can be more pitiable to read about than the present direction of American
foreign policy. The Bush administration has gotten the country bogged down
in the quagmire of Iraq, blown any chances for a peaceful resolution ,
during its tenure, of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, of reconciling
with Iran so as to promote reform, and of keeping North Korea from
obtaining nuclear weapons. In fact, everything Bush does seems to be aimed
and exacerbating all of these problems and leading the American people
closer and closer to more and bigger tragedies.
We know from many media sources, especially
from Bob Woodward’s new book State of Denial, that Bush himself has
(or had until just recently) little interest in foreign policy and was
essentially clueless when it came foreign affairs. Unfortunately for the
country the people around him, neoconservatives and the ultra-right
lunatic fringe, who ended up filling in the blank spots in his brain on
this subject poured in a mixture of facts and fantasies leavened with
ideological commitments based on the material interests of corporate
America. Bush thus represents a boon to the ultra-wealthy conservative
business interests and a bane to the majority of his fellow citizens. We
will have to suffer another two years of this enemy of the people, but we
do not have to suffer silently.
This article will parse an article from the pro-Bush camp: an article
written by a fellow of the American Enterprise Institute (quite
representative of the tortured and factually incorrect so-called reasoning
produced by the mouth pieces housed there and fed by the corporate big
shots who subsidize this outfit), a former speech writer for Bush (he
claims to have coined the “axis of evil” phrase) by the name of David
Frum. His article, “Mutually
Assured Disruption” (New York Times op ed page, 10-10-2006)
purports to present a plan for what should be done as a response to the
recent nuclear test by North Korea.
Frum gives four major proposals that he thinks, if adopted, will further
American interests. By “American interests” he means those of the
military-industrial complex. All four of these suggestions would seriously
hurt the interests of the vast majority of the American people as well as
those of the people who live in the Pacific area. I hope to demonstrate
that all of his proposals are not only dumb, but would be disastrous. You
can then judge if this is the type of person who should be writing
speeches for, or being listened to by, the Bush administration. But I
should note, while Frum denies it, that he was reportedly fired by the
White House.
Frum says the nuclear test “signals the catastrophic collapse of a dozen
years of American policy.” This is not true. It only represents six years
of American policy: the six years that the Bush administration has been in
charge. During the last six years of the Clinton administration a deal
was being worked out that could have led to North Korea giving up its
nuclear weapons program in return for a normalization of relations and a
promise of a no first strike policy. Bush broke off contact and refused to
deal with the North. It was his macho Texas tough guy attitude that has
brought about the current situation.
Frum says that the US has three strategic goals to achieve since the North
has gone nuclear. They are: First, to see that Japan and South Korea have
"enhanced security" since they are most threatened by North Korea. Well,
the best way to do that, I think, is for the US to withdraw from the area,
quit grandstanding its "axis of evil" rhetoric and threatening preemptive
war and first strike policies. The North is only interested in deterrence
and self-defense. The only war hoops and hostile talk is coming from the
Bush Administration. If the US withdrew, the North could reach a working
accommodation with Japan and the South unless, that is, Japan and the US
have a secret agenda to remilitarize Japan so it can play the role of
cat's paw in the region for US imperialism.
Second, "to exact a price from North Korea" so we can "frighten Iran" and
other countries that don't do our bidding. Frum uses the term "rogue
regimes" for countries which still think they can act independently of US
desires. This sound like a great idea. Lets forget all about a rational
negotiated settlement. Iran will decide to abandon its nuclear program
(there is no definite evidence it is making a weapon, who would believe
anything the CIA said anyway after the Iraq WMD boloney) if we just scare
the pants off of them. It would not dawn on them that having a nuclear
weapon might get the US to tone down. I'm beginning to understand why
someone at the White House got Frum fired. But Bush just might take this
self-defeating advice anyway.
Third, we should "punish China." Oh boy! They don't have nuclear weapons
yet do they? Its China's fault that the North tested its bomb. The North
(puppet that is) would never have made that test if China "had strongly
opposed it." So, since its really all China's fault we should make it pay;
we will see how later. After China gets what it deserves, we will have the
added satisfaction of making the Russians worry about what will happen to
them if they get too cozy with Iran. Also Pakistan will think twice before
giving a bomb to Saudi Arabia or Egypt. I think Bellevue rather than the
AEI is a more suitable venue for Frum's theorizing.
Here are the four actions the US should take to implement these strategic
goals. Frum calls them "swift policy responses." Their implementation
would completely isolate us from the entire civilized world, make us
laughing stocks (as most of the world already thinks AEI fellows are), and
make the chances of our surviving to the 22nd Century slimmer than it now
appears. First action: "Step up the development and deployment of existing
missile defense systems." This action is just an excuse to get the
government to dump billions of dollars to the "defense" industry. These
systems don't work. All the real tests of these systems failed so rigged
tests had to be substituted. Despite this these programs are kept alive
just as an excuse to pour more money into the military-industrial complex
and some of the sponsors of the AEI.
Second action: "End humanitarian aid to North Korea and pressure South
Korea to do the same." Even the author subconsciously knows this is a dumb
idea (otherwise we would not have to "pressure" South Korea). It is also
immoral to make the civilian population (old people, children, etc.,)
suffer because we don't like what their government does. Such actions make
us look petty and mean spirited (which we happen to be anyway) and will
accomplish nothing as most food aid, etc., come from China. Frum thinks we
should make China foot the whole aid bill since the North is their "client
state." All we will do is get China mad at us unnecessarily because the
North doesn't take orders from China.
Third action: "Invite Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and
Singapore to join NATO -- and even invite Taiwan to send observers to NATO
meetings." This will really lessen the tensions in the region! "Perhaps,"
Frum writes, "North Korea and China imagine that the nuclear test has
tilted the strategic balance in the Pacific in their favors."
This third action will show them! Is Frum
nuts? Here he is saying China was in cahoots with the North and its test.
Nonsense. The Chinese don't want nuclear weapons spreading anymore than we
do. And this test, estimated to be 1/60th the power of the Hiroshima bomb,
looks like it might even have been a dud. No one in their right mind
thinks it "has tilted the strategic balance in the Pacific."
Fourth action: "Encourage Japan to renounce the Nuclear Nonproliferation
Treaty and create its own nuclear deterrent." This is the best way, of
course, to get North Korea to abandon its weapons program -- by having the
Japanese build a nuclear weapon. You want a "tilt" in the Pacific? How
will China react to the US teaming up with Japan to get the latter into
the "nuclear club." We are lucky Frum got fired by the White House. Bush
has enough bad advice already.
Thomas Riggins is the book review
editor for
Political Affairs and can be reached at
Other Articles by Thomas
the Grain: Safire's Hollow Musings
* Against
the Grain: Kerry and Evil (online)
* The
Verala Project and the CIA
* 128,000
Reasons to Defeat Bush