“Safe rooms are the single most important means for reliably
separating the home owner or employees from intruders while providing
a safe place to await the arrival of police or on-site security.”
“Where a command and a faith are present, in certain historical
situations conquest need not be robbery.”
--Martin Buber
think that everyone who lives with the contradictions of Zionism
condemns himself to protracted madness.”
is that, a prison?
It has been reported that American troops hilariously refer to
Fallujah as the world’s largest gated community as they slouch at the
checkpoints strangling the destroyed city once home to 350,000 souls.
But flattened Fallujah has a rival in the neighborhood for the title.
Barely 500 miles from its ruins we find that Israel has advanced the
American concept of gated community to a new level and is in the
process of rolling out the ultimate end product of the centuries-long
enclosure movement: The enclosed state.
The prizewinning entry in this competition is of course the Israeli
apartheid wall. But Israel has been a leader in developing other
expropriation technologies -- going back to their long
military-industrial collaboration with the South African apartheid
regime -- and it has been so successful that Elbit Systems, developer
of LORROS (Long-Range Reconnaissance and Observation System) no doubt
well-tested in that laboratory of oppression on the West Bank and
Gaza, will participate in a two billion smackers Homeland Security
tender to erect a border security fence to keep out them dark-skinned
Spanish-speaking Amalekites. An image of the wall glowers from my
desktop and when my apolitical and clueless cube-mate first saw it he
inquired, “What is that, a prison?” Oh yeah my friend, it’s a prison:
A safe room that reliably separates the “owners” from “intruders.”
But hark! Here come Hezbollah rockets, soaring easily above apartheid
wall height and falling on sacred real estate. On the heels of such
Amalekite impertinence the incomparable Gilad Atzmon gleefully penned
a satirical piece in which he revealed that the Zionist state is now
considering the “filter on the roof” option and has therefore opened
bids for the construction of a cement roof over the entire state of
Israel to provide overhead protection from the latest in three
thousand years of never-ending existential threat. [1]
Life quickly imitates art. On August 21st Jonathan Cook reported from
Palestine that Israeli scientists claimed to have developed
missile-trapping steel netting to be draped over strategic Israeli
infrastructure as a shield against said rocketry. It was further
announced that netting will be made available for individual purchase
thus allowing Israeli householders to securely net their own
expropriated property. [2] A delightful image
therefore suggests itself: A state walled from three sides with the
sea providing security on the fourth (unless of course one gets
oneself thrown into it) and steel-netted both from high and low, ready
on all sides to fend off “intruders” who might wish to harm or --
worse yet --- co-mingle with those within. Israel is well on its way
to becoming the world’s largest safe room; an encapsulated and
increasingly genetically “pure” state. Hanegbi’s protracted madness
is rife and ready.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
Genetics with its innate tendency towards racism has long permeated
the Zionist project. In his 1884 Zionist tract Auto Emancipation
Leo Pinsker authoritatively declared: “Judeophobia is a psychic
aberration. As a psychic aberration it is hereditary; as a disease
transmitted for two thousand years it is incurable.” Western
monotheists have long had an affinity with determinism and
particularly fancy genetics since it permits the believer to shrug,
demonize and dismiss, “It’s in the genes.” In the Pinskerite view
anti-Semitism is a hereditary malaise encoded in the very DNA of
non-Jews -- always existing in the past, always lurking in the present
and never, never, ever to be eradicated in the future. Therefore, the
all-Jewish state becomes scientific necessity. Rabbi Joachim Prinz
expanded the concept in 1934: “Only a state based on the principle of
the purity of the nation and the race can possibly endow dignity and
honour on ... those Jews who themselves subscribe to this principle.”
The protracted madness that leads to the walling off of an entire
state from all sides and now apparently from above as well might seem
comic were it not so lethal for those with unacceptable DNA who
unhappily find themselves either within the confines or in the
immediate vicinity of such a well-armed entity.
You may think that this sort of thinking is restricted to a crazed few
but you would be wrong. The racial purity motif has long laced
Zionist sentiment and action. Lenni Brenner in his excellent
Zionism in the Age of Dictators credits university-educated German
Jews who took over Zionism after Herzl’s death with refining the
movement’s racism: “They agreed with the anti-Semites on several key
points: the Jews were not part of the German Volk and, of course, Jews
and Germans should not mix sexually, not for the traditional religious
reasons, but for the sake of their own unique Blut. Not being of
Teutonic Blut, they perforce had to have their own Boden: Palestine”.
Zionist genetic obsession turned
particularly ugly in the late 1990s with reports that Israeli
scientists were developing an “ethnically targeted” biological weapon
that “would kill or harm Arabs but not Jews”. [4] Imagine
the dismay of these scientists’ when, a few years later, Columbia
University’s Journal of Immunology published the research of
Spanish geneticist Arnaiz-Villena who found that there was “no data to
support the idea that the Jewish people were genetically distinct”
from other peoples in the Middle East. Suddenly there loomed the
prospect of a spectacular own goal if such ethnic weaponry were
Never fear. Unregistered lobbyists hastened to stifle heresy.
Complaints flooded the journal about phrases the author used such as
describing Jewish settlers in Gaza as “colonists” and Gaza as a
“concentration camp.” Pretty tame stuff considering Israeli
sociologist Baruch Kimmerling has called Gaza just that. Nevertheless,
the journal’s editors obediently saluted and went to work, not only
sacking the author from the editorial board of the journal but also
writing to the entire subscription list requesting that subscribers
ignore the article or -- preferably -- “physically remove the
offending pages.” One scientist lamented these shabby antics as a
“sad business” saying: “If Arnaiz-Villena had found evidence that
Jewish people were genetically very special, instead of ordinary, you
can be sure no one would have objected to the phrases he used in his
article.” [5] One can almost hear Michael Palin
fetchingly costumed in red bishops’ robes smirking, “Nobody expects
the Spanish Inquisition.”
They are paving the path to
your tomb. Night after night … in the Arab woman’s womb
Particularly galling to Zionists is the
continuing presence within state confines of an increasingly large
minority of those whose DNA does not meet spec. To ensure internal
racial superiority the Israeli state apparatus gates internally by
parsing categories of citizenship vs. nationality in a manner that
gives new meaning to that burning question “Who’s your momma?” These
classifications are built into a diabolically concealed legal web
based on state ownership of 93% of all land in perpetuity on behalf of
the “Jewish people” worldwide.
As Uri Davis points out in
Apartheid Israel (Zed Books, 2003) except for the 1950 Law of
Return there is “no explicit reference to ‘Jews’ versus ‘non-Jews’ or
‘Jews only’ ” within the body of Israel’s legislation. The subtle
maneuver by which the Israeli brand of apartheid is institutionalized
is the granting of legal status to the voluntary organizations of the
World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency for the Land of Israel
and the Jewish National Fund, all of which do indeed carry “Jews only”
specifications in their charters and which thereby control the
critical areas of national land sand settlement. Thus apartheid is
smuggled into the legal system while maintaining an surface equality
that allows Israel to flog itself as the only “democracy” in the
Middle East all the while covertly encoding a racism and expropriating
denationalization that is, according to Davis, “far more radical and
far-reaching than its apartheid South African equivalent.”
We receive further scientific instruction from math major and
fundamentalist Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh: “If every simple cell in a
Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of
DNA is part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA”
and "there is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish
life than non-Jewish life." [6]
Belief in such rubbish is guaranteed to
lead to madness or at the very least keep the believer up at night
with thoughts drifting into a rather more paranoid and kinky vein. And
there is nothing kinkier than the admixture of religion and sex. A
poem recently published in a Russian-language Israeli publication
entitled “The Lieberman Paradigm” opens a window on Zionist midnight
madness. Let us listen to its pseudonymous author who appears to have
reached a right state of racist and sexual fulmination:
Their progeny are a nightmare. How many
Arabs in Israel?
Already more than a million there, and still growing, right off the
Just look at them -- they blacken your sight! I say this without
the Jew;
The Arab is ploughing his furrow by night that his race might
outnumber you.
A lunar eclipse? Does that explain it? Is it the mark of misfortune?
Is it
death’s kiss?
Even the cat, the locust and the rabbit are unfamiliar with lust like
There is no happy end in sight. They are paving the path to your
Night after night, night after night, in the Arab woman’s womb
Leaving aside the poem’s racist vitriol
we are nevertheless provided with a valuable glimpse of the mentality
that powered the recent bloodletting frenzy loosed by Israel on the
heads of the Lebanese and the continuing and utterly bestial
strangulation of Gaza. Are these cold and calculating violent displays
of the sort recommended by the late and unlamented Moshe Dayan
designed to make Israel’s subjects and neighbors think that it is a
mad dog? I would suggest that it is rather more likely that Israelis
no longer make any such calculations but have, nearly en masse, simply
become mad dogs. Hanegbi knows whereof he speaks. [8]
Lectures on Police
The historic process of capitalist
enclosure is described as “a long, slow, violent operation” by Peter
Linebaugh in
The London Hanged, essential reading for anyone wishing to
understand the historic relationship between capitalism and criminal
law. But the enclosure movement which began in late feudal times and
reached its height in the 18th century was no quaint and finite
historical period in which forelock-tugging peasants were gradually
pushed out of their agricultural, hunting and artisanal commons into
the factory, workhouse and the colonies. Our earthly commons have been
enclosed at a fairly steady clip since those early days, lately
picking up steam with the rise of globalization and preeminence of the
American neoconservative empire. The privatization so beloved by the
World Bank, the gutting of social legislation and services, soaring
prison construction and incarceration rates are simply the latest
manifestations of the centuries-long assault on the commons.
As Linebaugh documents in detail, the enclosure movement developed
historically in lockstep with increasing state police powers; after
all enclosure and the prison are merely mirror images each of the
other. When you steal from folks repeatedly they are bound to come
after you at some point and a police apparatus therefore becomes
essential, as American police cars so coyly advertise, “To protect and
serve.” It is likewise no accident that that capitalist bible The
Wealth of Nations was first published under the title Lectures
on Police. Would that Adam Smith had retained the original title!
The iconic American form of enclosure is the gated community
comprising clusters of trophy homes with gated entry/exit checkpoints
electronically controlled; the people within “chosen” by race and
class and those without damned and subject to the righteous violence
of policing. Enclosure within enclosure: Safe rooms inside trophy
homes reduce enclosure to a personal level conjuring an image of nobs
cowering within while without peasants brandishing pitchforks and
scythes hammer menacingly on the door. The “many-headed Hydra” was the
rallying cry of classically-educated expropriating classes in the 18th
century as they battled peasant, pirate, artisan and slave resistance.
See how little fear-mongering has changed down the years: The Hydra
was replaced by the Yellow Peril; then fast forward the color-coding
to the Red Menace which was preemptively replaced by Terrorism even
before the Soviet Union crumbled; then on to a brief but
unsatisfactory use of al-Qaeda and finally settling for the nonce on
GWOT with its brisk militarized acronymity.
Genetic enclosure: “To thee I will give it and to thy seed for ever”
Israel has perfected the enclosure process: It has violently
expropriated and enclosed within a walled, militarized state the land,
houses and resources of the Other. A hidden legal web based on
spurious genetic considerations has been constructed to further
enclose those residing within the state’s shifting boundaries. Within
the “occupied territories” armed, gated communities known as
settlements are enclosed by a separate system of roads, use of which
is dependent upon -- you guessed it -- the traveler’s DNA. Assembled
in defense of the whole genetic expropriation project is the fourth
most powerful army in the world funded by an annual dole of billions
of dollars courtesy of American taxpayers.
The historically intimate relationship of criminal law to the
expropriation process has been revolutionized by the Israeli military
which has gathered the entire legal process into its own hands as it
polices Palestinians both in and outside the state. Israel has
single-handedly forced acceptance of the twin concepts of targeted
assassination and collective punishment into international legal
parlance. By trashing the presumption of innocence and habeas
corpus, by buffing up Talmudic notions of preemption, the Israeli
military acts as judge, jury, jailer and executioner all at once.
Thereby has the Zionist enclosure project reached heights never dreamt
of by those ancient despoilers of the commons who at least allowed the
condemned convicted of petty property theft to say a few words to the
assembled crowd before being hanged at Tyburn. The Zionists and their
legion of Judeo-Christian enablers in the west have thus fashioned the
ultimate enclosure project; lavishly funded, heavily armed, preemptive
and fueled by a mad notion of racial purity.
None of this could have taken place without a shared religious
ideology firmly based on the divine genetic exclusiveness of the
settlers and the perceived sacredness of land. From gloomy
Calvinists, demented rapturists and dour Talmudic scribes to faux
hippie Martin Buber; from deranged insomniac poets to spineless
western progressives. All are conditioned on varying levels by
religious belief that sanctions -- nay “commands” -- the expropriation
of a land contracted to the entirety of Judeo-Protestandom. After all,
God laid out the enclosure plan way back in Genesis when he ordered
Abraham to look around him in all directions, north, south, east and
west and then bellowed: “For all the land which thou seest, to thee I
will give it and to thy seed for ever”. Wrapt thus in a seedy
genetics, enclosure becomes biblical imperative.
J.A. Miller
is a grandmother activist from the Middle West who spent many years
traveling and studying in the Middle East. She has published essays on
Counterpunch and StateofNature and her Burma Shave-style
poetry may be found at PoeticInjustice. She maintains an
occasional blog at
www.secularavatar.blogspot.com and can be reached at: jsec_miller@hotmail.com.
[1] Gilad Atzmon, "Operation
Security Roof: A Developing Story," Dissident Voice, August
8, 2006.
[2] Jonathan Cook, "After
Lebanon, Israel is Looking for More Wars," Dissident Voice,
August 21, 2006.
[3] Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators: A
Reappraisal Lawrence Hill and Co., 1983).
Available on-line here.
[4] Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin, "Israel Planning 'Ethnic' Bomb as
Saddam Caves In," London Sunday Times, November 15, 1998.
[7] Yoav Stern and Lily Galili, "AG
orders probe of Vesty paper on suspicion of incitement to racism,"
Haaretz, February 8, 2006; and "One
Not Unimportant Fact," Lawrence of Cyberia, April 11, 2006.
[8] Ari Shavit, "Cry,
the beloved two-state solution," Haaretz, August 10, 2003.