Canadian Government’s Fig Leaf of Anti-Semitism

Advancing a Right-wing Foreign-Policy Agenda

Which Canadians suffer more discrimination: Those of African descent, Muslims, Latin Americans, South Asians, East Asians, Arabs, First Nations or Jews?

If you answer the latter, take your place alongside the Harper government and other sectors of the political elite that attack a largely historic form of oppression to advance a present day pro-imperial foreign-policy and anti-immigrant/anti-aboriginal domestic agenda.

Despite a loud chorus claiming otherwise, anti-Semitism is a mere fig leaf of its former oppressive character. Six decades ago “none is too many” was the order of the day in Ottawa, which rejected Jewish refugees escaping Nazi concentration camps. This hostile anti-semitic climate continued into the 1950s with institutions such as McGill University in Montreal imposing quotas on Jewish students. But Christianity’s decline, combined with a rise in antiracist politics has significantly undercut anti-Semitism as a social force in Canada.

Today, Jews are largely seen as white people. Canada’s Jewish community is well represented among institutions of influence in this country and there is very little in terms of structural racism against Jews (which is not to say there isn’t significant cultural stereotyping, which must be challenged). But in an inversion of reality, the more anti-Semitism declines as a social force the more it concerns the political elite.


As a way to silence critics of Israel, of course. More generally, the Conservatives, supported by the Jewish establishment, allege anti-Semitism to advance a broadly pro-empire foreign-policy.

In April 2009, Harper explained: “we are very concerned that, around the world, anti-Semitism is growing in volume and acceptance.” A month later, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister (formerly Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity) Jason Kenney told a European audience, “peaceful and pluralistic Canada sees signs that this evil [anti-Semitism] is newly resurgent.” Then, in a statement bordering on Holocaust denial, he added, “I also very acutely understand the nature of the new anti-Semitism, and I think it’s even more dangerous than the old European anti-Semitism.”

There have been few similar proclamations about racism directed towards First Nations, Blacks or any other group in Canada. A Canadian Newsstand search for Jason Kenney Islamophobia; Jason Kenney racism against Blacks; Jason Kenney missing Native/Aboriginal women brings up nothing of substance. On the other hand, a search of Jason Kenney and anti-Semitism elicited dozens of articles, including many strong comments from the Minister.

The Conservatives, which get few Jewish votes but are close with its right-wing establishment, have used the politics of anti-Semitism to crowd out action regarding more oppressive forms of bigotry. Despite the fact that Muslims and Blacks are more likely to be targeted, “Jewish organizations have received 84 per cent of the funding announcements under a federal program that provides security for groups at risk of being attacked in hate crimes,” reported the Canadian Press three weeks ago. “Forty-six of the 55 projects funded by Ottawa since February 2008 belonged to Jewish community groups.”

At the level of international diplomacy the Harper government’s cries of anti-Semitism are a transparent attempt to silence critics of Israeli crimes. But there is more to it. The accusations of anti-Semitism are a way to advance a broader right-wing foreign-policy agenda.

Beyond defending Israel, there are a number of recent instances where anti-Semitism has been used by Canadian politicians to advance ‘white’ or imperial policies. Last April, Virginie Levesque, a spokesperson for the Canadian Embassy in Venezuela, accused socialist oriented president Hugo Chavez of anti-Semitism. “The Canadian Embassy has encouraged and continues to encourage the Venezuelan government to follow through on its commitment to reject and combat anti-Semitism and to do its utmost to ensure the security of the Jewish community and its religious and cultural centers.”

That same month, two Liberal MPs presented a petition to the House of Commons claiming an increase in state-backed anti-Semitism in Venezuela. Former Liberal Justice Minister Irwin Cotler said Venezuela has seen a “delegitimization from the president on down of the Jewish people and Israel.” These unsubstantiated accusations of anti-Semitism are designed to further demonize a government that threatens North American capitalist/geopolitical interests.

Additionally, Canada was the first country to withdraw from last April’s World Conference against Racism in Geneva. Defending Israel was part of the Harper government’s motivation for pulling out of the conference; they also had little interest in discussing the dispossession of First Nations, colonialism or the African slave trade. An “anti-Semitic anti-West hate fest dressed up as anti-racism conference” is how one unnamed Canadian official described the meeting.

Claiming the conference was anti-Semitic was the only politically palatable justification for withdrawing. In fact, Israel was barely on the agenda as Naomi Klein describes in this month’s Harper’s magazine. She points out how pro-Israel groups effectively undermined extensive efforts by (largely) black activists to force the international community to define colonialism and the slave trade as crimes against humanity. “Perhaps the best way to describe the convergence of interests in Geneva is to say that pro Israel groups succeeded in convincing 10 governments to boycott a conference that they never wanted to come to anyway.”

It’s particularly ironic that the Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister has been the most fervent proponent of anti-Semitism politics. Claims of anti-Semitism do not in any way challenge white supremacy, something a multiculturalism minister should take on.

Harper gave Jason Kenney, the most right wing member of his cabinet, the immigration and multiculturalism portfolio. Is that because the Conservative party’s (anti-Aboriginal, anti-immigrant) base opposes multiculturalism? Does the focus on claims of “racism” against white Jews simply offer a convenient cover for continued white supremacy?

Yves Engler is the author of 12 books. His latest book is Stand on Guard for Whom?: A People's History of the Canadian Military . Read other articles by Yves.

36 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Rick said on September 16th, 2009 at 12:03pm #

    It is really sad to see this kind of dishonest rhetorical tactic being used all over the world in the desperate attempts by apologists for Israel to shield it from any legitimate criticism. Unfortunately, the cries of “anti-semitism” are at their loudest and most shrill in the U.S., which makes perfect sense since Israel is dependent on U.S. economic and military aid to keep it’s illegal occupations of Arab lands going.

  2. Mulga Mumblebrain said on September 16th, 2009 at 6:41pm #

    It is vital to realise that Israel is the very epicentre of global racism. Not only in the ideology of the state, where non-Jews are by definition second-class (a ‘State of the Jews’)but also in the manner in which it practises an unending, vicious, sadistic and quintessentially racist occupation of an entire people, the Palestinians. Not just in the fundamentalist religious dogmata, increasingly driving state policy as religious zealots assume state power, of Judaic supremacy over the rest of humanity, and the essentially animal nature of their Arab victims. But most markedly in the actions of the various Judaic Lobbies around the world in promoting racism and Western civilizational and racial supremacism.
    The current tsunami of Islamophobic hatred we see in the West, in countless media libels and vilifications, targeting all Moslems as wicked ‘terrorists’,is in large part a Judaic enterprise. In this country whenever an Islamophobe is imported to lecture and spread hatred and vilification, you can bet they will have been invited by some Zionist group, or by a Rightwing ‘think-tank’ dominated by Judeofascists. The media is filled with Likudnik zealots preaching insistent hatred. The voice of the victims, of Moslems and Arabs or of the Palestinians, has been completely baniashed in an exercise Goebbels would have envied.Despite dominating the mainstream media to an amazing extent, the Judeofascists never rest. If a single on-line source is found to be allowing comment not entirely to their liking, the bullying, hectoring and vilification commences immediately. The ‘New Matilda’ on-line magazine is currently being vilified in classic fashion, with consummate, practised, thuggery.All criticism of Israel’s vile and multitudinous crimes is simply dismissed as ‘anti-Semitism’. In their maniacal drive, these creatures reveal themselves as complete totalitarians, absolutely unprepared to accept any criticism, under any circumstances.
    As we see from the likes of mebosa here, and many bloggers can attest, after the vilification come the threats. The activities of so-called ‘Jewish Defence Leagues’ in France and elsewhere are a troubling development. If you immediately characterise any criticism of Israel as ‘anti-Semitic’ then endlessly rant about ‘New Holocausts’ and constantly commemorate the Nazi Judeocide, while suppressing all memory of the other victims of Nazism, and other Holocausts of other, lesser, peoples, you create an hysteria of narcissistic dread and desire for pre-emptive vengeance. As Israel is perhaps the state with the greatest propensity to murder its enemies in cold blood, aside perhaps, from the USA, who knows where the vilification of resistance to Israeli crime will end. They are satisfied with character assassination and political silencing so far, but any concerted movement by any Western leadership to rein in Israeli crimes would probably invoke a dreadful response. Just ask JFK.
    Israel’s real symbolism is not of a resurrected nation, built on the ethnically cleansed remains of another people, alone. It is the very symbol and spearhead of global apartheid, of a world order where the White, Western civilizational and racist elites live in vast ‘gated communities’ behind high walls, while the despised ‘two-legged animals’ are corralled in festering internment camps, like Gaza, periodically massacred by the Herrenvolk if they forget their place. As in Iraq, Israel can lend the US-led West the expertise it has accumulated over decades of terrorising, repressing, murdering and humiliating an entire people into eternal submission. Israel is the tail wagging the increasingly violent and racist dog of Western Civilization.

  3. mary said on September 16th, 2009 at 7:57pm #

    The Jewish lobby is alive and well in Australia.

  4. Deadbeat said on September 17th, 2009 at 12:02am #

    Mulga comments are excellent. Kudos Mulga. This what you get from an ineffective Left that conceded their principles. The Left willingness to not confront Zionism at home help to lead to is growth which increased the level of racism at home. You can thank Noam for diverting the Left.

  5. bozhidar balkas vancouver said on September 17th, 2009 at 4:38am #

    The true Left, i conjecture, is not for theft of land, euphemistically called “zionism”.

    In canada, the Left may be infiltrated by people who support israel and right wing policies. I do not know much ab. the Left in US. It may be composed even more of the people on the Right.

    It certainly seems so. There is more ‘jews’ in US than anywhere else. And only one in 10K-50K may be a true Leftist or against land robbery and expulsion of natives.

  6. MEBOSA RITCHIE said on September 17th, 2009 at 5:58am #

    It is vital to realise that Israel is the very epicentre of global racism

    mugla,you are so right. there may be only 15million jews in the entire world but they have control over the entire 6 BILLION people living on earth.
    arab racism against the blacks in darfur comes from israel
    shia racism against sunni muslims comes from israel
    black racism against white zimbabweans comes from israel
    racist white polar bears eating black fish comes from israel
    these 15 million jews must be very strong and very powerful.
    i’m very scared of them because ,in spite of trying to destroy them,they always seem to survive and become more powerful
    what can anyone do?

  7. maien said on September 17th, 2009 at 6:30am #

    oh mebosa, must you?

    so tiresome.
    and I guess, that the first step has begun. education…. for the rest of ‘us’.
    after all, you wouldn’t be so noisy, if the rest of us ….. weren’t actually learning and oh yes… understanding.

    Interesting, last three lines that you wrote. Was that scorn in your tone? Or was it pride?

    so why are you so worried?

    Your stories have become very tedious and boring.

  8. mary said on September 17th, 2009 at 7:29am #

    We are overjoyed here in the UK that the boycott of Israel is growing and working.

    Press release – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
    17 September 2009

    Britain’s unions commit to a mass boycott movement of Israeli goods.

    In a landmark decision, Britain ’s trade unions have voted overwhelmingly to commit to build a mass boycott movement, disinvestment and sanctions on Israel for a negotiated settlement based on justice for Palestinians.

    The motion was passed at the 2009 TUC Annual Congress in Liverpool today (17 September), by unions representing 6.5 million workers across the UK .

    Hugh Lanning, chair of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said: ‘This motion is the culmination of a wave of motions passed at union conferences this year, following outrage at Israel’s brutal war on Gaza, and reflects the massive growth in support for Palestinian rights. We will be working with the TUC to develop a mass campaign to boycott Israeli goods, especially agricultural products that have been produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the Palestinian West Bank.’

    The motion additionally called for the TUC General Council to put pressure on the British government to end all arms trading with Israel and support moves to suspend the EU-Israel trade agreement. Unions are also encouraged to disinvest from companies which profit from Israel ’s illegal 42-year occupation of Gaza and the West Bank .

    The motion was tabled by the Fire Brigades Union. The biggest unions in the UK , including Unite, the public sector union, and UNISON, which represents health service workers, voted in favour of the motion.

    The motion also condemned the Israeli trade union Histadrut’s statement supporting Israel ’s war on Gaza , which killed 1,450 Palestinians in three weeks, and called for a review of the TUC’s relationship with Histadrut.

    Britain’s trade unions join those of South Africa and Ireland in voting to use a mass boycott campaign as a tool to bring Israel into line with international law, and pressure it to comply with UN resolutions that encourage justice and equality for the Palestinian people.

    Notes to Editors
    Media contact: Palestine Solidarity Campaign 020 7700 6192
    The full motion passed on 17 September can be viewed at:
    The Palestine Solidarity Campaign is the largest solidarity movement with Palestinians in Britain – and is supported by thousands of individual members alongside 18 national trade union and hundreds of local trade union affiliates.
    The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement aims to pressure Israel into complying with international law. (

  9. kalidas said on September 17th, 2009 at 8:20am #

    “The ultimate expression of anti-semitism (anti-zionism) is to stay out of debt.”

  10. KL5 said on September 17th, 2009 at 12:06pm #

    “there may be only 15million jews in the entire world but they have control over the entire 6 BILLION people living on earth.
    arab racism against the blacks in darfur comes from israel
    shia racism against sunni muslims comes from israel” … etc.

    Indeed there is racism everywhere. I know no culture without racism or at least some reserve against “others”. Building groups like “we” and “they” is nothing new. But Zionism, a clear form of racism, is the only racist disorder which enjoys unconditional support by U.S. Imperialism and European cohorts, not because Zionists are almighty as many suppose here, but because North Americans and Europeans need them and take care of them. Actually Zionists are toys and puppets in the hands of U.S. Imperialism. Unfortunately there are still no critical signs that the Empire will collapse from within soon. The theatre of the “financial crisis” seems to be ineffective.

  11. bozhidar balkas vancouver said on September 17th, 2009 at 12:48pm #

    If one speaks of zionism [and i stress IF] as if it existed apart from perhaps all ‘jews’, talmud, mishnah, and mosheic ‘laws’, then one cannot proffer an elucidation of nature of neither hebrews nor european multiethnicity with mosheic cult, nor theft of land, commonly called “imperialism”.

    According to torahic account, which may be [in]accurate, hebrews stole land with the intent to murder and euros with the cult have done exactly that in expalestine.
    Thus, labeling this simplicity that every child cld understand, an ism renders the simplicity a comlexity and which no one can understand; not even the wisest among us.
    This is what land robbers want! tnx

  12. bozh said on September 17th, 2009 at 1:43pm #

    in chronicles of dissent, ’84-91, chomsky, in an interview with david barsamian on p.19 says the following: what the US wants from israel is that it become a technologically advanced, highly militarized society without any independent or viable economy of its own so that it’s totally dependent on the US and therefore dependable. We maintain it in a position, our policy is designed to create a system of dependence with a capacity for organized violence so that we can use it as what we call a “strategic asset, which means a kind of an attack dog.

    If chomsky’s descriptions appear largely or completely true and his conclusions valid then this clashes with deadbeats fears that israel or its lobby controls US. tnx

  13. Deadbeat said on September 17th, 2009 at 1:58pm #

    If chomsky’s descriptions appear largely or completely true and his conclusions valid then this clashes with deadbeats fears that israel or its lobby controls US. tnx

    Then it is incumbent upon Chomsky to offer evidence to prove is argument. Much of the Blankfort & Petras critiques does not support that the “U.S. wants” this relationship. And it is doubtful that pro-Israel supporters want a dependency where Israel is a “junior” to the U.S.

    Chomsky offers a narrative that essentially places Israel as a “victim” to U.S. policy rather than being an active agent to its own interest and agenda. The denial by Chomsky and his acolytes has led to the increasing influence of Zionism upon U.S. policy.

    In addition with awareness growing and some Israel’s shine being dulled, I think you are going to see some of the Chomskyite Left try to push themselves in front of struggle against Israel in order to divert activists. Remember that Chomsky has been doing this for 30 years. There is a very interesting critique of Noami Klein’s recent Harper’s Magazine article by Joel Kovel that illustrates why diligence is important.

  14. MEBOSA RITCHIE said on September 17th, 2009 at 4:05pm #

    kl5 says Actually Zionists are toys and puppets in the hands of U.S. Imperialism

    i wish you boys would make your minds up
    either the jews/zionists/israelis control the united states or the us controls the jews/ zionists/israelis

  15. bozh said on September 17th, 2009 at 4:45pm #

    My own view had been that israel does not have any ore mines. Thus ore or metals must come from elsewhere. It wld be too much to expect that muslim lands wld supply with ore to be refined by israel or metals.
    canada has just ab. all the minerals one needs to build planes, tanks, atrillery, warships, etc.
    From this, i conclude that israel is utterly dependent on other countries when it comes to its military industry.
    And chomsky had stated that even ‘settlements’ had been financed by US.
    I must admit that i am baffled about why US needs israel. It may be just a religious thing and not israel’s tactical or strategic value.
    after all, US had waged some 150 wars/skirmishes even before ’45.
    Nato cld have taken care of the ME. It is now taking care of things in afpak and probably will take care of iran at opportune time, israel or no israel. tnx

  16. B99 said on September 17th, 2009 at 6:05pm #

    Uh, Mebosa – Do you think we are all sitting in the same room typing? or perhaps you think we are all one person.

    Why would we all have the same opinion on US/Israel relations?

  17. B99 said on September 17th, 2009 at 8:06pm #

    Bozh – US does not need Israel – it’s a liability that the US is forced to carry by the strength of the Israel lobby. The US is the only ally of Israel – but Israel is the ally of no one.

  18. Hue Longer said on September 18th, 2009 at 2:14am #


    Do you think the US is exceptional? Do you think it’s special and that its borrowed and doctored constitution are important? I ask these questions of you from time to time because you seem to REALY love the US and believe that Zionism is what makes an otherwise benevolent Empire murderous. I know a common response to asking about the evil of Empire before modern zionism is to suggest that “Jewish” bankers were always there (I’m open to it!) but If you want to make that argument, why the love for what they then must have paved the way for in the 15th century?

  19. MEBOSA RITCHIE said on September 18th, 2009 at 2:52am #

    b99—we are the same person but different sides
    i tell the truth
    you make things up or just lie

  20. Deadbeat said on September 18th, 2009 at 3:23am #

    Hue Longer writes …

    Do you think the US is exceptional? Do you think it’s special and that its borrowed and doctored constitution are important? I ask these questions of you from time to time because you seem to REALY love the US and believe that Zionism is what makes an otherwise benevolent Empire murderous.

    Let’s deconstruct your fallacies. First you assume that I “seem to really love” the U.S. Can you supply a quote of mine where I ever stated that I “love the U.S.” Since I have made several remarks here on DV it should be quite easy to support your contentions. Clearly the reason why I’m suggesting for you do to this is that YOU WON’T find any such remark because I never made any such a statement that would “seem” that I “love the U.S.”. That clearly something that YOU imaged and therefore a fallacy on your part. Therefore I would be making a rebuttal against your fallacious contention. And therefore you be using the “when did you stop beating your wife” fallacy. That would me like me asking you since you live in Australia if you thought Australia is exceptional. I could care less if you believe that what interests me is whether you stand for JUSTICE, EQUALITY and FAIRNESS.

    You go on to write …
    I know a common response to asking about the evil of Empire before modern zionism is to suggest that “Jewish” bankers were always there (I’m open to it!) but If you want to make that argument, why the love for what they then must have paved the way for in the 15th century?

    Look Hue if you want to engage me then quit using a strawman fallacy and get to the fucking point.

  21. Hue Longer said on September 18th, 2009 at 4:44am #


    In the past, you’ve supported Ron Paul enthusiasts, have interchanged “left” and left and have almost exclusively centered your arguments on Zionism over US Imperialist aims…Whether or not this is innocent or carefully worded, it SEEMS (not IS) that you do indeed have a belief that Zionism controls US evil. If you missed it, I do find the arguments outside SEEMINGLY implied US benevolence compelling.

    No assumptions or strawman…it’s why I ask and DO get to the unfucking point.

  22. Hue Longer said on September 18th, 2009 at 4:53am #

    I’m not quick to shoot anyone..whether it be Chomsky or you!

  23. Hue Longer said on September 18th, 2009 at 4:58am #

    *shoot in a metaphorical manner in case you are a right wing, libertarian troll out to nail me!

    (lol… total fallacy joke, mate! Though I do sincerely regret using that verb! I’d drink a pint with ya any day)

  24. b99 said on September 18th, 2009 at 6:26am #

    Mebosa – you have NO evidence for what little you present and won’t find any. You get your dis-info from propaganda websites. I get my info from history books – from Israeli historians as well – and from actual experience in Israel and Palestine. You have no case.

  25. MEBOSA RITCHIE said on September 18th, 2009 at 7:32am #

    b99 The sum total of Israeli civilians maimed was zero.
    another lie

    3 civilians killed by rockets into sderot
    1 ecuadorean worker killed by a mamas sniper
    as i said before you are a liar

  26. Mulga Mumblebrain said on September 18th, 2009 at 5:03pm #

    mebosa, we know the Zionazi racist calculus. One hundred eyes for an eye, one hundred lives for a life, ten thousand prisoners, nameless, of course, as they are sub-human animals according to Zionism, for one, Shalit, who being a member of the Judaic Herrenvolk, has a name. 1400 Gazans killed, hundreds children (deliberately targeted as the attack was launched as the children left school)for thirteen ‘precious Jewish lives’, none, thankfully, children.
    I often wonder what process of transference was at work when the Nazi ideology and modus operandi was passed on to the Israelis. However, that is really besides the point. The secret of Israeli brutality is more likely to be found in European colonial settler racism and exterminism. Every European colony from Jamestown to Port Jackson was predicated on exterminating the indigenous and stealing their land. And, particularly in North America, this exterminism was accompanied by exhortations drawn from that handbook of genocide, the Old Testament, Israel’s great gift to humanity and the inspiration for mass murder and the triumph of the Herrenvolk over the untermenschen, everywhere and always. Israel’s crimes are human failings and Judaic failings, but as the Judeofascists refuse to acknowledge them, and are determined to further them in yet greater bloodbaths, where does it end?

  27. B99 said on September 18th, 2009 at 9:12pm #

    No lies here Mebosa. My understanding is that 13 IDF were killed by Palestinians and four other IDF were killed by friendly fire. Don’t know anything about the 4 civilian deaths. But your correction of my error has you making my point even better than I did. The Goldman Report refers to Hamas atrocities. Well, so OK – they killed four people as per mebosa. Guilty as charged! You are a funny guy Mebosa – a funny guy with no case.

  28. Deadbeat said on September 19th, 2009 at 2:53am #

    Hue Longer writes …


    In the past, you’ve supported Ron Paul enthusiasts, have interchanged “left” and left and have almost exclusively centered your arguments on Zionism over US Imperialist aims…Whether or not this is innocent or carefully worded, it SEEMS (not IS) that you do indeed have a belief that Zionism controls US evil. If you missed it, I do find the arguments outside SEEMINGLY implied US benevolence compelling.

    You know Hue you and lichen must be drinking some ragged brew. Your tactic is to claim something completely false (a strawman) and then proceed to argue that the fallacy is true. As I requested in my previous response please provide a reference to back up your smear. I never supported Ron Paul. You are confusing me with Joshua Frank who supported Ron Paul in 2008. So Hue when you get your head out of your ASS perhaps we can have a civil debate or discussion.

  29. Hue Longer said on September 19th, 2009 at 5:42am #


    Your poor understanding of strawman aside, I accurately stated why I asked and didn’t assume. You are very reactionary in your responses and I’m sure even Joshua Frank wouldn’t have assumed I was thinking of him (Why would you think this without asking me?).

    As my statement you quoted shows, I said Ron Paul enthusiasts-NOT Ron Paul; Something about the left (or was it the “left” that time?) offering no viable choice for people to turn to? You can keep claiming strawman but I told you why you seem compartmentalized if not closeted and asked sincere questions you are freaking out over.

    It’s my responsibility to make you civil?

  30. deceschi said on September 19th, 2009 at 7:23am #

    B99: The Goldman Report refers to Hamas atrocities. Well, so OK – they killed four people as per mebosa. Guilty as charged! You are a funny guy Mebosa – a funny guy with no case.

    No, funny is only the fact that you can’t see the truth, here and once again, B99. The charge in the Goldman report about Hamas war crimes refers to the 8 years lasting and about ten thousand rockets and thousands mortar shells heavy terror activities by Hamas & consorts on Southern Israel. Several hundred thousand people were living under terror threat every day and night. But, of course, there were only a few dozens killed and some hundreds others injuried. That’s probably why it seems to you unworthy of mention or at the most a reason for amusement.

  31. B99 said on September 19th, 2009 at 10:04am #

    deseschi – You don’t want rockets, right? And the Palestinians don’t want the illegal occupation, right? So tell me, did Israel occupy the WB and G because home-made rockets were being hurled at it? Or are the rockets the RESULT of Israel occupying the WB and G? Try now to neither be dense nor dishonest on this, OK?

    (Could anyone be more dense – or is it more cold-blooded – that those Israelis within earshot of a few rockets whose gov’t perpetrates the take-over of another’s land YET votes in ever more rightwing gov’ts?)

    PS – I’d like to see a throw-weight comparison between the home-made Palestinian rockets and the arsenal that has been fired into the WB & G. Can anyone guess by what factor the latter exceeds the former? Would a million to one be on the light side?

  32. deceschi said on September 19th, 2009 at 12:32pm #

    B99: “did Israel occupy the WB and G because home-made rockets were being hurled at it? Or are the rockets the RESULT of Israel occupying the WB and G?”

    … or are the rockets, in particular after the Israeli pullout 2005, the factual proof that the radical Palestinians don’t want peace but, as stated in the Hamas charter (artikel 6), “strive to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine…”. Confirmed by recent statements by Hamas leaders, for example: “We will not rest until we destroy the Zionist entity” (Hamas leader Fathi Hammad in Gaza on Friday January 2nd 2009); “suffering by fire is the Jews’ destiny in this world and the next… Therefore we are sure that the Holocaust is still to come upon the Jews” (Sheik Yunus al-Astal, a Hamas legislator and imam in the newspaper Al Risalah in 2008).
    Also recent statements by Fatah leader aren’t really encouraging: Muhammad Dahlan on Al-Arabiya TV on August 4, 2009.: “I have said openly that Fatah itself did not recognize Israel, but that it was the PLO that recognized Israel. Therefore, we did not and will not demand that Hamas as a political, or fascist, movement recognize Israel or not. This is Hamas’s business, since the Fatah movement did not recognize Israel either.”
    PLO Ambassador to Lebanon Abbas Zaki, which aired on ANB TV on May 7, 2009:”With the two-state solution, in my opinion, Israel will collapse, because if they get out of Jerusalem, what will become of all the talk about the Promised Land and the Chosen People? …”
    Munir Al-Maqdah, head of the “Armed Struggle” Fatah militia in Lebanon, on Al-Quds TV (Lebanon) on August 17, 2009.”The political platform and constitution of Fatah do not recognize the so-called State of Israel, let alone the Jewishness of this state. We do not recognize that artificial entity, the state of Israel, which sooner or later will be removed from the land of Palestine, Allah willing.”

    Back to Hamas: Isn’t it at least strange that the number of the rockets increased drammatically in 2006 after the complete dismantling of the settlements in the Gaza strip? Would it not be wiser to seek a diplomatic and peaceful solution in relations with Israel, and insist on that instead of confrontation and terror? But I’m surely too dense to understand this complex issue.

    By the way: Israel restrained from reacting with her military might eight years long and started Cast Lead only when the situation for the Southern Israeli communities had become untenable – and only after Hamas had broken the truce ( So please try to be honest on this.

  33. B99 said on September 19th, 2009 at 8:14pm #

    desechi – There was no pullout in 2005 except of the settlers. Israel still occupies Gaza – they put a fence around it, they control ingress and egress of people, goods and money, they control the air space and sea space – that’s occupation and the UN says it is occupation. When Hamas and Israel agreed on a truce – Hamas kept it long term – no rockets – Israel defied the truce and went into Gaza with force at will. That’s occupation. The last thing Israel wants is a Hamas they can get along with because who then would be the enemy? So Israel has to attack Gaza on an ongoing basis. In fact, if a Gazan gets with several hundred yards of the fence INSIDE of Gaza – he’s shot. And of course, maybe you need to be reminded, the occupation of the WB is deepened and intensified with each passing day.

    So what if an angry Hamas member says the zionist entity will be destroyed. The reality is that the Jews are ACTUALLY carrying out ethnic cleansing. Besides, why didn’t you make peace in the quarter century BEFORE the First Intifada? NO, you can’t complain about the emergence of Hamas now when you failed to take the opportunity for peace when the Palestinians did not have guns. You just shit on them then, and broke their arms with batons. Now you are shocked, shocked that Hamas speaks angrily. But let’s get this straight – Israel broke the truce, Hamas kept the truce.

    Why should anyone recognize the ‘Jewishness of that state”? You stole their country and now you want them to kiss your feet? I don’t think so. No, I don’t think you are too dense to understand – I think you just think from the vantage point of racial privilege. Gaza and the West Bank are occupied and the proof of Israel’s effort of total genocide of Palestinians – that is the usurpation of their land, the dispersal of the people, and the vanishing of an entire culture is Israel’s end game. It’s no sweat off your brow because you are on top – a Good Israeli is a Good German.

    If you are not willing to recognize a Palestinian state – a state that should be almost 90 years old now – then there can be no complaint if they do not recognize yours.

  34. deceschi said on September 20th, 2009 at 4:58am #

    With all due respect, B99, wrong and wrong again. Reading your responses patiently I don’t finish to detect, beside few passable ideas, conceptual and historical mistakes, so typical for the leftist anti-Imperialist anti-Zionist indoctrination you are suffering from.
    But I’d like to proceed more systematically this time.

    -B99: “There was no pullout in 2005 except of the settlers. Israel still occupies Gaza – they put a fence around it, they control ingress and egress of people, goods and money, they control the air space and sea space – that’s occupation and the UN says it is occupation.”
    It’s obvious that Israel was cautious after the pullout of settlers and all military forces from Gaza. And rightly, as quite a lot of evidence about the situation after the IDF withdrawal proves. For example Human rights watch accused already 2007 bluntly Hamas of war crime because of its “indiscriminate fire” used against Israel Southern communities:

    2700 rockets fired during two years (2005-07) by total absence of any troops or settlers on Gaza soil. The legal conclusions of the report: “Palestinian armed groups routinely violate international humanitarian law when using Qassam-type rockets to attack Israel. They are unlawfully launching strikes that either are directed against civilians or are indiscriminate because they are not directed at a specific military objective. In addition, some statements of the groups responsible for carrying out rocket attacks indicate an intent to use the weapons primarily to spread terror among Israeli civilians, which is also prohibited under international humanitarian law.”
    The assertion by Palestinian groups that the rocket attacks are lawful because they are reprisals for Israeli attacks that kill and injure civilians is an incorrect statement of international humanitarian law.”

    Yet you do justify this continuous war crime by loaning the very Hamas language to defend the rocket attacks. The mantra word of the anti-Israeli rhetoric is “resistance”, and in name of this “resistance” by all means the radical Palestinians are allowed to kill and spread terror in Israel, that means make life impossible for nearly a million people on daily basis. But if Israel defends her citizens and try to hit the terror infrastuctures, it’s of course unacceptable and a crime against THE LAW beyond comparison.
    Keep the borders to Gaza 32
    .00000.closed and control them after the disengagement was a logic understandable precaution in consideration of the fact that Hamas was and still is a terror organisation which, among other “funny things”, forcibly and violently kicked out in 2007 their own Palestinian brothers from the Gaza strip, killing them without mercy. The blockade of the Gaza strip in 2007 was the consequence, not the reason for rocket attacks!
    – “Israel broke the truce, Hamas kept the truce.”
    You cannot say it’s a pro-Israeli source!
    – B99: “So what if an angry Hamas member says the zionist entity will be destroyed.”
    It’s NOT only the statement of some angry Hamas leader, it’s their programmatic goal in the short and long term. To be blind to this reality doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
    – “The reality is that the Jews are ACTUALLY carrying out ethnic cleansing.”
    Ethnic cleaning? Come on, Palestinian demographic rates are steadily growing, in Israel AND in Gaza/West Bank as well.

    – “Why should anyone recognize the ‘Jewishness of that state”?”
    Because until proven otherwise the root of the Middle East conflict is the refusal of the Arabs (Palestinians included) to accept a Jewish state as their neighbour. There no evidence at all – apart from the usual hostile insinuations – that minorities in Israel would be affected negatively by the official recognized Jewish Character of the State of Israel. The rest is malevolent baseless allegation. I suggest you to inform yourself about the future Costitution for Israel, now in advanced stage of development.

    – “I think you just think from the vantage point of racial privilege. “A Good Israeli is a Good German”. It is easy to demonize, but difficult to overcome the ignorance.

    – “Gaza and the West Bank are occupied and the proof of Israel’s effort of total genocide of Palestinians – that is the usurpation of their land, the dispersal of the people, and the vanishing of an entire culture is Israel’s end game”.
    Total genocide? See above the demographic rates of the Palestinian population. Usurpation of land? Only the will to compromise and aa serious and durable peace will give the Palestinian their land back – terror must stop, settlements will stop.

    -“If you are not willing to recognize a Palestinian state”:
    Netanyahu: “In my vision of peace, in this small land of ours, two peoples live freely, side-by-side, in amity and mutual respect, each with its own flag and national anthem.” (June 2009)

    Willing yes, but on mutual respect.

  35. telson said on September 26th, 2009 at 12:13am #

    Antisemitism is wrong and we should bless the nation of Israel.

  36. Bruce said on October 13th, 2009 at 3:27pm #

    The Bible, called the Old and New testament, is well advisedly to be seen as a will and ‘testament’ of God’s. Whatever you call him Alohim, Allah (same semetic root = the highest one) Yah, yashuah, or jesus, it is plain that the Land of Palestine was and is intended as the Home Land of the Jews. especially those of Judah. I would be willing to watch the world come to blows in a semi-nuclear war to settle this issue once and for all. To hell with all people who would be-devil the jews. To Hell.