like to think of myself as a trusting person, one who would never dream of
assigning nefarious motives to even the most casual and untested of my
acquaintances. As a result, I believe I tend to inspire similar confidence
on the part of others. Just recently, in fact, I was personally contacted
(via e-mail) by the wife of a Nigerian diplomat caught in the middle of an
African coup d'etat. Even though we’ve never actually met, she generously
invited me to assist her in a complex monetary transaction involving
several international banks, billions in foreign currency, a long-lost
diamond mine, and the temporary use of my American Express Card. Yes, I
do get a warm feeling just knowing how much this poor distressed woman
appreciates my help, but believe me, the $2,500 finders fee I’ll be
getting in the mail next year really sweetens the deal from my
Likewise, when my new postman asked me the
other day for one of my house keys so he could save me the trouble of
having to feed my goldfish, I said “Why not?” After all, I was already
planning to have one made for Lester, the 37 year-old man down the street
who mows my lawn, raises snakes, and lives with his parents, so how much
more expensive could two keys be than one?
You see, Joe (that’s my new mailman) was
just explaining to me how the U.S. Postal Service recently became a
subsidiary of the Department of Homeland Security, and how, since he’s got
to be at my house to deliver the mail anyway, it’s really no extra
trouble for him to come in and inspect my personal computer on a daily
basis while I’m at work. That way, we can both make sure that al Qaeda,
Greenpeace, and the Quakers aren’t spying on me, which takes a huge load
off my mind. Now, when I arrive home every day at 5:30, my fish have been
fed, my computer’s been checked for suspicious activity, and every piece
of my mail has been neatly arranged on the dining room table, even the
ones accidentally steamed open and resealed with duct tape. I tell you,
that Joe’s a real Godsend; I don’t know what I’d do without him…
Anyway, having a full-service postman like
Joe not only saves me the inconvenience of receiving mail from the wrong
people, it also prevents me from getting my mail at the wrong
time. Let me explain.
The other day, I got a letter from an
activist organization I joined back in 2000, a group by the name of
www.moveonpleasetheresnothingtoseehere.org. That’s not unusual,
of course, since I get letters and e-mails from all kinds of political
parties on a regular basis asking for money to fight corruption and
dishonesty in government. I always send them cash in the mail (you know,
whatever I can afford) and I always tell Joe, so he can make sure the
money gets to where it’s supposed to.) The strange thing about this
particular letter is that it was postmarked November 13, 2006. That’s
right, I got a letter from the future! My hands were literally
shaking with excitement as I ripped open the envelope and read the
following message…
moveonpleasetheresnothingtoseehere.org member:
Given the generally disappointing
results of last week’s 2006 midterm elections, we recognize that the
natural inclination on the part of Democratic voters is to indulge
in a sort of helpless malaise and perhaps even a fatalistic form of
depression. Some of us may sink into thoughts of “Why do I even
bother to participate in the system?” Still others will succumb to
wild conspiracy theories and unfounded speculation about the
supposed “unreliability” of the machines that count our votes. All
of this is to be expected, of course. But we must not let this sort
of “sour grapes” defeatist thinking prevent us from participating in
the important work that now confronts us. It’s time for all of us
progressives to put the disappointments of the past behind us where
they belong, and resume the hard work of building a better future
for ourselves and our children.
Regarding how we Democrats somehow
came up short again on November 7, there appears to have been no
single cause for the spate of defeats sustained by Democratic
candidates in Congressional and Senate campaigns around the country.
Rather, it seems to have been the result of an unfortunate
convergence of utterly inexplicable random events. And while the
political pundits are sure to be picking over the bones of this
election for months (if not years), we here at
have some preliminary observations to share with you regarding a few
of the more controversial races.
In Pennsylvania, for instance, where
late tracking polls showed incumbent Republican Senator Rick
Sanctimonium trailing his democratic opponent by a whopping 26% (and
election day exit polling had him down by an even larger 32%), he
somehow managed to squeak out a narrow 53 to 47 percent victory.
Republican strategist Karl Bove (who is expected to be indicted any
day now on four counts of murder and kidnapping for his part in a
daring daylight robbery of Fort Knox back in June) attributes this
surprise result to an under-the-radar stealth campaign which turned
out an impressive 17 million previously unregistered Amish voters in
Lancaster County. Bove especially credits Senator Sanctimonium’s
decision to stimulate Amish participation by means of a
well-publicized ballot initiative proposing that marriage be defined
as a union between “one human being and other”, thereby preventing
members of different species from entering into holy matrimony in
the State of Pennsylvania.
In Northern California, Republican
Congressmen Don Lung-rend and Jan Loo-diddle had been thought to be
particularly vulnerable this election cycle, due to the release of
an incriminating videotape depicting the two of them at the National
Archives after hours, tearing original copies of the Constitution
and Bill of Rights into thin strips and using them to construct a
papier-mâché piñata shaped like the Statue of Liberty and filled
with gold Krugerrands for use at a GOP fundraiser. While these
difficulties did necessitate their having to dig deeply into their
personal campaign war chests for actual campaign expenditures, in
the end they easily managed to outspend their opponents by a factor
of 16 to 1. In fact, each of them was able to purchase an additional
75 “Ebony Edition” Diebold touch screen vote tabulators and present
them to California Secretary of State Bruce MacPhearphactor, saving
the taxpayers of the state a hefty 12.6 million dollars. These
machines were subsequently distributed by the Secretary of State in
the African-American neighborhoods where they were most needed:
Inglewood, Compton, and the Fillmore District of San Francisco. For
Republican Congressional candidates up and down the state (including
Lung-rend and Loo-Diddle), the margin of victory was a consistently
narrow (but decisive) 53% to 47%.
In a related story, Governor Arnold
Schwarzenherzen staged one of the most remarkable political
comebacks in recent history last Tuesday. Having thoroughly
alienated California nurses, teachers, firemen, police officers,
college students, vegetarians, Catholics, fast-food restaurant
employees, Jews, teamsters, immigrants, disabled pet-owners, and
most people named “Bob,” the Governor was not expected to bounce
back from his single-digit approval ratings. Here again, Karl Bove
was a significant factor, as he was able to tap into another
“sleeper” population of Republican voters, in this case a
subterranean colony of semi-blind, root-devouring Mormon mole-people
living in a network of tunnels underneath the Mojave Desert. Even
so, according to early returns, Schwarzenherzen looked as though he
would still come up short, when a late surge in absentee ballots
from Disneyland’s Toon Town brought the Governor a razor-thin edge
in the final tally: 51% to 49%. (Correction -- an eleventh hour
recount requested by the Democratic Gubernatorial candidate resulted
in an additional two percent shift toward the incumbent.
Schwarzenherzen’s official totals now reflect a 53% to 47% win for
the Governor.)
But perhaps the most disappointing
results of the night for Democrats occurred in Florida, where former
Secretary of State Slatherine Bareass defeated both the Republican
and Democratic candidates with her block of 53 votes to their
combined total of 47 (all of the other 8,000,000 voters in the state
having been purged from the rolls as convicted felons by Mistress
Bareass’s good friends at Choice Point). Even now, our crack team of
election lawyers is engaged in the process of checking those 8
million names to see if any of them were deleted from the voter
rolls mistakenly. We expect a full report from them sometime in late
March 2007.
In the meantime, we here at
desperately need your financial contributions to keep up our valiant
efforts to hold the Republican controlled Congress, White House and
Supreme Court responsible for its reprehensible policies. So please
send a check for whatever you can afford (or cash, if Joe is your
mailman). Thank you for your unwavering support. |
No sooner had I finished perusing this
remarkable document than my good friend Joe arrived with a new carton of
fish food. He apologized for the mix up, took the letter from me
immediately, resealed it in its original envelope, and told me that as
soon as he got back to the Post Office he would deposit it safely in the
Homeland Security Time-Travel Machine where it would be temporarily
dematerialized back into the time-space continuum. Thank God for Joe…
Mark W. Bradley
is a schoolteacher and political satirist in Sacramento, California. He
can be contacted at:
Other Articles by Mark W.
Donald in
* The
Do-it-Yourself Online Presidential Leadership Quiz
* The Windbag
in the Willows: How Christopher Rabbit Lost His Stones
* The Holy
Messiah Speaks to His Congressional Fan Club
* Throwing
Junkballs to the Snake Oil Salesman
* Teaching
Science in an Anti-Empirical Empire
* Teaching
the Constitution in a Post-Democratic America
* Adventures
in American Theocracy: (Part 2) Heretics and Liberals
Adventures in American Theocracy: (Part 1) The Pequot War