The Personal and the
The brilliant and prolific left sociologist C. Wright Mills once said that
the core purpose of meaningful analytical work on social and political
affairs was to make relevant connections between individual pain and
structural inequality. The point of such work, by Mills' reckoning, was to
de-atomize personal difficulty and relate it to broader contextualizing
forces of class, race, bureaucracy, and unjust power and authority.
The dominant authoritarian and neoliberal ideology of our time works in
the opposite direction. It tells us to separate the personal from the
societal. It expects us to think of ourselves and others as purely
autonomous sole actors -- a veritable mass of self-produced Robinson
Crusoes (with Crusoe's slave Friday deleted from the formulation), each
living on his or her own island of possessive-individualist economic
rationality and "personal responsibility."
To be sure, we are occasionally expected to leave our private islands long
enough to engage in certain selected collective acts and rituals of mass
obedience, consumerism, and power worship. We are encouraged more to sing
the national anthem at the weekend battle of the football gladiators, to
ooh and ahh at the militaristic Air and Water Show (a
chance to be personally shocked and awed by the murderous B-2 Stealth
Bomber and the A-10 Warthogs that are
supposed to make us
"proud to be Americans"),
to stand in line to vote for one or a few among a strictly limited
business-friendly spectrum of candidates in occasional, staggered, and
corporate-crafted "election extravaganzas" (Noam Chomsky) that
systematically de-emphasize popular moral-economy, structural inequality,
and social justice,
to join the consumer debt-addicted throngs at the shopping malls during
the Christmas season and throughout the year,
to grieve collectively when "anti-American" terror or some other selected
tragedy (a natural disaster, a Space Shuttle disintegration, or a
celebrity plane -- [John-John's plunge, for example] or car -- [Princess
Dianne] crash, etc.) strikes (all too mysteriously, no matter how
predictable such occurrences may have been) the "greatest country in the
world," understood to be the headquarters and homeland
of "freedom" and "democracy,"
to mail in our taxes every April 15th to help the federal government wreak
vengeful havoc on those who "hate America" and to let it perform other key
functions even as that government rolls back taxes on the privileged few
in the "advanced world's" most unequal and wealth-top-heavy nation (the
U.S.). Those collective moments and acts are relatively rare, however, and
are dedicated to preservation of the fragmented and privatized social and
cultural order of officially disassociated and self-made individuals.
"Equal Opportunity"
If some of those individuals just happen to be extravagantly wealthy and
powerful while a much larger number of individuals are poor and
defenseless, the ruling doctrine tells us, that is simply because of
characteristics internal to each personally self-generated individual. By
the standard common-sense conventional wisdom imposed by the "power
elite," America is the land of "equal opportunity" where every individual
is free to climb as far as his or her peculiar combination of ability and
drive will take them.
If a disproportionate number of people in the privileged category happen
to be white and a disproportionate share of the folks in the
under-privileged category happen to be black, that's simply an unfortunate
indication that too many blacks lack the personal drive and/or innate
ability exemplified by such virtuous and hard-working blacks as
Condoleezza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, and Oprah Winfrey. It's
proof that large numbers of blacks are personally, culturally, and/or (in
the most toxic variant of not-always-so-"New Age" Racism) biologically
unfit to individually (as so many whites have supposedly done) advance in
a noble, color-and class-blind nation where all of us are equally free to
turn our personal islands into either a Gold Coast or a Slum.
"Exposed in New Orleans": a "Chasm of Race and Class"
How interesting to watch dominant American corporate media -- the leading
institutional architect and guardian of authoritarian homeland ideological
security -- working to fit the square pegs of "Tropical Storm Katrina"
into the round holes of the nation's atomistic, state-capitalist, and
neoliberal doctrine. As I noted in a recent Dissident Voice article
All-Too American Tragedy: Empire, Oil, Inequality, and New Orleans"),
the flooding of New Orleans and the subsequent marooning and severely
delayed rescue of much of that predominantly black city's
disproportionately non-white poor population was in many ways the natural
and predictable outcome of a number of structurally entrenched
socioeconomic and sociopolitical problems reflecting the dialectically
inseparable evils of American empire, inequality, racism, and
petroleum-addiction. The richly interconnected problems include: racial
apartheid and black hyper-segregation; a transportation infrastructure
built around the expensive and climate-heating (carbon-spewing) personal
and family automobile; economic racism; environmental collapse; and the
broad diversion of American public resources from civil infrastructure
(including flood prevention), civil rights, and social health (including
poverty-reduction, education, and health-care) to pay for war and empire
(including more than 700 military bases located in nearly every nation in
the world) abroad and plutocratic tax-cuts at home.
At the most immediate level, the New York Times acknowledged on the
front page of its September 9th edition that "race and class were the
unspoken markers of who got and who got stuck" in New Orleans." Two days
later, Times reporter Jason DeParle noted that "what a shocked
world saw exposed in New Orleans last week wasn't just a broken levee. It
was a chasm of race and class, at once familiar and startlingly new, laid
bare in a setting where the suddenly amounted to matters of life and
death. Hydrology joined sociology through the story line, from the
settling of the flood-prone city, where well-to-do white people lived on
the high ground, to its frantic abandonment." Since the 1970s, DeParle
noted, New Orleans "has become unusually segregated," so that "the white
middle-class is all but gone, moved north across Lake Pontchartrain or
west to Jefferson Parish -- home of David Duke" (and of higher ground). In
a society where the atomistic auto trumps public transit, "evacuation was
especially difficult for the more than one third of black New Orleans
households that lacked a car." While race and class have always been
"matters of life and death" in the American experience, of course,
Katrina's tragic aftermath has provided perhaps the most graphical and
literal illustration in the way that American societal arrangements
apportion "freedom" -- a term that George W. Bush beats to death but never
bothers to define and whose limits and contested meanings and complex
meanings he never (of course) appreciates -- in racially and
socio-economically selective and unequal ways. We all know who got "left
behind" (to take two words [themselves looted from the Children's' Defense
Fund] from Bush's regressive educational "reform" program) to rot in a
living Hell in one of the nation's great, historic cities.
Media's Job: Put the Lid Back on the Race-Class Can
Dominant media authorities are not generally stupid. They know very well
that a commentary like DeParle's touches on just part of the remarkable
extent to which recent events have "exposed" some of America's core
societal disparities and perverted priorities. As they certainly grasped
during the early moments of maximum revealed and racially disparate
crisis, Katrina was lifting some of the lid from atop the ugly, oil-soaked
can of class, race, and empire that lurks beneath official doctrines of
"equal opportunity" and "color" -- and class-blindness. Given their
well-rewarded position atop the corporate-crafted, Robinson-Crusoe-fied
mass culture and its underlying, heavily racialized socioeconomic regime
(wherein media black net worth is equivalent to 7 cents on the white
dollar), we can expect them to quite naturally frame Katrina and its
aftermath around a number of privilege-friendly and power-preserving
concepts within an authoritarian, selective, and diversionary narrative
crafted to contain the storm's radical potential. Their job is ideological
damage control: putting the lid on the race-class-empire can.
Reactionary Narratives
While I have yet to undertake a detailed media content analysis, here are
some of the key conservative concepts and narratives that I have gleaned
so far from admittedly anecdotal sampling of dominant electronic and print
media in the U.S.:
1. Katrina as essentially a
"natural disaster." The richly and darkly "sociological" nature of the
tragedy was too "suddenly" and uncontrollably obvious to entirely delete
and ignore. Two weeks after the levees were breached (thanks to
racist-plutocratic-imperialist "benign neglect" of the need to prepare for
a long-predicted catastrophe), however, hydrology and meteorology can be
expected to progressively supplant "sociology" (especially left, C. Wright
Mills- or Pierre-Bourdieu-inspired sociology) in corporate media's efforts
to shape collective memory of the disaster.
2. A focus on "incompetence" in disaster relief management as the main
socially constructed factor to merit attention. Here corporate media moves
beyond a purely natural interpretation. It fails, however, as it must, to
address the roles of competently and routinely imposed racial and class
inequality, empire (which feeds domestic inequality and exactly numerous
other and related costs at home), and petro-addiction in the construction
of Katrina's occurrence and outcome. However "incompetent" and qualified
the officially shamed Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) chief may
have been in (not) responding to Katrina, his job performance has nothing
to do with the hyper-segregation of poor black Americans in the most
flood-prone sections of New Orleans. The FEMA figurehead hardly compelled
the White House to fold his critical agency into the cumbersome new
Department of Homeland of Security or to switch the agency's core mission
from natural disaster response to preparation for terror attacks that seem
all-too predictable in light of the president's imperialist foreign
policy. Nobody at FEMA made the hard-right business party in power steal
funds from flood-prevention and disaster management to give its leading
fat cat sponsors and constituents gigantic tax reductions even as it
called for "good Americans" to make a shared "sacrifice" in the "war on
Always ready to meet the ideological needs of his upper-class comrades and
concentrated power, legendary former NBC anchor man Tom Brokaw recently
(on the morning of September 9th) told NBC "Today Show" host Matt Lauer
that Americans are now facing three principal enemies since 9/11:
"terror," "nature" (hurricanes, especially), and now "incompetence" (his
take on the bungled government response to Katrina). Trumpeting a "World
War II Museum" he recently sponsored in New Orleans (to glorify the
"greatest generation" of World War II veterans he has been speaking and
writing about in recent years) with his "good friend" the late reactionary
and plagiarist historian Stephen Ambrose, Brokaw was in no frame of mind
to reflect on how the White House's imperialist exploitation of 9/11 has
contributed to Katrina's terrible totality. It has done so by stealing
resources -- including the human resources of thousands of deep South
National Guardsman who were stuck in illegally occupied Iraq as their
regional cohorts drowned without adequate rescue services in Louisiana,
Mississippi, and Alabama -- from civil engineering and disaster relief and
by increasing the likelihood of terrorist attack at home. The latter
consequence has encouraged the federal government to shift its focus and
resources away from hurricane preparedness to terror preparedness.
After recommending the hurricane victims embrace the no-nonsense "greatest
[WWII] generation" spirit of "Iwo Jima" and "Normandy", Brokaw noted that
his museum was "looted, incidentally."
3. "This Can't Be America. It's more like a Third World nation, llike
Bangladesh or Baghdad." This frequent comment (and different versions
thereof) on the part of numerous incredulous corporate media commentators
and reporters minimizes the extreme levels of inequality, poverty, and
related racial disparity and public sector starvation that have combined
to produce desperate, practically "Third World" living conditions in
places like New Orleans' Ninth Ward -- turning race and class into
"matters of life and death" in such communities without the "sudden"
intervention of inequality-exposing "natural" forces. More than a
generation ago, of course, the self-proclaimed democratic socialist Martin
Luther King, Jr. tried to warn Americans about the supreme dangers
involved in the surrounding of "Negro cities" by "white suburbs." He also
spoke passionately against what he called the "triple and interrelated
evils" of racism, militarism-imperialism, and economic
exploitation/capitalism. Long before Katrina arrived to momentarily and
partially dislodge the lid on the imperial race-class can, those "triple
evils" combined to consign much of the "world's greatest nation's" black
citizens to sub-"First-World" circumstances in isolated, invisible,
inner-city eyes of the world-capitalist hurricane.
4. An obsessive focus on real
and alleged black "looting" in the hurricane's wake. Of course, "breaking
in" to the privately (and corporately) owned stores that happen to
warehouse commodified means of survival was the only way for many marooned
New Orleans' residents of different racial background to stay alive as the
federal government took five days and more to send basic provisions.
Besides adding enormous toxic racist insult to racist injury, this
revealing media focus conveniently turns attention away from privileged
and imperialist "elite's" looting of the public fiscal commons -- a
regular and ongoing "stick-up from the top down" -- to pay for its
terrible wars and tax-cuts. It was darkly interesting, of course, to see
white New Orleans hurricane survivalists described and portrayed by
dominant media as "finders," not "looters" when media cameras caught them
in the act of stealing provisions to live.
5. A special taste for individual coping and survival stories. Engaging
stories along these lines obviously carry strong "human interest" appeal.
They also turn attention away from the structural and societal forces that
created the collective, racially disparate disaster which made harrowing,
heroic, and solitary survival stories necessary in the first place. The
richly socially constructed hurricane drama is individualized -- Robinson
Crusoe-fied -- again and again in numerous news accounts that bring it all
down to the purely personal level. A related spin on this personalizing
angle is added by dominant media's special taste for covering the
intervention and feelings of celebrities like "New Orleans' own" Harry
Connick, Jr., who seems to have found a television career as a handsome
hurricane helper.
6. A disproportionate focus on evacuation holdouts and the efforts of
public authorities to "convince them to leave their flooded homes." This
recent favored narrative encourages a marvelous Orwellian inversion in
reader and viewer perceptions, for the real and far more statistically
significant story is that most of the trapped New Orleans residents were
left behind against their wishes by government's "benign neglect." Thanks
to recent coverage of the overblown "holdout" problem, countless white
Americans are currently muttering to themselves and each other about
"stupid and stubborn" inner-city blacks "who don't want to be helped even
when you try to assist."
7. Folding discussion of how the American System created Tropical Storm
and Societal Failure Katrina (TSSFK) into the categories of "political
grandstanding" and "partisan finger-pointing." Along with alleged mass
black "looting," "raping," "shooting," "killing," and "pillaging," this is
a major theme in the post-Katrina ravings of such powerful hard-right
corporate media talking-heads as Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean
Hannity. For his part, Hannity sees a "sick" and "selfish" desire to
"advance one's leftist political agenda" by "tearing down America" and (of
course) "the president" in the commentary of those who criticize the
federal government's response to "a hurricane of unprecedented magnitude."
Beneath the ongoing battle between and among privileged individuals atop
the two wings (Republican and Democratic) of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Party, however, the relevant radical critique of TSSFK goes far beyond
limited bourgeois electoral division to include core authoritarian
institutional and ideological structures and forces that serve and are
sustained by Democrats and Republicans alike.
With these and other reactionary, privilege-friendly narratives, dominant
media is doing its best to close the American mind to the many ways in
which Katrina might educate the populace about class, race, Martin King's
"triple evils," and the perverted priorities of empire and inequality. C.
Wright Mills would be impressed.
Paul Street
is the author of three books to date: Empire and Inequality: America
and the World Since 9/11 (Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, October
Segregated Schools: Class, Race, and Educational Apartheid in the
Post-Civil Rights Era (New York, NY: Routledge-Falmer, 2005);
Still Separate, Unequal: Race, Place, Policy, and the State of Black
Chicago (Chicago, IL: The Chicago Urban League, April 2005). Street’s
next book, Racial Apartheid in the Global Metropolis (New York, NY:
Rowman-Littefield) will be published in late 2006. He can be reached at:

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* Bush Must Go
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The All-Too American Tragedy of New Orleans by Paul Street
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* Katrina:
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Other Recent Articles by Paul Street
The All-Too
American Tragedy of New Orleans: Empire, Inequality, Race and Oil
* Still
Separate, Unequal: Race, Place, Policy and Racism Avoidance in and Around
* Bush,
China, Two Deficits, and the Ongoing Decline of US Hegemony
* Watergate
Was a Minor Crime
* The Nuclear
Option” and the One Party State
* Terri
Schiavo, 84,000 Black Men, and Dominant Media's Selective Morality
* “Because We
Are America!”
* Martin
Luther King. Jr. and “The Triple Evils That Are Interrelated”
* Love
Motivates Us to Kill the Enemy
* Rumseld
to Troops in Iraq: “Fight Naked...Life’s a Bitch and Then YOU Die”
* No
Apology for Dissent: Truth and Cowardice
Love, Hates, Kills, Dies
* Killing
on Tape and the Broader War Criminality
* Dear
* The
United States: “As Menacing to Itself and the World As Ever”
* The Fabric
of Deception and Liberal Complicity
* Campaign
Reflections: Resentment Abhors a Vaccum
* The 9/11
Commission Report: Bush's Negligence Didn't Happen
* Notes on
Race, Gender, and Mass Infantilization
* “A
Descending Spiral Ending in Destruction for All-Too Many”
* Racist
Democratic Empire and Atrocity Denial
* Kerry's
Predictable Failure to Make Bush Pay for Rising US Poverty
* Thought
Control, Costas, the Olympics and Imperial Occupations Past and Present
* JF Kerry:
“I am Not a [Redistribution] Democrat”
* Stupid
White Men and Why Segregation Matters
* The
"Vile Maxim" Versus the Common Good: Different Approaches to November
* We Need
a New Media Relationship
* “Failed
States” at Home and Abroad
* Be “Part
of Something”: Sign Up With The American Empire Project
Congratulations, Mr. Bush: You Have Not Presided Over the Final Collapse
of Capitalism
* "Slaves
Had Jobs Too"
* Brown
v. Board Fifty Years Out: Still Separate and Unequal
* Let Them
Eat "Cakewalk"
England, America, Empire, and Inequality
* Niall
Ferguson Speaks on the Need for Imperial Ruthlessness
* Richard
A. Clarke, Rwanda, and “Narcissistic Compassion”
Honest Mistakes? The New York Times on "The Failure to Find Iraqi Weapons"
Urban Race Relations: "Everything Changed" After 9/11?
Forbidden Connections: Class, Cowardice, and War
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Deep Poverty, Deep Deception: Facts That Matter Beneath The Imperial