Congress’s $3.5 million “Bake Sale” for the Boy Scouts

Alright, it isn’t actually a bake sale, but it might as well be. On May 15, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5872, an act “To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the centennial of the Boy Scouts of America, and for other purposes.” The other purposes? The sale of the coins by the Secretary of the Treasury, with a surcharge on each coin sold to “be paid to the National Boy Scouts of America Foundation.” In other words, this is a congressionally mandated fundraiser for the Boy Scouts.

With the act allowing for up to 350,000 of this coin to be issued and fixing the surcharge at $10 per coin, the Boy Scouts could receive as much as $3.5 million from their sale. Never before, in the long history of U.S. government issued commemorative coins, has this benefit been granted to an organization that promotes religion or discriminates based on religion.

What is a Commemorative Coin and How Does the Program Work?

A 1996 U.S. Mint report titled “Commemorative Coins Could Be More Profitable,” described the issuance of commemorative coins as follows: “Every commemorative coin program is authorized by an act of Congress. Congress authorizes commemorative coins primarily as a means of honoring certain events and individuals and raising funds for the coins’ sponsors. On occasion, the proceeds from commemorative coin sales are applied to the national debt. Commemorative coins are legal tender but are purchased and retained by collectors, rather than used as a circulating medium of exchange.”

The first commemorative coin, authorized by Congress in 1892, was the Columbian Exposition silver half dollar, commemorating Columbus’s first voyage to the new world. These coins, priced at twice their face value, did not sell well, and many of them ended up being put into circulation by the banks that held them as collateral against unpaid loans taken out by the Exposition. Over fifty other commemorative coin programs were authorized between 1892 and 1951, and for the first few decades they were all to recognize anniversaries of major historical events or to raise money for legitimate memorial projects. But, of course, any program where money is involved is subject to abuse

By the 1920s things were already getting out of control. At that time, coins issued to fund a particular project were simply minted and then sold by the government to the recipient organization, which would then resell them for a profit, with the selling price set by the organization. This led to a flood of coins commemorating events that were only of local rather than national interest, organizations charging exorbitant prices for their coins, and even instances of coin dealers fabricating anniversaries to obtain a product to sell. In 1936, for example, a group of Ohio coin dealers formed the “Cincinnati Music Center Commemorative Coin Association” and applied to have a coin issued commemorating Cincinnati’s “contribution to the art of music for the past 50 years.” This coin was authorized by Congress despite the fact that the Commission of Fine Arts found that nothing of musical significance had occurred in Cincinnati in 1886 to make 1936 a 50th anniversary of anything. In 1939, Congress passed legislation severely limiting commemorative coins, and following the issue of the George Washington Carver – Booker T. Washington half dollar, which was sold from 1951 to 1954, the program was suspended for nearly three decades.

The program was revived in 1981 with the authorization of a George Washington 250th Anniversary half dollar to be issued in 1982, the profits from which were applied to the national debt. By 1984, Congress was once again authorizing coins to raise funds for private organizations, but new legislation required that the coins be sold directly to the public by the U.S. Mint, with a fixed surcharge to be paid to the recipient organization. The minting of many of these coins resulted in a loss to the government, although the sponsoring organizations always made a profit. The problem was that the organization received its surcharge beginning with the very first coin sold, before the mint had recovered its set-up and other costs. If a coin sold so poorly that its sales didn’t cover these costs, it was the government that took the hit. On the 1994 World Cup Tournament coins, for example, the government lost over $4 million, while the sponsor received over $9 million. Current law requires that the mint ensure that it will not lose any money before transferring any surcharges to the recipient organization, and limits commemorative coin programs to two per year.

The Unconstitutionality of Issuing a Commemorative Coin for the Boy Scouts

This should be obvious, but apparently it isn’t to the overwhelming majority in our House of Representatives, who just passed H.R. 5872 by a vote of 403 to 8. (Kudos to Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Barney Frank (D-MA), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Jim McDermott (D-WA), Pete Stark (D-CA), and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) — the eight who voted no.)

While much has been written about the disputes and court cases resulting from establishment clause issues raised by government support of the Boy Scouts, the organization’s actual statements and policies are usually only vaguely described or briefly quoted. To leave no doubt as to why Congress, without question, should be prohibited from passing legislation to raise money for this organization, here are some of the statements and policies from official Boy Scout publications and websites.

First, there’s the “Declaration of Religious Principle,” found in the organization’s bylaws. This declaration must be subscribed to by every member of the Boy Scouts, from the youngest scout to the adult leaders, volunteers, and employees.

Declaration of Religious Principle:

“The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God. In the first part of the Scout Oath or Promise the member declares, ‘On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law.’ The recognition of God as the ruling and leading power in the universe and the grateful acknowledgment of His favors and blessings are necessary to the best type of citizenship and are wholesome precepts in the education of the growing members. No matter what the religious faith of the members may be, this fundamental need of good citizenship should be kept before them. The Boy Scouts of America, therefore, recognizes the religious element in the training of the member, but it is absolutely nonsectarian in its attitude toward that religious training. Its policy is that the home and the organization or group with which the member is connected shall give definite attention to religious life.”

Then there are the policies governing volunteers and employees.

Youth and Adult Volunteers:

“Boy Scouts of America believes that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God. Accordingly, youth members and adult volunteer leaders of Boy Scouts of America obligate themselves to do their duty to God and be reverent as embodied in the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. Leaders also must subscribe to the Declaration of Religious Principle. Because of its views concerning the duty to God, Boy Scouts of America believes that an atheist or agnostic is not an appropriate role model of the Scout Oath and Law for adolescent boys. Because of Scouting’s methods and beliefs, Scouting does not accept atheists and agnostics as members or adult volunteer leaders.”


“With respect to positions limited to professional Scouters or, because of their close relationship to the mission of Scouting, positions limited to registered members of the Boy Scouts of America, acceptance of the Declaration of Religious Principle, the Scout Oath, and the Scout Law is required. Accordingly, in the exercise of their constitutional right to bring the values of Scouting to youth members, the Boy Scouts of America will not employ atheists, agnostics, known or avowed homosexuals, or others as professional Scouters or in other capacities in which such employment would tend to interfere with the mission of reinforcing the values of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law in young people.”

And, according to, a website “created on behalf of the Boy Scouts of America to inform the public about the legal issues that confront Scouting,” religious beliefs and activities are required for every level of advancement from Cub Scouts through Eagle Scouts.

“All levels of advancement in the Scouting program have requirements recognizing ‘duty to God’:

Bobcat Cub Scout
“A boy is required to promise to do his best to do his ‘duty to God,’ which means ‘Put God first. Do what you know God wants you to do.’

Wolf Cub Scout
“A boy is required to ‘[t]alk with your folks about what they believe is their duty to God,’ ‘[g]ive some ideas on how you can practice or demonstrate your religious beliefs,’ and ‘[f]ind out how you can help your church, synagogue, or religious fellowship.’

Bear Cub Scout
“A boy is required to ‘[p]ractice your religion as you are taught in your home, church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious community’ or ‘[e]arn the religious emblem of your faith.’

Webelos Scout
“A boy is required to either ‘[e]arn the religious emblem of your faith’ or do two of the following:

“’Attend the church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious organization of your choice, talk with your religious leader about your beliefs, and tell your family and Webelos den leader about what you learned.’;

“’Tell how your religious beliefs fit in with the Scout Oath and Scout Law, Discuss this with your family and Webelos den leader: What character-building traits do your beliefs and the Scout Oath and Scout Law have in common?’;

“’With your religious leader, discuss and write down two things you think will help you draw nearer to God. Do these things.’;

“’Pray to God or meditate reverently each day as taught by your family, and by your church, synagogue, or religious group. Do this for at least one month.’;

“’Under the direction of your religious leader, do an act of service for someone else. Talk about your service with your family and Webelos den leader. Tell them how it made you feel.’; or

“’List at least two ways you believe you have lived according to your religious beliefs.’

First Class Boy Scout
“A boy is required to ‘[l]ead your patrol in saying grace at the meals …’

Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle Boy Scouts
“A boy is required to ‘[d]emonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath … and Scout Law in your everyday life.'”

On the FAQ page of, the discriminatory policies of the Boy Scouts are defended through questions and answers like the following.

“Q. What allows the Boy Scouts of America to exclude atheists and agnostics from membership?

“A. The Boy Scouts of America is a private membership group. As with any private organization, Boy Scouts’ retains the constitutional right to establish and maintain standards for membership. Anyone who supports the values of Scouting and meets these standards is welcome to join the organization.”

This is absolutely correct. A private organization can have whatever beliefs and religious requirements it chooses to. That’s their constitutional right. But Congress can absolutely not financially aid the Boy Scouts in the promotion of their beliefs and enforcement of their religious requirements by legislating a fundraiser for them!

Chris Rodda is the senior research director for the nonprofit government watchdog organization The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and author of the book Liars For Jesus. She can be reached at: Read other articles by Chris, or visit Chris's website.

33 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Bishop Carlos Florido, OSF said on May 19th, 2008 at 9:08am #

    I am in full agreement. Church and State must be separated in harmony. This is a disgraceful use of our limited financial resources.

  2. John Wilkinson said on May 19th, 2008 at 12:12pm #

    we have become an effing banana republic. what corruption to high heaven. what outrage. and with my tax dollars. when we are mortgaging our future and our children’s future and our grandchildren’s future, and their grand-grandchildren’s, all in the name of these religious wars and various corrupt payoffs to the rich and the powerful.

  3. hp said on May 19th, 2008 at 2:13pm #

    ‘The future sure ain’t what it used to be.’

  4. sean said on May 19th, 2008 at 6:30pm #

    I dont think that its a bad idea, boyscouts are a great organnization and help keep kids out of trouble, i dont understand why everyone is hating on christians all of a sudden, i am not religious but some of the nicest people that I know are christians, so shut the hell up about all these stupid injustices when you should realy look at yourself and see how pathetic you’ve become chasing down every little, minor, disputable incident and making a huge deal out of it and calling it an outrage i’d have more respect for you prople if you liked to dress in drag stop being a bunch of pathetic losers.

  5. Hue Longer said on May 19th, 2008 at 7:48pm #

    what’s wrong with dressing in drag?

  6. Annie said on May 19th, 2008 at 7:54pm #

    Um…really? Are we quibbling over 3.5 million dollars?
    The Boy Scouts have over 600 million in assests, (you can look it up for yourself on the National Boy Scout website), while all contributions are important, 3.5 seems just a drop in the bucket. Perhaps they really do just want a coin to commemerate the anniversary.

  7. Josh Miles said on May 19th, 2008 at 10:13pm #

    Sean, you’ve missed the point entirely. Somehow I’m not surprised.

  8. Tim Fostik said on May 19th, 2008 at 10:36pm #

    Thank you Dennis Kucinich! I’m a commemorative collector but won’t touch this coin. There are many worthy causes out there, and if congress wants to do a ‘fund raiser’, let’s do it for something that has broad appeal and a real impact for Americans.

    Nothing against the Boy Scouts, but if they are doing ‘God’s work’, they should publicly state exactly where the proceeds from the coin sale are going. Hopefully we won’t see a new breed of Corvette-bearing Scoutmasters.

    I encourage everyone that does collect coins to skip this offering. The mint is operating at a loss with most of our currency as is (the price to produce a penny is over $.025 currently), and some vanity program to honor or finance the Boy Scouts seems financially imprudent.

    And Congress wonders why they have a sub-20% approval rating?

  9. Craig Murray said on May 20th, 2008 at 6:04am #

    I believe that creating a commemorative coin for an organization that promotes positive ideals is fantastic. With respect to profits from the coins, that is something Congress set up and if the coins are not all sold, not all the money is given to whatever organization the coin represents.

    With respect to religious beliefs, the only bottom line requirement is that one cannot be an atheist. You do not have to be a Christian, you can be a Pantheist for example; someone who believes that the universe and nature are one.

    One of the requirements to be an Eagle Scout, the top award in the Boy Scout program, is that you do a community service project. And the project cannot directly benefit scouting. The exact requirement reads as:

    “While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, school, or community. (The project should benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) The project idea must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your Scoutmaster and troop committee and the council or district before you start. You must use the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, BSA publication No. 18-927, in meeting this requirement.”

    As the requirements state, the scout has to use leadership skills. Not only are others benefiting but the boy is also benefiting from learning and using leadership skills. This and the outdoor experience is what scouting is all about. For the boys and leaders, scouting is mostly about fun.

    Promoting positive ideals can only benefit society and this is what Boy Scout is for the boys.

  10. Scott in Dc said on May 20th, 2008 at 7:37am #

    I was a Boy Scout so many years ago. I don’t remember being pushed into a religious conviction one way or another from anyone associated with the Scouts, except from my parents. We were never told to proselytize nor encourage to do so. We were taught to have respect for our religious beliefs and for those of others. While your mileage may vary, I have never witnessed Scouts being pushed into a religious corner.

    I am a coin collector but not a commemorative coin collector. I don’t know if I will collect this coin. But if I do, I have no reservations with this coin.

    As for the design, the British issued a great design for a 50 pence commemorative for the 100 anniversary of the surrounding the founding of Scouting last year.

  11. Wondering... said on May 20th, 2008 at 7:45am #

    The BSA was granted a federal charter long ago. Almost all of the various Boy Scout logos are trademarked and/or copyrighted and have to be licensed for use. The surcharge simply may be the fee for using a BSA logo on the coin…. Sounds like typical business practices used when other corporations deal with the government.

  12. Rob Buchanan said on May 20th, 2008 at 9:51am #

    OK, so the Boy Scouts discriminate, get over it. So does just about every group in the world. When the government spends money to “protect” a class of citizens, be it gay, minority, athiests or the elderly, then should I not be able to complain that I’m being discriminated against?? Because I choose not to be an athiest, or my preference is a heterosexual lifestyle, I happened to not be born into a minority race and I’m not quite old enough for the elderly programs, then I should complain that the government is spending money and discriminating against me because I can’t participate in any of those programs??

    I’m an Eagle Scout and an adult volunteer and I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished in my life and the opportunities for the kids I’ve worked with to do things they never would have had the opportunity to do. And Tim, and “Corvette-bearing Scoutmaster” would be financially savvy on his or her own as those adult volunteers are just that, they don’t get paid for the hours they spend working with the kids. Their reward is seeing the youth grow into adulthood and become productive members of scociety. Some of the kids have money to burn growing up and some don’t have two nickles to rub together, bu through Scouting they can both have opportunityes to learn and succeed. Some of them turn out great, and some fail misserably, but the Boy Scouts are there to offer them the chance to learn and grow.

    As for the coin, I’m looking to buy a few, but I’m happy to hear that the BSA won’t see anything in profit until the Mint covers it’s cost. That’s the only fair way to do it, and I’m certain there are enough people out there that feel like I do and will ensure the that government isn’t “out” anything.

  13. Cody in America said on May 20th, 2008 at 11:04am #

    This is not a support of religion. This is support of an organization that supports growth in boys.

    The Constitution allows freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

    Religion is simply a belief system in which the adherents use faith to support items that may or may not be supported by facts of truth.

    Some of the most influential religions today are those who believe in Global Warming, Human Rights, Gay Privilege, and Evolution all these religions make ME the god of their religion.

    The only religions that are not allowed to be worshiped are those whose God created the world, created a better way, created freedom and created this country.

    It is clear that a coin is not the issue. It is an issue of people not wanting to submit themselves to something greater than themselves.

  14. scoutingmaniac said on May 20th, 2008 at 11:43am #

    this is absolutely ridiculous. I am a strong supporter of scouting and the BSa and find it absolutely sad that it would come to this ridcule again.

  15. Confused said on May 20th, 2008 at 10:04pm #

    I don’t understand the argument that congress is spending tax dollars supporting BSA. I don’t understand the outrage over misappropriation of tax dollars. Apparently people aren’t reading the article carefully. As stated in the article:
    “Current law requires that the mint ensure that it will not lose any money before transferring any surcharges to the recipient organization.”
    Any money that does go to BSA will be after costs are paid and will be money coming from purchasers of the coins, not from the government. Clearly those purchasing the coins will know where the proceeds are going and are willingly donating money to that organization.

    This is simply an act commemorating the founding of scouting and acknowledging the good that organization has done in our country. Those “outraged” by this are clearly more upset about scouts than about “misappropriation of tax dollars.”

  16. evie said on May 21st, 2008 at 5:54am #

    Another example of the phony “left” trying to create outrage where there is none.

  17. Mike said on May 21st, 2008 at 12:06pm #

    The foundation of religion is a simple belief in a moral imperative to do what’s right, as opposed to simply what’s legal. Atheists decrying the conduct of the Boy Scouts and the “unrightness” of the legality of minting the coins display their own belief that there is “right” beyond “legal.” It’s just that they want to control any definition of “right” and ensure it excludes God.

    To me it indicates not that they fervently believe there is no God, but that they fervently believe they are individually and collectively more important. They aren’t. They proselytize their fervent disbelief at every perceived slight, hoping that someone cares. I don’t. However, I do support their right to their own (albeitly strange) religion.

    Maybe they do enough good in the world to merit a coin of their own.

  18. The Wholly None said on May 21st, 2008 at 1:33pm #

    Facts: for whatever reasons they have, the Boy Scouts discriminate against atheists and against homosexuals, both of which categories are United States citizens and taxpayers. They discriminate against both children and adults.

    So why should the United States government support such a bigoted and discriminatory organization? Let them get their operating funds elsewhere.

  19. evie said on May 21st, 2008 at 4:15pm #

    Some folks wouldn’t know real discrimination if it bit them in the ass.

  20. Tim said on May 21st, 2008 at 10:44pm #

    WOW! “Dr. No” Ron Paul sure dropped the ball on this one! Where does it say “Boy Scouts” in the Constitution?

  21. Tim said on May 21st, 2008 at 11:03pm #

    It’s not so much about the alleged discrimination. I don’t really care about that. It’s just that….look: If the government is going to invest taxpayer dollars in this business venture, then the taxpayers are shareholders as far as I’m concerned. As such, each taxpayer is entitled to a cut of the profit.

    I agree that the Boy Scouts should be entitled to a larger share of the profit for the usage of their name and likeness. But still: where’s my cut?

  22. evie said on May 22nd, 2008 at 5:08am #

    I wanna know where is our cut for my sons in Iraq protecting global oil interests at taxpayer expense. If you want recompense – forget the BS – go after the really big profits.

  23. Big Pappa said on May 22nd, 2008 at 2:22pm #

    I’m trying to get my 6-year-old son into the Scouts right now, but yes, they do discriminate on religious grounds. I told the local troop leader, who had distributed a flyer to my son in his public school, that we do not take oaths to anyone’s gods. He told me, in no uncertain terms, that my son could not participate. And they are using my tax dollars? In my son’s pulic school? And now the federal Government is raising funds to support the BSA?

    This seems to violate the First Amendment.

    As does this:

    Amendment I
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Congress is now passing laws respecting the establishment of religion in public schools.

  24. hp said on May 23rd, 2008 at 9:08am #

    On one hand there’s tax money funding the scouts who demand an oath to God and on the other hand there’s tax money funding artists who put God in a bottle of piss.
    What’s a boy to do?

  25. tom johnson said on May 26th, 2008 at 5:14pm #

    Ok, folks.. for all of those of you that are complainig about an insignificant offset of 3.5 Million going to the Boy Scouts of America…
    hmm. to all of those of you who think it’s “inmoral” for BSA to recieve these funds..
    Do you want to pay for the 100 million hours of community servie Scouting has given so freely to our country for the last 100 years??

    Scouting only requires it’s members to a belief in a Supreme Being..
    sounds reasonable to me.

    also consider…

    How about the sale of War Bonds, sold by the Boy Scouts, during WW I and WWII?

    They sold over I BILLION DOLLARS of War Bonds to pay for your right to complain about them!!!

    With over 50 million Scouts in this country, over the past 100 years, and with 26 astronauts as Eagle Scouts, ( who by the way, paved the way for your to enjoy the technology of your computer right now)- lighten up, and start recognizing Scouting for the Billions of dollars they have given to you, before you were even born.

  26. Keith said on June 4th, 2008 at 1:45pm #

    To Tom F. who won’t touch this coin: that’s OK, I’ll buy two extras to give my sons just for you, the same reason I bought 3 SKS “evil” guns for no other reason than Clinton banning them (still new in boxes- really would never have bought them without the ban). To any thinkers it’s clear that the U.S. is making my money back before Scouting gets a dime, so we’re not establishing religion that way. To any who think it’s somehow BAD that adults who guide and help mold our youth should believe in God and not be homosexual- feel free to back a commemorative coin to support that alternative national organization that donates thousands of man-weeks of labor per year to civic projects and teaches morals and citizenship but DOESN’T have any connection whatsoever with God. Help me out- I can’t seem to remember the NAME of that other organization…

  27. Phillip said on June 10th, 2008 at 10:32pm #

    I am also an Eagle Scout and currently volunteering to help other boys become better than they would otherwise be.

    The fundemental principle of the Scouting movement is serving others:

    “On my Honor I will do my best, to do my duty to God and and to obey the Scout Law; to ; to keep myself physically fit, mentally awake and morally straight.”

    On top of that both the Star and Life Ranks require:

    “While a Star (or First Class) Scout, take part in service projects totaling at least six hours of work. These projects must be approved by your Scoutmaster.”

    The Boy Scouts of America has created a morally stable environment for boys to grow up in. It keeps them off the streets, it teaches them to make smart decisions about life, and most of all: it teaches them to help other people.

    Let me pose a question: When was the last time you had a boy, aged 10-17, help you in anyway and not ask for compensation?

    Anybody that wishes to have a negative opinion of the BSA is welcome to that opinion, but before making baseless accusations, research a bit more on what impact Scouting has had on America in the last 100 years.

  28. Big Pappa said on June 17th, 2008 at 12:19pm #

    Sure the BSA has done a lot of good for this country. Did I mention that I have been trying to get my son involved, but the BSA is activly discriminating against him for religious reasons? This is, clearly, an un-American policy.

    The thing is, fathers, were the shoe on the other foot, and I am assuming that many posting here in support of the BSA are Christian, and an organization were operating inside of the public school system that excluded Christians from membership, you would be as fighting mad as I.

  29. Tom Johnson said on November 22nd, 2009 at 7:45pm #

    POINT #1) BSA doesn’t discriminate against, ANY RELIGION. MAYBE YOU GOT into a “bad troop”, or one with stupid leaders…

    The largest membership in Scouting , world wide is Muslim, and it is open to ANY ONE, WITH A BELIEF IN A SUPREME BEING.

    IT IS NOT A Christian organization, nor a Muslim, or a Jewish one, etc..
    It’s simply a youth organization, that expects a youth to have a belief in a supreme being. Anyone telling you otherwise- is wrong. I have been in for 5o years, out of 55 ,and no one is forcing their religous faith on to a scout. If they do, then report it to your District Committe Chair, or local Scout office.

    POINT # 2 ON THE ISSUE about the COIN-GET OVER IT! !!!
    THE BSA HAS RAISED OVER 4 BILLION DOLLARS IN SELLING BONDS- IN WW1 AND WW 2 MAKING SURE OUR COUNTRY WAS SOLVENT SO you could complain about them, and have the freedom to do so….

    PLUS THEY raised billions in recycling, and reuse in natural resources before any of you even new what the word “Green” even meant.
    They have contributed well in excess of 10 BILLION DOLLARS in service hours over the last 100 years… Have you?

    Learn the facts, first.

  30. lichen said on November 22nd, 2009 at 9:29pm #

    The so-called “boy scouts” are moralistic scum. They are essentially a male-hating, christian organization that has nothing but contempt for youth and refuse to see that young boys do not need “moral” improvement or supposedly to be kept from doing things that self-righteous conservative idiots don’t want them to do, but need protection from violence, democratic control over their lives at all levels, and most of all, kindness. They don’t need to be manipulated for “god” or the hateful whims of stupid old people. They are worth more as-is than those “merit” badges will ever be, and they should get to decide how to spend their time; i.e, not as your servant.

  31. lichen said on November 22nd, 2009 at 9:30pm #

    They are also a homophobic (male hating at it’s highest) organization, and should be permanently disbanded.

  32. Annie Ladysmith said on November 23rd, 2009 at 12:52am #

    LICHEN YOU ARE A PEICE OF SCUM yourself!****OFF! O! YEAH! I love the little boy scouts, they are so AMERICAN, they are so CHRISTAIN, they are all so adorable, i’m going to buy a buch of these bitching coins! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK little boyscouts, WE REAL AMERICANS LOVE YOU! YEAH!!!!! One day soon you’ll know enough to join a MILITIA!

  33. Annie Ladysmith said on November 23rd, 2009 at 1:16am #

    TO BISHOP CARLOS: SHUT YOUR BIG FAT CATHOLIC TRAP! When your church apologizes to all the boys and girls who have been raped by priests and covered-up by men of your caliper then you may have an opinion.