prosecutor investigating the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson
has secured at least one indictment in the case from a majority of the 23 grand
jurors, lawyers and intelligence officials close to the case said Wednesday.
The final outcome of Special Prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald's 22-month federal probe is expected to end Friday with indictments
of White House officials. The situation remains fluid, however, and several new
scenarios have developed over the past 48 hours that could delay an
announcement, lawyers close to the probe said late Wednesday.
Rumors swirled Wednesday afternoon that Fitzgerald was going to seek an
extension of the grand jury, which expires Friday. That scenario now seems
highly unlikely, sources close to the case said.
However, intelligence officials and those familiar with the case have indicated
that Fitzgerald could convene a new grand jury to investigate forged documents
used by the Bush Administration that purported to show Iraq was seeking to buy
uranium from Niger.
The Chicago-based prosecutor has obtained new information from officials
targeted in the leak probe, who are now interested in entering into plea
discussions, they added.
Fitzgerald intended to announce that he had secured indictments against I. Lewis
"Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, and Karl Rove,
President Bush's deputy chief of staff, Wednesday afternoon as well as two
people who work outside of the administration, those close to the case said.
But his office was contacted late Tuesday by attorneys representing figures
outside the White House, lawyers said, who expressed interest in entering into
plea talks with the prosecutor. Several have agreed to enter into last-minute
plea negotiations with Fitzgerald in exchange for providing testimony that could
result in criminal charges being brought against additional officials inside the
White House, they added.
Rove was offered a deal when his lawyer met with Fitzgerald Tuesday, but did not
accept, the sources said. Fitzgerald has sought indictments to charge Rove with
perjury and obstruction of justice, they asserted.
An eleventh-hour deal could help Fitzgerald "build a strong case against some
very senior officials in the office of the vice president," one attorney said.
"Mr. Fitzgerald is extremely thorough," the lawyer remarked. "He had
advised Judge [Thomas F.] Hogan more than two weeks ago that there was a strong
possibility that some defendants may be inclined to cooperate at the last
Fitzgerald's spokesman, Randall Samborn, told Dissident Voice he could
not comment on the latest news because it has not been made public.
"I'm sorry," Samborn said. "I cannot offer you any guidance on this."
The sources would not identify the names or the number of people now considering
providing Fitzgerald with testimony against other individuals targeted in the
Jason Leopold has written about corporate
malfeasance for The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times,
The Nation, The San Francisco Chronicle, and numerous other national
and international publications. He is the author of the explosive memoir,
News Junkie, to be released in the spring of 2006 by Process/Feral House
Books. Visit Leopold's website at
for updates. © 2005 Jason Leopold

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