Collateral Debt Obligations galore
(and other arcane, bundled securities)
have ransacked my IRAs–and, what’s worse and what’s more,
appear to have scuttled my hopes for my sixties!
I’m not selling apples, quite yet, from my door,
nor standing in breadlines–but I do feel a draft
coming on strong from a future secure
only in the sense it will be still more daft.
How did it happen? Who slept at the rudder?
Did fighting two wars fine-hone our stupidity?
Blame Congress or Wall Street or someone Down Under.
We’re caught in this maelstrom, seeking lucidity.
The best we can hope for, the best we can muster
is a Mae West tossed at a sinking Titanic.
What next? What after? More greed and more bluster?
Whatever we do, we’d better not Panic!