On Friday, 20 July, the Canadian parliament approved first reading of a bill that would allow for the purchase of land by Christians only. While largely uncontroversial in the Canadian parliament and media, it ruffled some feathers elsewhere.
In a statement released by the Vatican, the bill was described as “too far reaching.” Pope Benedict XVI indicated that land should only be purchasable by Roman Catholics as it is the only church established on the planet by Jesus.
B’nai Brith, a self-declared Jewish advocacy, human rights, and defender of diversity (it opposed Toronto judge Marion Cohen, who ordered a Christmas tree out of sight from the courthouse entrance noting the inappropriateness of being greeted by a “Christian symbol,” and it lobbied for the imposition of a menorah upon an suburban Toronto shopping mall — saying nothing about the inclusion of a crescent moon and star) organization, was in an uproar over the infringement of non-Christian rights. A B’nai Brith spokeswoman complained, “With impending passage of this bill, Canada is well on its way to becoming an apartheid state.”
Red-X, an advocate of the rights of original Peoples who has gained legendary status among the Haudenosaunee, pointed out that what is referred to as “Canada” is already an apartheid state — the distinction being that outside of the reserves, Canada is a number of nations under occupation.
Red-X lamented the further Christianization of Turtle Island and called for the overthrow of a system dedicated to monotheism, oppression and suppression of people. As MNN News reported, Red-X has become a most wanted figure in Canada. Nevertheless, Red-X unwaveringly advocates a revolution by oppressed peoples.
Red-X is opposed by Phil Fontaine, an Ojibway from Sagkeeng First Nation and head of the assembly of First Nations (an independent Indigenous organization fully funded by the Canadian government through taxing profits gained by persons living on First Nations territory). Fontaine sternly warned Original Peoples from protesting or engaging in mischief in the coming days. However, should illegal Indigenous resistance to assimilation take place, Fontaine cautioned, “And if they so wish to engage in civil disobedience, they can, as long as they’re prepared to accept the consequences.”
Some Israeli politicians heavily criticized the Canadian government’s bill. Member of the Knesset Mohammed Barakeh called the bill “abominable” and “racist.”
A Canadian parliamentary legal advisor disagreed, explaining that a bill should only be rejected if the racism is explicit in the proposal.
Meanwhile, another Israeli Knesset member, Zeev Elkin, stated the purpose of the bill was to create “historical justice.”
Back in Canada, Irwin Cotler, noted human rights attorney, Zionist supporter, and a former justice minister, ferociously denounced the proposed Canadian legislation. “How will I buy a new home?” he griped.
Erstwhile Canadian prime minister Paul Martin reminded Cotler: “Israel’s values are Canada’s values.”
Current prime minister Stephen Harper ridiculed the dissension among the official opposition Liberal Party stating that Israel’s only true “steadfast friend” is a Canadian Conservative Party government.
Not about to be outdone, Liberal Party leader Stéphane Dion rejected Harper’s claim. He averred that friendship with Israel was a cornerstone of the Liberal Party platform.
The Israeli value-friendly legislation looks set for a minimally contested passage in parliament.
Next on the legislative agenda of the government in Canada is introduction of a bill turning the Canadian highway system into Christian-only roads. A miffed Cotler was overheard whining to his office assistant, “How am I supposed to get to work?”
The above is obviously a satire.