MichaelKenny said on March 7th, 2011 at 6:46am #

    I am not kidding and I certainly never reported anything, although I have read the reports michel.vanroll refers to. I am flattered by 3bancan’s intervention. He’s one of the “Israel always wins” group and one of them always intervenes to create a diversion whenever somebody posts something unfavourable to Israel. If 3bancan considers that someone who argues that the Israel Lobby is in total panic is a “liar”, is he to be regarded as a supporter of Israel or an opponent? I’d love to know what “postborn” means. Born in a post office, perhaps?

  10. 3bancan said on March 7th, 2011 at 7:46am #

    MichaelKenny said on March 7th, 2011 at 6:46am #

    It means that MK’s exquisite ability to assert the opposite of truth (and sometimes humanity) is an (after birth) acquired trait. (And he has a good companion in the ADL “argument” reporter LC).
    Btw, the one who “is in total panic” seems to be MK – judging by the elevated squeaking tone of his recent comments…

  11. MichaelKenny said on March 7th, 2011 at 7:58am #

    See what I mean about diversion? “If 3bancan considers that someone who argues that the Israel Lobby is in total panic is a “liar”, is he [3bancan] to be regarded as a supporter of Israel or an opponent?” The diversion is a tacit answer to my question.

  12. 3bancan said on March 7th, 2011 at 8:08am #

    MichaelKenny said on March 7th, 2011 at 7:58am #

    “The diversion is a tacit answer to my question”

    Imho the “diversion” are the vast majority of MK’s comments…

  13. Luis Cayetano said on March 7th, 2011 at 8:45am #

    ”It means that MK’s exquisite ability to assert the opposite of truth (and sometimes humanity) is an (after birth) acquired trait. (And he has a good companion in the ADL “argument” reporter LC).”

    Not an argument. I see that you’re still trolling on this website, incapable as ever of providing even a modicum of an argument. Like Gaddafi, you have barricaded yourself into a fantasy world where everyone else is out of step except you.

  14. shabnam said on March 7th, 2011 at 9:01am #

    Thanks a lot, Mr. Lendman, for your work. I agree with many of your views including “Despite popular passion for democratic change, uprisings in Egypt and Libya were externally orchestrated, funded and armed by Washington to replace one despot with another.” There are number of evidence that show this fact.
    “The colossal campaign of lies, unleashed by the mass media,” distorts reality on the ground, including by Al Jazeera.”

    Where Al Jazeera is used to spread the empire’s propaganda regarding geopolitical interests in the Middle East and North Africa. Al Jazeera CANNOT BE TRUSTED and is mainly used by the ignorant people or sites that are a front for US government to fool others.

    The assault on Libya by US imperialism and its actors using propaganda campaign tell us that Unity of all forces against war criminals is needed more than ever. But according to all facts on the ground the PHONY “left” in the West and its stooges, the Green, have become the voice of the evil empire. All Iranian opposition groups, Green, with no exception are spreading the lies of US imperialism to ignorant people. These stooges do not realize that they are cooperating with the the real war criminals in Washington.
    There is NO ORGANIZED LEFT anywhere in the world. As Diana Johnstone writes: Leftist idiocy

    Twelve years ago, most of the European left supported “the Kosovo war” that set NATO on the endless path it now pursues in Afghanistan. Having learned nothing, many seem ready for a repeat performance. A coalition of parties calling itself the European Left has issued a statement “strongly condemning the repression perpetrated by the criminal regime of Colonel Qaddafi” and urging the European Union “to condemn the use of force and to act promptly to protect the people that are peacefully demonstrating and struggling for their freedom.” Inasmuch as the opposition to Qaddafi is not merely “peacefully demonstrating”, but in part has taken up arms, this comes down to condemning the use of force by some and not by others – but it is unlikely that the politicians who drafted this statement even realize what they are saying.
    The narrow vision of the left is illustrated by the statement in a Trotskyist paper that: “Of all the crimes of Qaddafi, the one that is without doubt the most grave and least known is his complicity with the EU migration policy…” For the far left, Qaddafi’s biggest sin is cooperating with the West, just as the West is to be condemned for cooperating with Qaddafi. This is a left that ends up, out of sheer confusion, as cheerleader for war.


    {The narrow vision of the left is illustrated by the statement in a Trotskyist..}
    one of those Trotskists is Louis Proyect site, spreading propaganda against Gaddafi to help US imperialism that the site claims is fighting against. No one has seen so many FOOLS as “left” until today.

    Please look at words of a WAR CRIMINAL from Washington, Kerry, who said:
    {Kerry said he believes getting Qaddafi out is a vital national security interest for the U.S. because the ability for the Middle East to have emerging democracies without heavy U.S. interference could cast the War on Terror in a whole new light.}

    Gaddafi is not a security problem. It is you and your evil empire that impose the greatest danger to all of us in the world.

  15. Deadbeat said on March 7th, 2011 at 11:19am #

    {The narrow vision of the left is illustrated by the statement in a Trotskyist..}
    one of those Trotskists is Louis Proyect site, spreading propaganda against Gaddafi to help US imperialism that the site claims is fighting against. No one has seen so many FOOLS as “left” until today.

    Louis Proyect also supported the Iranian Green disruption and as a “Marxists” his stance Zionism is limited to Israel yet he ridicules anti-Zionists like James Petras who identifies the power of Zionism in the U.S. This is a huge gap and denial among the so-called “Left”. To them all oppression is grounded in Capitalism rather than Zionism and Capitalism and understanding their overlap and separate goals.

    Unfortunately in the final analysis it appears that Proyect puts his “Jewishness” above Marxists principles.

  16. shabnam said on March 7th, 2011 at 11:41am #

    {Unfortunately in the final analysis it appears that Proyect puts his “Jewishness” above Marxists principles.}

    You are absolutely right Deadbeat.
    Now, he has changed his view that the Iranian election was ‘fraud’, instead he says: is the theocracy that I am against.
    Majority of the Green “leaders” and their followers are coming from the religious background. Perhaps he does not know that.

  17. commoner3 said on March 7th, 2011 at 12:43pm #

    Re: MichaelKenny said on March 7th, 2011 at 4:08am #

    Michaelkenny wrote:
    “Mr Lendman can always be trusted to give us the latest Israel Lobby propaganda, which is what makes his articles interesting. Clearly, the Lobby is in total panic! The hysteria is palpable: uprisings externally orchestrated, aggression “covert so far but not for long”, colonial subjugation planned.”
    Again, you repeat that baseless nonsense of yours. Where in this article what you call Israel lobby propoganda and where are that lobby showing “panic”.
    Do you have any idea about what you are talking about or are you following a script??
    This is an excellent article.

  18. commoner3 said on March 7th, 2011 at 1:02pm #

    Re: Luis Cayetano said on March 7th, 2011 at 6:36am #
    Luis Cayetano wrote:
    “Another fact that puts the lie to the ”CIA controls the protest movement” is that Israel has displayed clear anxiety over the events. Not elation, but anxiety.”
    Really!!?? So, you take what Israel says in public at its face value and totally believe it .!!??
    Are you dumb or are you playing dumb??!!.
    Your post is piece of nonsense and yes full of skilled sophistry which I refuted it in a previous posts in different threads.
    Again this is an excellent article.

  19. commoner3 said on March 7th, 2011 at 1:15pm #

    Re: shabnam said on March 7th, 2011 at 9:01am #

    Shabnam wrote:
    “Where Al Jazeera is used to spread the empire’s propaganda regarding geopolitical interests in the Middle East and North Africa. Al Jazeera CANNOT BE TRUSTED ”
    I agree with you 100%.

  20. Luis Cayetano said on March 7th, 2011 at 2:14pm #

    Really!!?? So, you take what Israel says in public at its face value and totally believe it .!!??,

    No, I look at what it says in the context of what’s happening. You look at neither.

    ‘Are you dumb or are you playing dumb??!!.’

    Neither. I rather think it’s you who’s a naif. Read what I actually wrote, then talk:

    ”If the Israelis weren’t genuinely concerned about the events, they wouldn’t do their darndest to come out as anti-democratic douches who support Mubarak. They would instead feel at liberty to embrace the protests and say, in effect, ”We too support the rights and aspirations of the Egyptian people”, while receiving a tacit wink from the Egyptian high command that all is well.”

    The Israelis were absolutely frantic in public about convincing people to support Mubarak because he was good for ”stability” and all that – even 2though, on your ”theory”, they had absolutely no reason to do something that put themselves in a bad light since they didn’t need to do something that put themselves in a bad light. If they weren’t actually anxious, then they would have NO reason to publicly support a dictator, especially when they always try to promote themselves as ”the only democracy in the Middle East”. And herein lies the problem for your so-called ”theory”: if the Israelis had in fact come out publicly in favour of the uprisings, you would take that as evidence that it was Western backed. As it happens, they DIDN’T come out in favour of it, and you take that as…evidence that it was Western backed. In other words, no matter the facts, your (pre-determined) conclusions are always the same. This is how creationism works. Your ideas are no more scientific. Like creationists, you throw parsimony and basic logic out the window, in favour of tortuous, embarrassing schemes that have to be patched over with endless adjustments in order to make the whole house of cards look plausible.

    ”Your post is piece of nonsense and yes full of skilled sophistry which I refuted it in a previous posts in different threads.”

    No, you didn’t. You gave up and slithered away, going off on various tangents and compounding your contradictions with yet more contradictions. Your claim that my post is full of nonsense rings with a resounding emptiness.

    ”There is NO ORGANIZED LEFT anywhere in the world”

    One wonders what the Nepalese, Filipino and Indian insurgencies are if not organised, but anyway. You take potshots at organisations who are, in your view, acting as shills for Western intervention. Here are a couple of articles from a Trotskyist organisation in Australia that strongly opposes such intervention, while also supporting the Libyan uprising: here and here.

  21. Luis Cayetano said on March 7th, 2011 at 2:21pm #


    and here:

    Anyway, what next? The Wisconsin strike is a CIA operation as well? Promoting and fanning the flames of the contagion of worker militancy from Cairo to Riyadh, and having it blow right into the imperial heartland, sure is a great way for the empire to stop the contagion of worker militancy.

  22. commoner3 said on March 7th, 2011 at 3:15pm #

    Re: Luis Cayetano said on March 7th, 2011 at 2:14pm #

    Egypt is sliding into a state of total anarchy. There is no police in the streets.
    Tens of the police stations were burned down to the ground.
    Many prisons were attacked and thousands of hard core criminals had escaped and are at large terrorising the population.
    Armed robberies, home invasions are happening everywhere and that was almost unheard of in Egypt before the so called ” peaceful revolution”.
    People are afraid to send their kids to schools
    The country and the economy is in a state of almost total paralysis with strikes and sit-ins every where and the loss of tourism income.
    The country will be eventually taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood and that what Israel wants then it will pick a fight with it and occupy the Sinai pennisula with serious damage happening to Egypt in that war. Hamas and Gaza anybody.! Nuf said!!.

  23. Luis Cayetano said on March 7th, 2011 at 4:22pm #

    ”Egypt is sliding into a state of total anarchy.”

    ”Total anarchy”. Hmmm, okay. And if it does, it’ll be a fake revolution. If it’s brought back to ”order” (that is, under the control of the military establishment, which basically owns the country), it’ll be a fake revolution. Again, the Arabs can’t win in your eyes.

    ”Tens of the police stations were burned down to the ground.”

    Good. Now they’ll think twice before committing horrible crimes against the people.

    ”Many prisons were attacked and thousands of hard core criminals had escaped and are at large terrorising the population.”

    I know: pro-Mubarak thugs and plain clothes cops were indeed terrorising the population. As for prisoners, they were allowed to escape in order to create anxiety in the population. The police were purposefully kept off the streets by the regime so that people wouldn’t feel safe enough to go and protest. Luckily, the Egyptian people acted with extraordinary grace and established self-defense neighbourhood watch groups to defend themselves from criminals. After the protests, they cleaned up the streets and organised even further to consolidate their gains. The police were utterly useless during all this, and that was no coincidence.

    ”The country and the economy is in a state of almost total paralysis with strikes and sit-ins every where and the loss of tourism income.”

    Again, Good.It’s a good thing that Egyptian workers are demanding their rights rather than obeying orders like they were expected to. It’s good that they’re holding the exploiters’ economy to ransom until their demands are met (I would be in favour of them lynching their exploiters. Rest assured that I would be the wrong person to come crying to about that). The workers need to follow through on this uprising, lest it fizzle out and turn into a defeat for them. When they have decent living conditions, collective bargaining power, and the right to organise and push their demands without fear and persecution, then you can start whining about the economy without sounding like an utter Mubarak puppet. Until then, please stop shilling for the Egyptian exploiter class. Seriously, are you expecting me to shed tears over the loss of tourism income? That’s seriously weak.

    ”The country will be eventually taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood and that what Israel wants then it will pick a fight with it and occupy the Sinai pennisula with serious damage happening to Egypt in that war.”

    In other words, the Egyptians should forever hold off on even the thought of a decent existence, because you have anxieties about the Muslim Brotherhood. Again, I don’t know what your problem with Israel is. It can’t be that they will victimise Egypt, since you’re quite comfortable with the systematic victimisation that was already being meted out to them by their pro-Israel government for decades.

  24. Aaron Aarons said on March 7th, 2011 at 7:54pm #

    ‘shabnam’ said on March 7th, 2011 at 9:01am:
    “For the far left, Qaddafi’s biggest sin is cooperating with the West, just as the West is to be condemned for cooperating with Qaddafi.”

    As somebody who identifies with “the far left”, I definitely opine that “Qaddafi’s biggest sin [ I’d say, ‘crime’] is cooperating with the West”. Does ‘shabnam’ think that something else Qaddafi has done is worse? Or does ‘shabnam’ think that Qaddafi has done nothing wrong?

    But this is totally different than saying that “the West is to be condemned for cooperating with Qaddafi.” There have certainly been times when Qaddafi and the imperialists have committed crimes together, such as in the Congo, and both parties should be condemned for such crimes, but that is another matter.

  25. jayn0t said on March 7th, 2011 at 8:10pm #

    In his comment at 6:36 am, Luis Cayetano hit the bullseye, criticising complicated conspiracy theories: “In other words, no matter what the facts, EVERYTHING will be taken as further ‘evidence’ that the CIA is behind this and that. This is a clear sign that one is operating under a non-scientific set of guidelines)”. Not many commentators on this site and others like it understand that scientific theories are falsifiable. If your theory requires a more complex theory to explain away what it fails to explain, it might be that there is a simpler theory. The most glaring example of this lack of scientific understanding within the left is, of course, the widespread idea that the tragedy of September 11th. 2001 was an ‘inside job’. If you contest this theory, its proponents try to explain why. Thanks Luis for your patient defence of reason.

  26. 3bancan said on March 7th, 2011 at 8:34pm #

    Aaron Aarons said on March 7th, 2011 at 7:54pm #

    “There have certainly been times when Qaddafi and the imperialists have committed crimes together, such as in the Congo”

    This is news to me. It would be nice if AA told us where he got this news…

  27. 3bancan said on March 7th, 2011 at 9:03pm #

    jayn0t said on March 7th, 2011 at 8:10pm #

    “The most glaring example of this lack of scientific understanding within the left is, of course, the widespread idea that the tragedy of September 11th. 2001 was an ‘inside job’”

    So jaynot seems to believe the 9/11 official theory. And of course all those who don’t are – as they lack jaynot’s ultimate unfalsifiable science – “the most glaring example of this lack of scientific understanding within the left”…

  28. commoner3 said on March 7th, 2011 at 10:33pm #

    Re: Luis Cayetano said on March 7th, 2011 at 4:22pm #


    Definitely you are not that dumb, but you are just playing dumb, otherwise you have no idea about what you are talking about! Good sophistry and excellent use of big words and hot air.!
    Did I mention that I lived for a while in Egypt and that I know the culture and language fairly well. Yes, I know who the Muslim Brotherhood are and their long history in Egypt and their objective of establishing a Theocratic Reactionary Islamist regime in Egypt. In short I know what I am talking about and you don’t and again, may you are playing dumb! OVER AND OUT!

  29. hayate said on March 7th, 2011 at 11:02pm #

    Another informative piece from Lendman. Thanks.

  30. commoner3 said on March 7th, 2011 at 11:24pm #

    Re: Re: Luis Cayetano said on March 7th, 2011 at 4:22pm #

    Last thing.
    Definitely I am not a shill for Mubarak and Egypt exploiters class. I hate them both.
    Now many naive and simple people in Egypt think that with Mubarak gone, everyone will get a hefty raise, and the unemployed will get jobs and that an apartment will be available for every family who need one! Of course that will not happen anytime soon.
    Tourism brings about 13 billion dollars yearly and that is huge sum for a poor country like Egypt and many people depend on tourism for their livelihood, so please don’t dismiss tourism like that!
    You follow the events in Egypt very closely, and you have a sophist counter argument for every point, but you insist on continuing bullshitting and sophistry.!
    You write: “Again, I don’t know what your problem with Israel is. It can’t be that they will victimise Egypt”
    Really! Are you serious? You gotta be kidding!! Now you show you true color. Who are you REALLY and who you are shilling for??!!

  31. shabnam said on March 7th, 2011 at 11:37pm #

    Aroan: Thank you for your comment.
    The following quote “For the far left, Qaddafi’s biggest sin is cooperating with the West, just as the West is to be condemned for cooperating with Qaddafi. This is a left that ends up, out of sheer confusion, as cheerleader for war.”

    is not mine. I am sorry that I did not make it clear enough. However, at the beginning, I wrote the name of the person who wrote it, Diana Johnstone.

    Anyway, I support Gaddafi because he is NOT A PUPPET. He is an independent leader that has been targeted by the Zionist /imperialist forces for a long time, thus, his ability to maneuver is limited, especially after 9/11 terror attack.
    I don’t know what kind of Crime he has committed In Congo. Gaddafi used to help the liberation movements around the world in the past where could be considered ‘terrorists’ by some.

    The US/Britain put Libya on the terrorist list and hold Gaddafi responsible for Berlin Disco Bombing in 1986 and, Lockerbie in 1988, where neither of them was committed by Gaddafi. In 2004, German TV exposed the CIA, Mossad links to Berlin Disco bombing.

    The reasons behind Western power’s hatred toward Gaddafi are many, but his idea of Arab Unity and later African Unity must be very frighting to the Western powers, as a result he became a target.

    Qadhafi was a leading proponent of Arab unity, calling for a union that would stretch from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean. He believes that the members of such a union would have complementary resources: oil and other minerals, manpower, and space for population expansion. Pursuing unity on a step-by-step basis, Qadhafi tried to mergers with Egypt, Syria, and, most recently, Morocco. He also has called on Sudan, Algeria, and other countries to participate in unity schemes. Since 1969 there have been seven unity attempts, all except one initiated by Libya but none was successful.

  32. shabnam said on March 7th, 2011 at 11:40pm #

    It should have been Aaron Aarons, sorry.

  33. Luis Cayetano said on March 8th, 2011 at 1:26am #

    ”Definitely you are not that dumb, but you are just playing dumb, otherwise you have no idea about what you are talking about! Good sophistry and excellent use of big words and hot air.!”

    Maybe, but that’s just your claim. I have my story (that you’re indulging in asinine nonsense) and you have yours.

    ”Did I mention that I lived for a while in Egypt and that I know the culture and language fairly well.”

    Not sure why you deemed it necessary to mention that you know the language fairly well. As for culture, that’s somewhat more relevant, but it doesn’t impress me very much. Lots of people who get basic logic backwards know (or think they know) the culture of a place.

    ”Yes, I know who the Muslim Brotherhood are and their long history in Egypt and their objective of establishing a Theocratic Reactionary Islamist regime in Egypt. In short I know what I am talking about and you don’t and again, may you are playing dumb! OVER AND OUT! ”

    Okay. It would be nice if you actually provided an argument, rather than whinging that you know such and such and I don’t. I notice that your post was conspicuously lacking in a refutation of anything I said. The insights gleaned from your years in Egypt therefore remain mysterious to me.

    ”Now many naive and simple people in Egypt think that with Mubarak gone, everyone will get a hefty raise, and the unemployed will get jobs and that an apartment will be available for every family who need one! Of course that will not happen anytime soon.”

    Actually, the workers (who you lament for going on strike and shutting down the economy) aren’t ”naive and simple”; they’re at least sophisticated enough to know that without further action, their aspirations will evaporate. They know full well that Mubarak out isn’t enough.

    So what’s your problem?

    ”Tourism brings about 13 billion dollars yearly and that is huge sum for a poor country like Egypt and many people depend on tourism for their livelihood, so please don’t dismiss tourism like that!”

    And why were they poor to begin with? That’s kinda relevant to why this uprising took place. Mubarak wasn’t poor. Neither were his clique of parasites. Uprisings that are worthwhile are always painful. Your reasoning seems to be ”Since these people need the money, they should continue to live in poverty with what little they have rather than overthrowing their exploiters”. If everyone thought at this level, the world would still be in the dark ages. Progress (in the humanistic sense) is only ever advanced by people who transcend fear and are willing to put themselves on the line for decency and justice. You should be APPLAUDING the workers on strike, not sneering at them.

    ”You follow the events in Egypt very closely, and you have a sophist counter argument for every point, but you insist on continuing bullshitting and sophistry.!”

    You don’t provide any examples.

    ”You write: “Again, I don’t know what your problem with Israel is. It can’t be that they will victimise Egypt”
    Really! Are you serious? You gotta be kidding!! Now you show you true color. Who are you REALLY and who you are shilling for??!! ”

    The hysteria here is misplaced. You should direct it at yourself. Note that, again, you didn’t actually refute what I said. Just more emoting. Here’s the rest of what I wrote, for context:

    ”…since you’re quite comfortable with the systematic victimisation that was already being meted out to them by their pro-Israel government for decades.”

    I’d like to know what your criteria for outrage is, or when you would support a popular uprising.

  34. michel.vanroll said on March 10th, 2011 at 6:58am #

    Maybe everybody here is right. Maybe the events occurring when they are in fact taking place ever and ever (not in a last-longing period of time however., ahum.!) will be a deny for everyone of us – that can be a viable opportunity all the same. The fact remains that as citizens of countries (let me play the darts) members of G20 (if not even G7, if well guessed) our point of view is constantly biaised. Do we effectively know to which extent day after day the revolted people in Lybian cities are ready to sustain and/or support? On the other hand, I’m not very sure that any of potential (political? or strategic?) empowered known OR yet unknown country (I mean, outer the Security Council) is really ready to a fooling entreprise.