Israel’s Role in Terrorism

Jeff Gates is author of Guilt By Association, Democracy at Risk, and The Ownership Solution. Read other articles by Jeff, or visit Jeff's website.

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  1. Ismail Zayid said on January 23rd, 2010 at 12:49pm #

    What is new in that?!! Israel has a long history in the creation and promotion of terrorism. That history was prominent in the role of the Zionist gangs, the Irgun Zwei Leumi, the Stern and the Haganah, before the creation of the state of Israel, as in the well-known stories of the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, amongst others, and the numerous massacres committed against not only Palestinians, but also Jews and British and American officials. This continued after the creation of the state of Israel in numeous acts of state terrorism, including highjacking and shooting down of civilian planes. The story of Israel’s terrorism is long, and was well-summed up in the statement, by the late Professor Israel Shahak, a Holocaust survivor, and then Chairman of Israeli League of Human and Civil Rights: ” There is nothing new in the fact that Israel is a terrorist state, which, almost from its inception, has used its intelligence service [the Mossad] to assassinate people on foreign soil with any violence or terror it considers necessary for its ends.”

  2. jeff gates said on January 23rd, 2010 at 2:09pm #

    Thank you for your comment. Please read the commentaries on the Criminal State website where you can also order Guilt By Association where this trans-generational criminality is chronicled, including many insights from Israel Shahak.

  3. Deadbeat said on January 23rd, 2010 at 3:34pm #

    Excellent presentation, narrative and analysis that has been especially missing from the Left for decades. Unfortunately the “Left” too has been preconditioned by Noam Chomsky for decades who should also be described as “an enemy within”.

  4. jeff gates said on January 23rd, 2010 at 4:33pm #

    For a sampler of the facts and analyses in Guilt By Association, please go to the Criminal State site and click on the title of the book where you’ll see the introduction and a sample chapter. Thanks for your comments. Noam provided an endorsement (“Breathless just reading it.”) though the facts lead to the conclusion that the U.S. is an agent of Israel — NOT vice versa as some have argued.

  5. kalidas said on January 23rd, 2010 at 8:22pm #

    P.S. (the Romans crucified Jesus for oil)

  6. Rehmat said on January 23rd, 2010 at 8:38pm #

    “Our task is to recruit a barrier and once again put the fear of death into the Arabs of the area,” – Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli defense Minister (later prime minister of the Zionist entity).

    “Israeli interogators routinely ill-treat and torture Arab prisoners. Prisoners are hooded or blind-folded and hung by their wrists for long periods. Most are struck in the gentals or in other way sexually abused. Most are sexually assualted. Others are administered electric shocks,” – Ralph Schoeman, Sunday Times, June 19, 1977.

    “There is no country in the world in which use of official and sustained torture is an established and documented as is in the case of Israel,” – Amnesty International.

    Terrorism: Theirs and Ours

  7. deceschi said on January 25th, 2010 at 1:18am #

    DV is censoring dissident voices from its middle, only because they speak out inconvenient truths about a certain leftist anti-Israeli mindset? Well, this sounds (not) new to me.
    Anyway let’s try again – in the hope that the degree of tollerance improves also by DV and the peace loving left:

    These videos are exaggeratedly focused on Israel and an alleged “Zionist cospiracy” as the only culprits and istigators of all evils of the world. There are of course intelligence operations aimed at weakening enemies and opponents, but the videos do not provide any real evidence for the many very serious allegations with which they are filled up. Actually, the explantions to the exibited cases can be refuted.

    One single example: The second video clearly suggests that the deliberate cause that triggered the violent bloody second Intifada was the visit of Sharon to the Temple Mount (which is by the way a holy place also for the Jews). In truth, there are credible assertions by Palestinian leaders that the second Intifada was already premeditated and orchestrated by the Palestinian Authority long before it broke out, to destabilize and weaken Israel through terror waves:

    According to then-Communications Minister Imad Al-Faluji:
    “Whoever thinks that the Intifada broke out because of the despised Sharon’s visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque is wrong.. . . This Intifada was planned in advance, ever since President Arafat’s return from the Camp David negotiations, where he turned the table upside down on President Clinton.” (Al-Safir, March 3, 2001. Translated by MEMRI) Elsewhere, Al-Faluji said: “The PA had begun to prepare for the outbreak of the current Intifada since the return from the Camp David negotiations.”(Al-Ayyam, December 6, 2000. Translated by MEMRI).

    A similar assertion has been made by then-senior Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti (currently in jail on terror-related charges), who told an interviewer that:
    “The explosion would have happened anyway. It was necessary in order to protect Palestinian rights. But Sharon provided a good excuse. He is a hated man.” (New Yorker, January 29, 2001)

    Barghouti reinforced this point half a year later: “The intifada did not start because of Sharon’s visit to Al-Aqsa, although that was the last straw. The intifada began because of the desire to put an end to the occupation and because the Palestinians did not approve of the peace process in its previous form.” (Jerusalem Times, June 8, 2001)

    Leaving aside the unproved accusations costantly disseminated on Israel and its alleged global conspiracy, we can of course and much realistically speak of a clash of civilisations, the Western world versus the Islamic world, both anxious to extend their egemony in the world, both fearing that the other side may gain the upper hand. The Israelis, Palestinians are in the heart of this conflict, as parties tragically involved in frontline.

  8. deceschi said on January 25th, 2010 at 1:28am #

    The “clash of civilisation” above refers to the ongoing undeniable conflict between our Western democratic societies and the extreme forms of Islamism and Jihadism in world. It doesn’t pertain to the moderate Islam which however lacks voice to counter the extremist and totalitarian tendencies of political Islam.

  9. Mulga Mumblebrain said on January 25th, 2010 at 1:44am #

    Thanks for the quotes from that Mossad organ, MEMRI, deceschi-good to see that your impertinence, contempt for the intelligence of the audience and puckish, Jewish, sense of humour haven’t abandoned you.Denying Israeli state terror is the exact moral and intellectual equivalent of denying the Nazi crimes of the 1930s and 1940s.The only difference is that Nazi crime denialists are justifiably ridiculed and berated, whereas Zionist denialist have the entire Western mainstream media at their disposal to spread their lies.

  10. deceschi said on January 25th, 2010 at 2:22am #

    Mulga, why display such preconceived ignorance? MEMRI simply quotes the speechs or shows the videos of personalities speaking in Arab/Islamic world media. It’s an open eye on the dangers of Islamic fanatism and hostility against Israel and the West.

    Here an example more for the record:

  11. Mulga Mumblebrain said on January 25th, 2010 at 2:58am #

    deceschi, as everyone with the least knowledge is aware, MEMRI was set up by Mossad. It selectively quotes extreme views amongst Arabs and Moslems, falsely presenting them as norms, if not the sole Arab discourse, and has often been caught out deliberately mistranslating or tendentiously communicating opinions in order to vilify Arabs and Moslems. In other words it is infamous for black propaganda, and your quoting it as a source simply illustrates your bigotry yet again. There are similar groups that publish extreme Zionist opinions, ( but they are barred from the Zionist controlled Western media), that illustrate the extreme racism and open fascism of certain currents in Israeli and Judaic diaspora discourse (currents represented today at the highest levels of Zionist power) . If they got similar exposure then the Western public would see that extremists operate on both sides, not, as in your mendacious insinuation, on the side of the victims of Western aggression alone.

  12. deceschi said on January 25th, 2010 at 4:18am #

    Who is “everyone with the least knowledge”? And can you give me a shred of evidence for your assertion?

    At least I give my sources and I don’t take my stance on empty statements and slander.

  13. deceschi said on January 25th, 2010 at 4:55am #

    Anyway , everyone with a least of intelligence knows that MEMRI looks MOSTLY (but not only) at extreme views in Arab world, and can very good differentiate between moderate peaceful Islam and fanatic Islamism. I’m not racist at all towards Arabs and Muslims, they are human beings like me and you, but I don’t close my eyes on extremism and intollerance in the Arab world, which are – in particular against the Jewish state of Israel – an undeniable fact, the main reason of the ongoing war in ME.
    There are indeed extremists on both sides, but the Israeli governments, neither the previous nor the present, are not.
    The recognition of Israel as a Jewish states living side by side with Arab / Muslim states in ME by the Palestinians and Arab states, would not only make peace possible, it would shortly allow the creation of a Palestinian state with secure borders and full sovereignty.
    This though is not racist at all, Mulga: there are 22 Arab Muslim countries in world with a vanishing Jewish repressed minority of few thousand people with Dhimmi-status, there is only ONE tiny Jewish nation in world with a consistent minority of Arab Muslim citizens (one and half millions people). Can you catch the point?

  14. deceschi said on January 25th, 2010 at 4:55am #

    Anyway , everyone with a least of intelligence knows that MEMRI looks MOSTLY (but not only) at extreme views in Arab world, and can very good differentiate between moderate peaceful Islam and fanatic Islamism. I’m not racist at all towards Arabs and Muslims, they are human beings like me and you, but I don’t close my eyes on extremism and intollerance in the Arab world, which are – in particular against the Jewish state of Israel – an undeniable fact, the main reason of the ongoing war in ME.
    There are indeed extremists on both sides, but the Israeli governments, neither the previous nor the present, are not.
    The recognition of Israel as a Jewish states living side by side with Arab / Muslim states in ME by the Palestinians and Arab states, would not only make peace possible, it would shortly allow the creation of a Palestinian state with secure borders and full sovereignty.
    This thought is not racist at all, Mulga: there are 22 Arab Muslim countries in world with a vanishing Jewish repressed minority of few thousand people with Dhimmi-status, there is only ONE tiny Jewish nation in world with a consistent minority of Arab Muslim citizens (one and half millions people). Can you catch the point?

  15. WoodyBerch said on January 26th, 2010 at 8:21am #

    So I agree that Israel is involved in injecting her interests into US policy. I would even agree there is influence in creating, supporting, and reinforcing decisions that US Foreign Policy makers make. However, I think the focus on Israel as the key manipulator is a bit too much.

    I mean – there are, in my eyes, multiple causes and motivations for the Iraq war, which we already know for sure is based on lies. Let’s even say 9/11 was an inside job, I think it’s still a meeting of minds, rather than Israel leading the way. Sure, Jews and/or Israel can be tribalistic and people will literally say things like “but don’t let the goys know” regarding Jewish presence in upper levels of political power…but I think that’s just self-preservation culture of sorts and not a pervasive aspect of a people/place.

    I feel weird at saying this because I think the video reveals many facts not many people know or put together before, but the language is really crypto-racist. That is, referring to Jews/Israel as , a “skilled agent provacateur” and the “deceiver who can’t be bothered with facts”. At the end the dude refers to Jews/Israel/whoever the target is, as “this enemy within”? The Enemy Within? It’s creepy and if it was about Arabs/Muslims…sorry…when things like this are about Arabs/Muslims, they creep me out too. I just get freaked by videos that utilize Fox News style language, but from an anti-imperialist tact. … See More

    Chaim Saban is a bad guy and quite frightening. This video didn’t even mention how he bought a committee appointment for a representative from Pelosi in a bribery ring the US got on tape. As a resident of Israel, though, it’s really hard for me to see Israel or its leaders really being masterminds. I tend to think that these Jews/Israelis named in the video are pursuing self-interests, as are many elites. The coordination between various elites is merely coincidental, in that they are all out to exploit a large segment of society. From my perspective, at best you could say it’s tacit collusion of sorts.

    What this video seems to suggest is that through the “magic” of game theory (possessed by Jews, in particular a smart guy in Jerusalem) one can predict what co-conspirators will do, essentially removing the possibility of collaboration. Thus the idea of an “all controlling mastermind” makes sense (even in this narrative, he wears a beard!). I think it’s wishful thinking or the result you’re bound to get when reverse engineering the symptoms of capitalism (war, nationalism, imperialism, exploitation) without taking into account the most obvious factor, CAPITALISM.

  16. jeff gates said on January 26th, 2010 at 9:43am #

    Thanks for your comments. Guilt By Association was written to explain HOW such treachery can operate in plain sight to displace facts with beliefs by targeting thought and emotion. That’s why those chronicled in these accounts focus their efforts on the “in between” domains — between a targeted populace and the facts they require for informed choice. Thus the focus on media by those such as Haim Saban who acquired Germany’s second largest media conglomerate in 2003 to help bring Angela Merkel to office in 2005. Why? I quote: “Because Germany is important to Israel.” Why did he then acquire a controlling interest in Univision, the Latino media outlet that is most watched by the fastest growing voting bloc in the U.S.? If you will read Guilt By Association, I am confident that you will better grasp the HOW of this duplicity as well as its common source. Included is a chapter on finance that I expect will dispel your claim that “capitalism” is the culprit rather than a subculture within a subculture within a subculture….that imbedded in education (and elsewhere) the shared belief (aka consensus) that primacy should be granted those values denominated in money. Those who consider themselves “jewish” (whatever that means) routinely write with thanks for “filling in the blanks” and for publishing analyses that distinguish those complicit in this systemic duplicity from the broader community who have too often been portrayed as…guilty by association. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Keep an eye on the Criminal State website where you’ll find a recently published 7-part series on Pakistan, the next nation being pre-staged as an “Evil Doer” by those profiled in these analyses.

  17. jeff gates said on January 26th, 2010 at 2:46pm #

    I again invite you to study the facts chronicled in Guilt By Association and in the commentaries on the Criminal State website and then opine. I am intimately familiar with such off-hand dismissals, typically combined with a smear that, happily, you omitted — at least to date. Theories are constructed by those attempting to peer into this trans-generational criminal syndicate from the outside. This evidentiary trail was assembled from the inside. Thus the lack of theory amidst an abundance of confirmed facts. Thus too the routine thanks from non-extremists within the broader community who have for too long been portrayed as complicit in the ongoing psychopathology chronicled in these accounts traceable to the few within the few.

  18. kalidas said on January 26th, 2010 at 5:39pm #

    “trans-generational criminal syndicate”
    Very good..

    Perhaps these videos could be preceded by a small “short subjects” type clip. You know, to set the tempo, frame the M.O.

    Oh… say… something along the lines of Political Ponerology, past, present and future.

  19. jeff gates said on January 26th, 2010 at 5:42pm #

    Thanks for your comment as we’re always striving to make these facts and analyses more accessible.