Here’s the Smell of the Blood Still

When Martin Luther King Jr. publicly referred to “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government,” he had no way of knowing that his description would ring so true 40 years later. As the autumn of 2007 begins, the reality of Uncle Sam as an unhinged mega-killer haunts a large minority of Americans. Many who can remember the horrific era of the Vietnam War are nearly incredulous that we could now be living in a time of similarly deranged official policy.

Despite all the differences, the deep parallels between the two war efforts inform us that the basic madness of entrenched power in our midst is not about miscalculations or bad management or quagmires. The continuity tells us much more than we would probably like to know about the obstacles to decency that confront us every day.

The incredulity and numbing, the frequent bobbing-and-weaving of our own consciousness, the hollow comforts of passivity, insulate us from hard truths and harsher realities than we might ever have expected to need to confront — about our country and about ourselves.

Of all the words spewed from the Pet Crock hearings with General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, maybe none were more revealing than Petraeus’s bid for a modicum of sympathy for his burdens as a commander. “This is going on three years for me, on top of a year deployment to Bosnia as well,” he said at the Senate hearing, “so my family also knows something about sacrifice.”

There’s sacrifice and sacrifice.

“It is as bad as it seems,” longtime activist Dave Dellinger told a gathering of protesters outside the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami Beach as it prepared to re-nominate a war-criminal president. “We must achieve a breakthrough in understanding reality.”

I listened, agreeing. But it was, and is, easier said. How do we truly grasp what’s being done in our names, with our tax dollars — and, most of all, with our inordinate self-restraint that tolerates what should be intolerable?

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From an Oval Office tape, May 4, 1972: “I’ll see that the United States does not lose,” the president said while conferring with aides Al Haig, John Connally and Henry Kissinger. “I’m putting it quite bluntly. I’ll be quite precise. South Vietnam may lose. But the United States cannot lose. Which means, basically, I have made the decision. Whatever happens to South Vietnam, we are going to cream North Vietnam…. For once, we’ve got to use the maximum power of this country … against this shit-ass little country: to win the war. We can’t use the word, ‘win.’ But others can.”

By mid-1972, U.S. troop levels in Vietnam were way down — to around seventy thousand — almost half a million lower than three years earlier. Fewer Americans were dying, and the carnage in Vietnam was fading as a front-burner issue in U.S. politics. Nixon’s withdrawal strategy had changed the focus of media coverage.

The executive producer of ABC’s evening news, Av Westin, had written in a 1969 memo: “I have asked our Vietnam staff to alter the focus of their coverage from combat pieces to interpretive ones, pegged to the eventual pull-out of the American forces. This point should be stressed for all hands.” In a telex to the network’s Saigon bureau, Westin gave the news of his decree to the correspondents: “I think the time has come to shift some of our focus from the battlefield, or more specifically American military involvement with the enemy, to themes and stories under the general heading ‘We Are on Our Way Out of Vietnam.’”

The killing had gone more technological; from 1969 to 1972 the U.S. government dropped 3.5 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, a total higher than all the bombing in the previous five years. The combination of withdrawing U.S. troops and stepping up the bombardment was anything but a coincidence; the latest in military science would make it possible to, in President Nixon’s private words, “use the maximum power of this country” against a “shit-ass little country.”

In December 1972, Nixon delivered on his confidential pledge to “cream North Vietnam,” ordering eleven days and nights of almost round-the-clock sorties (Christmas was an off day) that dropped twenty thousand tons of bombs on North Vietnam. B-52s reached the city of Hanoi. During that week and a half, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg later noted, the U.S. government dropped “the explosive equivalent of the Nagasaki A-bomb.”

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Visiting Baghdad near the end of 2002, I looked at Iraqi people and wondered what would happen to them when the missiles arrived, what would befall the earnest young man managing the little online computer shop in the hotel next to the alcohol-free bar, who invited me to a worship service at the Presbyterian church that he devoutly attended; or the sweet-faced middle-aged fellow with a moustache very much like Saddam Hussein’s (a ubiquitous police-state fashion statement) who stood near the elevator and put hand over heart whenever I passed; or the sweethearts chatting across candles at an outdoor restaurant as twilight settled on the banks of the Tigris.

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That winter, movers and shakers in Washington shuffled along to the beat of a media drum that kept reporting on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction as a virtual certainty. At the same time, millions of Americans tried to prevent an invasion; their activism ranged from letters and petitions to picket lines, civil disobedience, marches, and mass rallies. On January 18, 2003, as the Washington Post recalled years later, “an antiwar protest described as the largest since the Vietnam War drew several hundred thousand … on the eve of the Iraq war, in subfreezing Washington weather. The high temperature reported that day was in the mid-20s.”

The outcry was global, and the numbers grew larger. On February 15, an estimated 10 million people demonstrated against the impending war. A dispatch from Knight-Ridder news service summed up the events of that day: “By the millions, peace marchers in cities around the world united Saturday behind a single demand: No war with Iraq.” But the war planners running the U.S. government were determined.

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During one year after another, the warfare intensified in Iraq. And an air war kept escalating. The U.S. media assumed that almost any use of American air power was to the good. (Exceptions came with fleeting news of mishaps like dropping bombs on wedding parties.) What actually happened to human beings every day as explosives hit the ground would not be conveyed to the reputedly well-informed. What we didn’t know presumably wouldn’t hurt us or our self-image. We thought ourselves better — incomparably better — because we burned people with modern technology from high in the air. Car bombs and detonation belts were for the uncivilized.

One of the methodical quirks of U.S. Air Force news releases has been that they consistently refer to insurgents as “anti-Iraqi forces” — even though almost all of those fighters are Iraqis. So, in a release about activities on Christmas Day 2006, the Air Force reported that “Marine Corps F/A-18Ds conducted a strike against anti-Iraqi forces near Haqlaniyah.” The next day, it was the same story, as it would be for a long time to come — with U.S. Air Force jets bombing “anti-Iraqi forces” on behalf of missions for “Operation Iraqi Freedom” in order to “deter and disrupt terrorist activities.”

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In my kitchen is a dark-red little carpet with black designs, imported from Baghdad. I bought it there one afternoon in late January 2003 at the bazaar (not so different, to my eyes anyway, from the market I later visited in Tehran). My traveling companion was a former high-ranking U.N. official, Denis Halliday, who had lived in Baghdad for a while during the 1990s before resigning as head of the “oil for food” program in protest against the draconian sanctions that caused so much devastation among civilians. Denis was revisiting some of the shopkeepers he had come to know. After warm greetings and pleasantries, an Iraqi man in his middle years said that he’d heard on the BBC about a French proposal for averting an invasion. The earnest hope in his voice made my heart sink, as if falling into the dirty stretch of the Tigris River that Denis and I had just hopped a boat across, where people were beating rugs on stones alongside the banks.

Often when I look at the carpet in the kitchen I think that it is filled with blood, remembering how one country’s treasures become another’s aesthetic enhancements. I had carted home the rolled-up carpet and less than two months later came “shock and awe.” Now, more than four years afterward, the daily papers piled up on the breakfast table a few feet away tell of the latest carnage. I don’t think the rug has ever given me pleasure since the day it unfurled across the hardwood floor. It hasn’t been cleaned since presumably it soaked up the Tigris water during its last washing. There’s blood on the carpet and no amount of trips to the dry cleaners could change that.

Macbeth, Act V, Scene 1:

“Out, damned spot! out, I say! … What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? — Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? … What, will these hands ne’er be clean? … Here’s the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.”

* This article is adapted from Norman Solomon’s new book Made Love, Got War: Close Encounters with America’s Warfare State. For more information, go to:

Norman Solomon is co-founder of and founding director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. His books include War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death. He writes the Political Culture 2013 column. Read other articles by Norman, or visit Norman's website.

7 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. JB said on September 14th, 2007 at 6:35am #

    The fundamental problem, I have concluded, after suffering through both Vietnam and the current genocide, is that the Constitution makes it MUCH TOO HARD TO FIRE A MONSTER like Bush. “We the people” are the only employer on earth who can’t fire a CEO who lies to us constantly, blows our treasury on an unnecessary and illegal war, then tries to push the horrible end-game off onto his successor. If we can’t fix this defect, and soon, the likely consequence will be the much-feared American Hiroshima, and America will he shoved back into the 19th century.

  2. gerald spezio said on September 14th, 2007 at 9:42am #

    The murderous lessons of Vietnam ARE completely lost, if I admit to being “nearly incredulous” about the basically identical “deranged official policy.” Dead human bodies everywhere. Let’s call it two million dead bodies to round it out and keep focused. Genocide for Iran on the horizon, too.

    Deranged, the official policy surely is, but the words doesn’t convey much information.

    Whether the official murdering is analogous, similar, or essentially identical doesn’t surprise me or make me incredulous at all. Shouldn’t I expect it? Isn’t everything far more similar than different. Yeah, the derangement is the same. The murder is the same, too.

    If these well-educated yuppie lawyers and pretentious Ivy League Ph Ds are deranged; do they have so-called mental illness? If so, where did they get it?

    Would labeling these powerful yuppies as suffering from low self esteem be any more helpful and help us stop the murdering? They need therapy to exorcise their deranged thoughts? A new ethics, or at least better and less murderous ethics?

    Psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, Prozac, a trip to Barbados, or therapy on their gizmos in the toilet to make them less deranged? Less for a start. Total cure comes later.

    What I am observing through all the peeyar obfuscation of the “official deranged policy” is precisely what I should expect from the preening officials in charge of orchestrating the murder.

    Robert MacNamara was deranged and has mental illness to this day? Ditto for General Westmoreland and Lt. Calley.

    LBJ was a dedicated Demo pol, but he had an ugly wife and suffered from lack of gratification and derangement leading to lying about the Gulf of Tonkin leading to mass murder. Good Framing but terrible ethics.

    Bushbaby is a Repub pol (opposite of Demo?). Tragically, he is hopelessly stupid, deranged, and suffers from really low self-esteem leading to trumped up charges of weapons of mass destruction leading to mass murder that continues. Good framing and terrible ethics again.

    Cheney is so far off the chart for derangement that his wife worries about his mental health.

    Rummy is clearly deranged and should be institutionalized or at least given a super powerful cleansing enema.

    Scooter Liebowitz is a trained lawyer with professional ethics, but he lied something terrible because of low self-esteem.

    Hillarious Clinton is the framed feminist white hope, a trained Yalie lawyer, and selfless Demo politico. Like LBJ, she only wants to help the poor and downtrodden. She is deranged with excessive yuppie careerism and sucks for the Israel Lobby only because she seeks status and needs the money to meet her needs

    She will probably lead Supernation’s continuing murder in the Middle East. She has plenty of legal training and knows how to play.

    Hillarious and hubby Billy Blow both went to Yale Law School. Billy only instructed Monica to get down in the oval office because he was overworked and temporarily deranged.

    Bush the Dad and Bushbaby both went to Yale for training in moving up. All this incestuous Yalie back slapping is called ironic by literary types.

  3. gerald spezio said on September 14th, 2007 at 10:46am #

    Richard Nixon did not get his training in lawyering and professional ethics at Yale.

    Tricky Dick, our elected president, went to legal seminary at Duke U. in
    North Carolina. So you can’t always blame Yale or law school in general although it’s a good start.

    Both The Dickster and his his Attorney General, John Mitchell, were chock full legal training and professional ethics, but still completely deranged liars and criminals.

    Memba Watergate? Twenty-one on the twenty-three Watergate criminals were trained lawyers.

    All the following are or were trained lawyers and full of dalaw.

    Richard Nixon, John Mitchell, Clark Clifford
    Billy Clinton, Hillarious Clinton, Janet Reno
    John Edwards, Barrick Obama,
    Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney, Rudy Guiliani,
    Sam Brownback, Michael Chertoff, Scooter Liebowitz
    Jack Abramhoff, Joe Lieberman, Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith,
    Robert Zelikow, Alan Dershowitz, James Woolsey
    James Baker, Ariel Cohen …
    every member of the Supreme Court…
    more than sixty per cent of the U S Senate are lawyers…

    There are more lawyers in Washington D C than any other place on earth.

    There are more than one million lawyers in Supernation.

  4. Gary Corseri said on September 14th, 2007 at 10:18pm #

    It’s a heart-felt piece, and Solomon does his usual noble job, recalling us to our humanity.

    I, too, was at the Republican National Convention in Miami Beach. But I was at the one four years before Solomon’s.

    We were thick in the thicket of Vietnam in ’68 and I was sure–and still am–that the sanest, bravest voice among the candidates was that of Eugene McCarthy. A few cohorts and I were circling the Republican Convention center with our protest, home-made “Republicans for McCarthy” placards when a disgusted Republican delegate wandered out of the center and handed me his admission ticket!

    I entered and was soon circling the hall while R. Nixon himself palavered. I got a sprinkling of applause, and then the boos and catcalls and looks-to-kill began. I came face to face with a young, hirsute Dan Rather and asked him to get it on the air. He said something like, If it bleeds, it leads.

    I didn’t bleed then, but the nation kept bleeding. I didn’t get beaten up–as Rather would have liked, but we have beaten the hell out of “shit-ass” countries up and down the block in the years since then and Solomon’s cri de coeur here may cut thru some of the cultural muck we’ve grown fat, innured, and craven on.

    Thanks, Norman, for sounding the tocsin again, for reminding us how it was and what we’ve lost; what we keep on losing, and what we continue to struggle for. Tears will wash the blood from the carpet–tears, and the astringents of memory and steady struggle.

  5. Daniel said on September 15th, 2007 at 12:44am #

    The list of lawyers was very interesting. The Conservative side of Australian politics, moving ever more to the right, is full of lawyers too.

    The Ancient Greeks should’ve banned lawyers from political office when they conceived of a democracy. Lawyers and carpetbaggers!

  6. gerald spezio said on September 15th, 2007 at 6:28am #

    It’s only a very short list, too. The forked tongue lawyerfish are everywhere; corporations, peeyar, government.

    Do you know anybody who hasn’t been milked by some dink-toed little lawyer bastard in a fancy suit? All of it in a publicly funded factory kept private for lawyerfish. The pompous black robed judge is a lawyer in the lawyers’ fraternity/monopoly known as the BAR ASSociation.

    The first codified written laws in North America, The Massachusetts Body of Liberties, expressly forbid the lucrative lawyering scam that had so oppressed and milked the pilgrims in lawyer-ridden England.

    article 26. Every man that finds himself unfit to plead his own cause in any Court shall have Liberty to employ any man against whom the Court does not except, to help him, Provided he give him no fee or reward for his pains. This shall not exempt the party himself from Answering such Questions in person as the Court shall think meet to demand of him.

    Today; only your lawyer is allowed to speak – and it will cost you plenty.

    See it all here;

  7. JB said on September 15th, 2007 at 2:30pm #

    We need to do everything possible to prevent another Iraq catastrophe; one thing that might help would be a new Federal statute that would outlaw military actions that violate existing federal laws and treaties and result in “wrongful deaths” of US service members or foreign civilians. Such a law should allow a jury to decide between long jail sentences or the death penalty for a President, Vice President or other officials who commit the aggressive types of war crimes for which the Nazis were tried at Nuremberg. And if anyone says “outrageous”!!, let me remind you that Bush and Cheney did just that to Saddam Hussein, didn’t they?