Bobcats in a Brave New World |
“Preserving liberty may require the rule of a single leader -- a dictator -- willing to use those dreaded ‘extraordinary measures,’ which few know how, or are willing to employ.” -- Michael Ledeen
“You can't hold him,” Bernie said. “You can't turn him loose. All you can do is jump up and down and run around in circles with your hands around his neck and hope you can choke him to death before he tears you to pieces.” And that's just in Iraq. We've got miles to go before we sleep in a brand New World. There we are, sandwiched between a gigantic Iran and a tiny Syria, both of whom have been warned that they're next on George Bush's list of countries to receive his gift of freedom and democracy. Will Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yell, “Hold the Mayo!” and take a bite out of Bush's ass, or will he back off in an effort to salvage his standing with the European Union that was badly damaged as a result of his “Wipe Israel off the map” comment? I suspect the answer to that will be up to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who appears to be Ahmadinejad's “Cheney”, or controller, and who said shortly after the Israel remarks, “We will not commit aggression towards any nations...” Khamenei then added a veiled warning to the New Worlders: “But if the power-seekers of the world -- out of habit -- want to infringe our nation's rights, it will not tolerate oppression by anyone or any powers.” Unfortunately, Bush doesn't respond well to warnings, threats, challenges, suggestions, or even questions. So, with more bobcats circling and all that blood splattering around, it's hard not to look back at the Old World Order with more than a bit of longing. But Bernie says it's too late for that. “The Old World is gone, and good riddance,” he said. “It's a sore that began festering on Reagan's watch with behind-the-scenes atrocities, undercover drug trafficking, assassinations, death squads and the chipping away of the ethical foundation of our democracy. It's come to a head now, spewing out the same old Reagan-era mass murderers, and they don't intend to leave.” “This time around,” Bernie said, “they're not working undercover. They've abandoned all pretense of morality. They're in our faces -- in every critical position in this government -- put in place to create the madness, cruelty, torture, and massive genocide that will form the foundation of their World. And destroy ours.”
The New World Order
looks good on paper,
but it is based on the theory that leaders of nations
throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East will recognize the futility of
challenging the massive power of the US military and will passively hand
over their resources, their treasures, their governments, their cultures
and their gods, and will eagerly accept the gift of freedom and democracy
that comes with US control. Most Americans are familiar with the phrase, “New World Order.” It's been out there for so long it's almost passé. Besides, what's wrong with being Number One? What's a few regime changes between friends? Few realize that the “noble” cause for which 2,080 Americans have lost their lives is nothing but maximization of profits -- a war for global financial and military industrial domination. As the incomparable Mary McGrory said, the United States “is the SUV of nations. It hogs the road and guzzles the gas and periodically has to run over something -- like another country -- to get to its Middle Eastern filling station.” Does no one ever wonder what life will be like in the New World Order? As far back as 1987, Republican Senator Jesse Helms was raising the alarm on the floor of the Senate – “This campaign against the American people -- against traditional American culture and values -- is systematic psychological warfare.” He warned about insiders such as Wolfowitz and Richard Perle directing foreign policy...” The influence of establishment insiders over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time,” Helms said. “...It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.” (emphasis added) There's nothing wrong with psychological operations (PSYOP). It's a weapon as old as war itself; a critical force multiplier that has been used throughout history to intimidate an enemy so that he will either surrender prior to conflict or throw in the towel before he is wiped out. But in the grotesque new world of Cheney and Rumsfeld, PSYOP is a savage, insensate world of chaos, anger and hate. It's a world of abuse, murder, degradation, assassination, secret hidden torture camps where PSYOP has mutated into full-blown “Psycho” operations. From Guantanamo Bay to Abu Ghraib to the remote mountains of Afghanistan, Rumsfeld's Psycho Raiders are on the move -- abusing, torturing, and murdering all those who dare resist occupation. Men, women, children -- it doesn't matter. If it pleads, it bleeds. At the same time, the Bush administration and its complicit corporate media are using PSYCHO-OP with spectacular success against the American people by relying on fear to impel them to accept an increasingly fascist regime rather than physically beating them into submission. We are entering a new world, one of informants and secret police and torture. It's a Machiavellian world where the end justifies the means. As Ledeen wrote in his 1999 book, Machiavelli on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli's Iron Rules Are as Timely and Important Today as Five Centuries Ago, “There are several circumstances in which good leaders are likely to have to enter into evil: whenever the very existence of the nation is threatened; when the state is first created or revolutionary change is to be accomplished; when removing an evil tyrant; and when the society becomes corrupt and must be restored to virtue...” In Katherine Yurica's April 7, 2005 report, “Everything You Need to Know About Michael Ledeen,” Yurica quotes Ledeen as he clearly lays out a roadmap denizens of the world will be compelled to follow in the new order. Ledeen, Karl Rove's full-time adviser and Pat Robertson's best friend, says the religion within that order will be that of evangelical Christianity. “Good religion teaches men that politics is the most important enterprise in the eyes of God. Like Moses, Machiavelli wants the law of his state to be seen, and therefore obeyed, as divinely ordered,” Ledeen wrote. “The combination of fear of God and fear of punishment -- duly carried out with good arms -- provides the necessary discipline for good government.” Bernie says Americans have been “psycho-opped” upside the head by guys like Ledeen, Cheney and Rumsfeld until we are senseless. “Somebody oughta tell that creepy Ledeen guy that this isn't Machiavelli’s “state”, and that love and compassion will trump politics in the eyes of God -- every time! “Where are the freaking Christians?” Bernie bellowed as he headed for the door. Somebody oughta tell that bunch of jackals over at the Pentagon's Murder, Inc. that our founding fathers gave us the necessary discipline for good government -- it's called the US Constitution...” Bernie's right. We are the bobcats now. Cheney and Rumsfeld may ultimately force us into the madness of their world, but it will be after the race -- and then after the damndest fight they ever saw. Because in a sane world, only a crazy person would try to baptize a bobcat... Sheila Samples is an Oklahoma writer and a former civilian US Army Public Information Officer. You can email her at: Other Articles by Sheila Samples *
Hey Harkavy!