The QE2: Bernanke Prints Again

The Federal Reserve’s QE2 is being met with near universal condemnatory reviews. The Fed’s effort to buy up $600 billion in government bonds is being seen as a shot in the dark for the foundering Obama administration. With the “austerity-minded”, Tea Party influenced Republicans measuring the drapes and curtains for new and improved cushy offices in the United States Capitol, Obama appears to be running an end-around the anticipated policy gridlock that these “preeminently qualified”, so-called stewards of the national public trust are widely anticipated to bring about.

This end-around; however, appears that it will reap little more than a bubble at best, and a currency war — and perhaps even a trade war — according to some of the least optimistic economic policy analysts and observers. Additionally, this may portend the finish for the dollar as the global reserve currency, and the twilight of the U.S. as a major military power on the international stage. Moreover, it will also certainly bring about; potentially destabilizing, currency flows that will stream into third world and other developing economies. Michael Hudson of the University of Missouri, has likened this to financial warfare, with the aim of taking over a country’s assets, land and raw materials.

It’s worth noting that, the U.S. has been suggesting, for some time now that the Chinese take their medicine and allow the Yuan to appreciate; but many — including Alan Greenspan — are interpreting this second round of quantitative easing as a form of manipulating the dollar. And although this sort of hypocrisy may be lost on Obama, Bernanke, Geithner, etc., it will not be lost on the ordinarily capable Chinese. Nor was it lost on the German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schauble, who reacted to this second round of quantitative easing in stating that, “It’s inconsistent for the Americans to accuse the Chinese of manipulating exchange rates and then to artificially depress the dollar exchange rate by printing money.”

Schauble apparently is not impressed at all with the Fed/Bernanke policy, and has even suggested that, “with all due respect, my impression is that the United States are at a loss.” And opined that the U.S. has pumped “an endless amount of money” into the economy, and with nearly wholly unsuccessful results. The German Minister also said that the QE2 efforts suggested that the U.S. model of growth was in serious crisis, undermines the United States’ policy credibility, and contributes to greater world economic unrest.

Obama has said about this so-called quantitative easing that, “the Fed’s mandate, my mandate, is to grow our economy. And that’s not just good for the United States, that’s good for the world as a whole.” However, if Obama expected this to be anything other than a bout of shameless propagandizing, he no doubt received quite a surprise, in the international collective thud of a response — and the concomitant chirping of the crickets. But then again, Obama has probably been hearing the chirping of this diminutive creature just about as much as anybodysince he wooed a great deal of the world with his oratory, and promises of solving the problems that his impudent predecessor had brought about. He has shown a great propensity for doing what is politically expedient or popular, but an inability to present any sort of alternative, more visionary approach.

Sean Fenley is an independent progressive who would like to see the end of the dictatorial duopoly of the so-called two party adversarial system. He would also like to see some sanity brought to the creation and implementation of current and future U.S. military, economic, foreign and domestic policies. Read other articles by Sean.

10 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. MichaelKenny said on November 15th, 2010 at 8:35am #

    “Additionally, this may portend the finish for the dollar as the global reserve currency, and the twilight of the U.S. as a major military power on the international stage.” Now, there’s good news if there ever was any! I don’t understand why anybody sees that as some sort of “disadvantage”. It will be clear from the foreign comments that the rest of the world is not the slightest bit worried about that aspect of things. It means an end to globalisation, financialisation, outsourcing, American wars, American-backed coups and general American bullying of the world. Who’s against that?

  2. Deadbeat said on November 16th, 2010 at 3:15am #

    Contrary to the author rhetoric, QE is exactly an attempt by the FED to “grow” the economy. The idea is to pump money into the economy. The reason the FED has to do it is because politically Keynesian economics is DEAD and the Congress is still stuck in trickle-down Reaganism. Thus QE is Keynesianism for the rich. The FED hopes that QE can stimulate the economy and that it will spur borrowing. This is the best the FED can do since Congress is to mired in neo-liberal and Capitalist ideology to act. Obama has to sell QE since he won’t be able to get another round of stimulus and his last attempt was lame anyway.

    The author writes …

    [Obama] has shown a great propensity for doing what is politically expedient or popular, but an inability to present any sort of alternative, more visionary approach.

    Really?! Where?! Obama has a propensity for doing what is politically unpopular like bailing out the banks, abandoning Single payer and the Public option, maintain troops in Iraq, expanding Afghanistan, keeping the Patriot Act and Homeland Security in place, and letting Israel make the U.S. look stupid and weak.

  3. Sean_F said on November 16th, 2010 at 6:30am #

    You think it would have been politically popular to have pushed single payer? That was a case where Obama did more what was expedient than popular, but if the Dems had any chutzpah that would have been a major fight. Don’t you remember all those wackos showing up at Town Hall meetings, b/c of a “government takeover of healthcare”? Look how much they fought some thing that amounted to a giveaway to the health insurance industry. These people are totally irrational and have no idea what they are talking about, and they vote and some of them are at least somewhat politically active and they will fight tooth and nail any serious progressive legislation — like single payer.

    We can say things like single payer are popular in the sense that the majority are for them, but I don’t think it’s accurate to say single payer (and a lot of other progressive legislation) is or would be politically popular.

    p.s. I think all those things you mention are politically popular, support of Israel, the Patriot Act, bailing out the banks… I’m talking about what’s considered to be fashionable or “proper” for the duopoly politicians and the bubble that they operate in.

  4. rosemarie jackowski said on November 16th, 2010 at 8:55am #

    I don’t know what Deadbeat would say, but Single Payer is not accepted by many because most do not understand it. There is also another issue which I call “up-the-drawbridge syndrome”. I attended many meetings about health care, and heard the crowds say that those without insurance should NOT be entitled to health care…a mean-spirited view – I’ve got mine and the hell with everybody else. Sorry, but that’s just where we are with the health care issue AND ALL OTHER ISSUES OF ECONOMIC CLASS.

    I don’t know how to awaken the national conscience. Damn, we are mean to each other. Mean time 45,000 will needlessly die in the next 12 months…and all the while we pretend that we fight wars to keep us safe!

  5. cruxpuppy said on November 16th, 2010 at 9:02pm #

    Answer me this, Sean: who’s going to buy government debt? China won’t. It stopped its purchase of treasuries more than 6 months ago. And if the gov can’t finance its debt, what happens then? Greece. Spain. Ireland. Etc. Interest rates will have to rise. And if that happens, what then? Greece, Spain, Iceland, Ireland, etc.

    You might ask yourself why QE2 is so universally unpopular? China, which protests loudly, has been doing it on the sly for years. You just don’t hear about it because China’s banks, the biggest ones, are state-owned. China is engaged in bald-faced hypocrisy, and you credit them with financial acumen? Ha!

    Bernanke’s purpose is to keep interest rates low and avoid the brutal austerity measures that have evoked mass public unrest.

    Deadbeat’s point about stimulus is correct, but the most pertinent matter is the national debt.

  6. hayate said on November 16th, 2010 at 11:28pm #

    Sean_F said on November 16th, 2010 at 6:30am

    “p.s. I think all those things you mention are politically popular, support of Israel, the Patriot Act, bailing out the banks…”

    Actually, american support for israel is zionism’s glass jaw. It’s shallow and it would take very little to turn it around to the sort of hate Muslims get from the usa (that latter almost totally thanks to Jewish zionists who own/run the american media). The american public’s attitudes on israel are changing fast, and this skerrs the beplunkus out of the ziofascists. They know how shallow their controls are. They are sitting on a razor blade. This is why they are so obsessed with maintaining total control of what americans see, hear and think. See:

    November 16, 2010
    A Growing Revulsion
    Is the American Public About to Toss Israel?



  7. Deadbeat said on November 17th, 2010 at 6:05pm #

    Sean_F writes …

    You think it would have been politically popular to have pushed single payer? That was a case where Obama did more what was expedient than popular, but if the Dems had any chutzpah that would have been a major fight. Don’t you remember all those wackos showing up at Town Hall meetings, b/c of a “government takeover of healthcare”? Look how much they fought some thing that amounted to a giveaway to the health insurance industry. These people are totally irrational and have no idea what they are talking about, and they vote and some of them are at least somewhat politically active and they will fight tooth and nail any serious progressive legislation — like single payer.

    The problem is INDOCTRINATION and IGNORANCE which essentially means that you are asking the wrong question. The real question is why Obama and the Democrats refuse to EDUCATE the people about something that is in their interest and would become popular if they took the time to educate their “likely” constituents.

    Had the Liberals went out on a campaign of education then they too would have a “Tea Party” like support for Single Payer however the Liberal has been abandoning the working class since the defeat of George McGovern in 1972.

    Let’s face it the CULTURE of the United States is one of alienation which is why people are so defensive with their “I got mine BS”. In a competitive society and one that reveres “winners” it creates this mindset. The indoctrination is so think that its going to take a MASSIVE educational effort. This was the basis of my critique of Kim “Socialism of the rich” remark. The most radical act that dissidents can do today is EDUCATE.

  8. Deadbeat said on November 17th, 2010 at 6:11pm #

    cruxpuppy writes …

    Deadbeat’s point about stimulus is correct, but the most pertinent matter is the national debt.

    Absolutely and this is why Liberals like Dean Baker, Paul Krugman and Mike Whitney who goes around selling Keynesianism is selling snake oil. It’s like they are Rip Van Winkle and are still asleep to the huge transformation of the economy into debt-driven Keynesianism.

  9. Deadbeat said on November 17th, 2010 at 6:14pm #

    hayate writes …

    The american public’s attitudes on israel are changing fast, and this skerrs the beplunkus out of the ziofascists

    And thus the role of the psuedo-Left is to divert this potential backlash towards the Tea Party, the Right, and anything else that they can find. The pseudo-Left is the one to watch.

  10. hayate said on November 17th, 2010 at 7:52pm #


    “And thus the role of the psuedo-Left is to divert this potential backlash towards the Tea Party, the Right, and anything else that they can find. The pseudo-Left is the one to watch.”

    Exactly. With the right’s knives coming from in front they are expected, the zionist fake “left” sticking them in from behind is much more difficult to counter.