Not too many Americans receive such a close, birds-eye view into the illicit and potentially criminal activities of a high ranking Catholic official, as have Los Angeles natives regarding the ongoing sex scandal plaguing Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles. Mahony, according to court records released during trial, actively sought to cover up the activity of priests in the Los Angles Diocese who raped or molested children. According to court records, several priests openly confided to Mahony that they had raped children. Mahony responded by transferring them to another parish, where once again they were placed in direct contact with — if not supervision over — children. Astonishingly, Mahony never once sought to warn parishioners or parish officials that these men had abused children in the past.
‘Cardinal’ Mahony’s actions are not those of a responsible, well meaning high Church official seeking to promote the kingdom of God by facilitating conditions of peace and justice. Were that the case, Mahony would have immediately called the police and had these men arrested. However, Mahony could not implicate others in activity he himself was involved in. Mahony spent $660 million — the largest amount ever paid to procure illicit sex acts in recorded history — of parishioners’ money to ensure that the public would never learn the extent of that involvement. What precisely was in those files may never be known for certain. However, Mahony paid that sum to ensure that his direct involvement, as a pedophile or an aid to other pedophiles, would never be publicly released.
As a Roman Catholic, few Catholic officials cause me to be ashamed or saddened. Cardinal Mahony, however, is a public disgrace. His longstanding display of antipathy and arrogance towards the example and teaching of venerable Catholic leaders from John Paul II to Father Marcial Maciel are widely known and documented. While working to ensure that admitted child molesters could molest more children, Mahony prevented faithful Catholic organizations that are known for their exemplary work with youth, such as the Legionaries of Christ, from working within the Diocese. No theory can explain his actions other than that he must be a child molester, or that he relished in the sick actions of warped subordinates. Either way, Mahony is a monster — an accessory to child molestation — and justice demands that he be immediately removed from his current position in charge of the Los Angles Diocese. Furthermore, Mahony should be charged and put on trial for orchestrating the largest and most expensive pedophile ring in recorded history.