“Free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad
things. For suddenly the biggest problem in the world to be looting is
really notable.”
-- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, commenting on the looting of
Baghdad, April 11, 2003
changes that are taking place in the military under the deceptive name of
“transformation” have nothing to do with national defense. Rather, the
military is being converted into a taxpayer-subsidized security apparatus
for multinational corporations. Its primary task is to seize dwindling
resources through force of arms and crush indigenous movements that resist
US aggression.
On the home front, the changes brought on by transformation are equally
dramatic. Traditional defenses provided by the National Guard have been
substantially weakened to allow the Pentagon to insert itself into
domestic affairs and establish an ongoing military presence within the
United States. Donald Rumsfeld has already stated that the military will
play a greater role in dealing with the after effects of any future
terrorist attack. There’s no doubt that he will honor that commitment.
The media has echoed the government line that transformation is simply
intended to revamp the military for the wars of the next century. They
have highlighted the effects of base closures on local economies and
unemployment. They have also emphasized the Pentagon’s intention to create
smaller, more agile military units that can be quickly deployed anywhere
around the world in less than 48 hours. But, the media have avoided
analyzing the overall objectives of these changes or their effect on
homeland security.
Rumsfeld has savaged the National Guard, 40% of who are now serving in
Iraq. That means that the American people are 40% “less safe” in the event
of terrorist attack or a natural disaster, like Hurricane Katrina,
regardless of how one looks at it. Instead of strengthening the damaged
Guard, Rumsfeld is executing a plan that will wreak further havoc on
domestic preparedness and expose the American public to even greater risk.
For example, “Rumsfeld called for 30 Air Guard units scattered around many
states to lose their aircraft and flying missions.” (Liz Sidot,
Associated Press, August 27, 2005) How can the states be expected to
conduct routine patrols or reconnaissance missions if their planes have
been taken by Washington? And, why would Rumsfeld want to take them when
more terrorist attacks are expected in the future?
In Pennsylvania Rumsfeld tried to “dissolve the Pennsylvania Air National
Guard division without the Governor’s authority”. (Sidot, AP)
The move was a conspicuous attempt to undermine Pennsylvania’s defenses
and put more power under the direct control of the Defense Department.
Rumsfeld also tried to “transfer” all 15 “Pacific Northwest and Oregon
National Guard fighter jets that patrolled Seattle’s skies after 9-11,”
leaving the region with no protection from aerial assault. (“Northwest’s
F-15’s Should Stay Put,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 27,
2005) Consider the risk to a “target-rich” area like the Pacific
Northwest, with its exposed industries, harbors and nuclear power plants,
if it was stripped of its first line of defense?
Rumsfeld’s behavior has been identical everywhere across the country. He
is determined to undermine the National Guard and limit the states’
ability to protect themselves against attack. His intention is to smash
America’s internal defenses, which are currently under control of the
states’ governors, and introduce the military into homeland security. It
is a clear attempt to centralize authority and further militarize the
By weakening America’s defenses, Rumsfeld has paved the way for deploying
troops and aircraft within the country and setting the precedent for a
permanent military presence within the nation. It is one giant step
towards direct military rule.
There is no other conceivable reason for weakening national defense during
a period when there is an increased likelihood of a terrorist incident.
Rumsfeld’s conduct is hardly surprising. He has a long history of support
for military regimes. Just months ago he was coaching South American
leaders to resume their use of the military in domestic policing
activities to undercut the Leftist political movements that are at the
forefront of change throughout the region. It’s clear that he has
something similar in mind for the American people.
Are we talking about the possibility of martial law?
We only need to look at developments in England to know what Americans
could be facing following another terrorist attack. Tony Blair has managed
to manipulate the London bombings into a mandate for regressive
“anti-terror” legislation that suspends habeas corpus, due process, and
the presumption of innocence.
Blair is now claiming the right to deport Muslims without judicial review,
suspend free speech, and use deadly force against terrorist suspects. At
the same time, he has concealed his motives behind a public relations
smokescreen that make his actions look like they are a reasonable response
to a national security threat. In fact, Blair’s actions are part of a
broader strategy to eviscerate civil liberties for the Islamic community.
The Prime Minister’s “The rules of the game have changed” speech was a
carefully scripted declaration of martial law for Muslims.
The American people can expect similar edicts from Washington following
the next terrorist attack at home.
Transformation and Foreign Policy
When the military is adapted to the narrow interests of elites it becomes
little more than a resource-acquisition tool; a bloody-weapon to be used
by private industry. We can see the effects of this in both Iraq and
Afghanistan, where the military is providing security for the corporations
that are extracting the regional resources. It’s nothing more than a
massive “protections-racket” designed to legitimize theft.
The goal of transformation is to make the military conform to the
corporate model; converting it into a top-down, highly technological
mechanism programmed for maximum efficiency and lethality. The Pentagon is
no longer expecting to fight large territorial conflicts, but instead is
developing a fighting force to “preemptively” attack those nationalist or
revolutionary forces that may disrupt global commerce.
When Bush says, “We will confront emerging threats before they fully
materialize,” he is articulating the theory of aggression on which
transformation is based. The new military is designed to initiate
hostilities wherever America can expand its grip on vital natural
resources. This is the only way that Washington can maintain its dominant
position in the world economy.
The Cost of Global War
One official from the World Bank estimated that the US will spend in
excess of $900 billion per year to maintain the global military presence
that the Bush administration has in mind, nearly double the current
Pentagon budget.
This is probably accurate. The New World Order requires a gluttonous,
iron-fisted military to maintain its supremacy and to preserve the
existing economic paradigm.
So far, the dream of a transformed military has proved to be a dismal
failure. The insufficient number of soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq has
spawned violent resistance-movements in both countries that show no sign
of abating. Rumsfeld’s dream of small groupings of elite warriors striking
with lightening speed and subduing entire populations has turned out to be
a catastrophic fantasy. America now has eight battalions bogged-down in a
desert maelstrom where high-tech wizardry is less help than a few more
“boots on the ground.” At home, the National Guard is in a shambles. The
men who would normally be assisting the victims of America’s greatest
natural disaster are now hunkered down in encampments outside Baghdad and
Falluja unable to help in the task for which they were trained. As the
costs and casualties of the Iraq debacle continue to mount, Rumsfeld’s
crazed vision of transformation will be exposed as one of the principle
theories that led the country down this ruinous path.
Mike Whitney
lives in Washington state, and can be reached at:

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* Straight-Shootin’
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* “Operation
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Kristallnacht: What Happens When the Public Says Nothing?
* Burying
Blair: Post-Mortem for the British PM
“Withdrawal” from Iraq?: Forget About It
Globalization of State Terror
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Friedman: Fabricating the Roots of Terror
* Doomsday:
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Guantanamo: the Calculus of Human Misery
* Did
Greenspan Know About the London Bombings Two Days Before?
* Another
Casualty in Rumsfeld’s Information War
* Genesis
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